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Had to change brand's. I realise there is no association but name, however when shaving the other day with my Gillette I cut myself & bled RED.


Cant be having that.



Im now using a German brand that sounds like slick.


Much Better.

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when shaving the other day with my Gillette I cut myself & bled RED.


Must've been a faulty blade :o . People keep buying me expensive four and five bladed jobs for Christmas and birthdays but I always go back to the cheap throw aways...just work better for me.

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:hairy: im very sensitive round the old neck area, but now i use the Gillette Fusion Power Turbo Mach Ten thingy, its the best razor ive ever used! an with a splodge of Loreal (coz im worth it) men expert shaving foam, im fresh as a daisy! (or should that be pansy?) :wub:

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I use mac 3 of the other one that has the button you press to get the blades or whatever to vibrate.


I have always wants to have a cut-throat shave and have decided that I am going to have one if I can find one where I live on my wedding day in September

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I can blunt a disposable razor in 2 strokes and to look at my growth looks poor, work that out!


Its the new gillette one for me with the 4 blades, always ysed a mac 3 but the new one is the bollocks. Cant be doing with all this vibrating shite tho does anyone use them and actually like them?


Leave the battery opperated toys for the missus thats what I say ;)

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I'm with bluenose on this, I can get 10 Disposable bic razors for 99 pence, i never cut myself and each razor gives me about 6 Good shaves, = 60 shaves for 99 pence.


How much is one of those Mach 3 or 4 things ? and whats the point of having three blades going over the same place as the first one, which has already taken any face hair off. :rolleyes: Daft buggers, paying through the nose for the GILLETTE name, no wonder he can afford to buy a footy Club. :D

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hahaha :lol:


whats the point of the vibrating razor blades. do they actually do anything other than vibrate


its not the vibrating that does much, but because it vibrates it stimulates the hair, sort of making them stand on end, then you get a closer shave.


nothing but the vibro touches my face now!

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I'm with bluenose on this, I can get 10 Disposable bic razors for 99 pence, i never cut myself and each razor gives me about 6 Good shaves, = 60 shaves for 99 pence.


How much is one of those Mach 3 or 4 things ? and whats the point of having three blades going over the same place as the first one, which has already taken any face hair off. :rolleyes: Daft buggers, paying through the nose for the GILLETTE name, no wonder he can afford to buy a footy Club. :D


If I use a disposable Bill you can tell which side of my face I started on, one side will be clean and the other red raw and covered in spots!


I dont pay for the brand name trust me I'v tried everything I even go through the shinannigans of moisturising my face before soaking my face in hot water, massaging in shaving oil before shaving with the smallest strokes in exactly the same direction as growth before washing with cold water and repeatedly moisturising my face post shave. I still end up with sensitive areas and a neck / under chin area which looks like I'v just escaped from the gallows and spends the rest of the next 24 hours sprouting little painfull spots :(


I fuckin hate shaving I'v got a Phillishave too which leaves me in pain for days which is why 99% of the time you will find me with a slight growth because I cant beat the sensitivity of my skin!!

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I sympathise with you Liam, shaving every day is a bastard at the best of times, but having to shave with all your probs is ten times worse. Have you tried the orange BIC as opposed to the white ones, which are for sensitive skin. ?


I must be one of the lucky ones, cos i have only ever used ordinary Dove soap which gives me a fair amount of creamy lather, and washes my face at the same time. :D

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I'm also in the Mac 3 vibrating gang. Although, I've got a load of disposables ones which I have to use at the moment and tbh you get used to them but don't like shaving with them every day.


I have a big problem with that Fusion blade. The advert annoys the crap out of me for these reasons.


"miracle of fusion, revolutionary technology and a unique idea". Over hyped or what, it only has 2 extra blades and another one on the back to trim. Is it just me or have I missed something here? Where is the miracle? The revolutionary technology? Or even the unique idea? Loads of people say that there needs to be a trimmer blade on razors, hardly any of those three things it claimed to be is it?

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