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Thanks for that Louis, I thought it looked good, it's only advertised on their site (and in store) as a package starting at £499 so I'm glad I asked them! New stock arriving on Wednesday so I think I'll go for it.


And there's no way I'll take an extended warranty on anything, with you on that!

Edited by MikeO
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The E4500 cpu chips are @ 2.2Ghz.


Have used them in a cple I have knocked up recently ( past few months) for Vix family etc & slapped in a cple Gb o Ram just like this 1 offered.


the new core 2's Piss All over the older gen Big end chips.


I was more than very happy with how my V8 self built job performs.


However upon playing with the newbies....Yep I wants one :)


You should be pretty pleased with performance Mike.

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Up and running :D . Still got a bit of file tansfer to do and I need a new CD to get the wireless drivers working (old one's incompatible with Vista), also had to put in a firewire input card (first time I've done anything like that), but it's looking good B) .

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suposedly a Vista driver (Glitch) Issue Cd been put out by Microsoft.


It is also allegedly free from microock or reputible suppliers of pc parts etc (good luck finding a reputible charloten).


Im a bit of a stickler & like Xp Pro, but will no doubt cross the great divide to Vista eventually.


sounds like Vista is becoming more user firendly though & ule enjoy the new system Mike.


( had a mate who rushed out uno day 1 of release I have to have it, built a super doooper pc, high end Gfx cards all the bells n whistles Only for Vista to go No fukin way pal, im not playin the game...LOL - we had early release @ work & I didnt mind it though)

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First post on the new toy. CD to fix the drivers came this am and worked after a little persuasion :) . Used Vista a bit Pat as Josh's laptop uses it....still find XP more user friendly but that may just be familiarity. Drivers for my printer were pre-installed fortunately. Next thing is to download itunes and get me music back up and running.


PS Graphics on the one game we tried on here last night (LOTR Battle for Middle Earth) are completely gob smackingly better than before. Impressed so far ;) .

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Pat, i have a Question.


On a game i play now and Again called Counter Strike (on Steam)

when in game Sumtimes when i throw a Grenade and it explodes i get a bit Black Patch come up where the explosion should be and i cant see anything behind it (Meaning i should see the explosion and should be able to see the People behind the GRenade explosion but i just see a black patch, and also When im on a Map That has snow falling, the Snow is just Black dots and i cant see behind them as i should be able to see normal as they shouldnt affect my View. Any ideas Why?


My computer aint that bad so i dont think that it is the Problem, >>>>LINK<<<<

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What's the best way to clear everything off my old PC? Not decided what I'm going to do with it yet (sell, donate, destroy) but whatever I need to set it back to it's original settings. I made a recovery disc which I've still got.....any pointers on the best way to do it? There's software for sale or free but all the ones I've looked at have iffy reviews. Ta.

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I'm not that technical when it comes to the intricacies of PCs But i cleared an old one of mine by going to the Control Panel, Add or Remove Programmes and removed them all. Took me about Half an Hour, but whatever your using ( IE or FIREFOX ) make sure you leave till the end or you come to a grinding halt.

You can just open it up, remove the Hard drive and dispose of it however you like.


Probably LOUIS or PAT will be your best bet for info.

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Depends what you're trying to hide Mike.. if it's naughty burn the hard drive :thumbsup_still:


If you have a real windows disc, format the hard drive and install Windows again.


Financial stuff mostly Louis...that and the donkey porn Mac keeps sending me :unsure: .


Would the recovery discs have backed up Windows (I don't have a separate disc)? If so how do I format?

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Mike depends if you wanna play the factory settings game, or nuke it to ure own specific style of set up. Let me no, can help ya thru etc mate.

Have cleaned the poiosn out of many an Acer, compaq, dell & Hp :)


Jacko I would suss out some serious Gamers on that issue mate, never been a gamer & im really too old 2 start now.


Though it sounds symptomatic, of either Gfx letting u down, Not enuff memory , or processing deficinacy ( though us ay Pc is pretty good, so would imag is not a proc prob)


However, it could be either a, b or c....but then it could be a combo of a, b & c. :)


Edit Just looked @ ure specs Jacko, by rights u should be ok -> is it a Rom driven game Cd etc ? or an online game ?

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Mate im thinking net speed, or that the game has glitches ?


Honestly, I would hunt down some serious gamers & suss them out about similar probs etc.


Mike any time ure ready, drop us a line so too speak :) ( knock up a fireproof quick tute or sumfin)

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