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I would love to be able to put Iraq behind me, but owing to certain experiences during the 1st Gulf War, it is an impossibility.


Many good men have died there in an attempt to bring peace to troubled and poorly led people. Personally, I take a small measure of comfort from the fact the man is finally dead, but it is a matter of 15 years too late.


We were initially sent to remove Iraqi forces of occupation from Kuwait, and the UN resolusions stopped at a fairly non-specific line. We had the impetus and the moral excuse to continue and remove the man from power with overwhelming force, but it wasn't to be.


So many deaths since the 90/91 could have been avoided, it is just a little difficult for me to raise a smile.





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Its never nice to see a life end...however, I think this is the exception to the rule. He caused misery, chaos, pain and upset for so long and thought that he was above the law and was untouchable.


The only downside is that the families of those tortured, murdered and dumped in mass graves may never find out exactly where their loved ones are - however at least they will be able to live a free life themselves now that this truely evil person has departed.

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Hmmm, okay.


Anyway, while the western news agencies mull over whether to show what happened, here is the latest from the Arabian channels. This clip shows Saddam in a white shroud after being executed earlier today.


Click here to watch. It is nothing gruesome or twisted, but this is the real thing apparently. Only click if you want to watch!



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Well, there is a leaked camera phone recording of the whole execution.


I have just watched it, and it is available widely on the internet, however that version does not really show much.


It opens with Saddam being shown to an elevated stage. There is then some sort of reading, possibly the right and reason of hanging, then the noise and a quick glimpse of Saddam falling throught the trap door, then the screen goes blank. It continues for about half a minute until a few 'strobe' photographic flash type lighting gives very quick images of Saddam swinging (and not in the way which his wife would probably have enjoyed!)


It is available on www.filecabi.net if anybody wants to see it...however, I am not going to be posting a direct link in case anybody 'accidentally' clicks on it.



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well i never thought there was anything too wrong ... just america being cocks


alright he murdered people, but so did george bush but he's stil lalive and causign more damage than good


Sorry mate, but Bush is an ill informed prick who still has to check with the UN to carry out his scatty idea's. Sadam was an evil piece of filth, any doubts?, ask the Kurds.





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Just seen the tv.. this video is being criticised as it shows Saddam being goaded by his executioners (they are chanting someones name who is an Iraqi militiant), Saddam says "go to hell" and one of executioner says "that's where you going". the trapdoor is then opened. Btw... that's serious. not joking.

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well sadly this execution is going to be shown by Bush as some kind of symbol for peace in Iraq. Which is an complete joke, as it is no doub going to cause more mass brawls, riots and death.


Controversial, but Iraq was alot safer for the people when Saddam was there, the groups were kept in line, but now there is no control. Dont get me wrong, i know Saddam was an evil man and deserved to die, but WE put him there, we were happy to let him stay there and kill people until it suited us.


You cant fight terrorism with war, war is terrorism.

Edited by adamcoffey
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exactly mate...spot on


innocent people have lost their lives because of both bush and sadam... but atleast people in their homes were safer


now theres war, rebellions and still people who supported sadam ...


at the end of the day it was none of americas business... and although some sort of intervention may have been necessary, theyve gone about it terribly and as you say you cant fight terrorism with war, because right now millions of innocent iraqis are gettin terrorised and for what?

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To my mind, when we (humanity) all argue and fight over shit like this, I compare it to flea's fighting as to who owns the dog they live on.


Well put Mac...think about the only thing that would make the magnificently insignificant human race put all this crap aside would be an alien invasion, then maybe we'd realise the futility of it all. Could even be a rich Martian to invest in the Blues :lol: !

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The rich martian's would prob dupe us Mike & Earth would make way for an Intergalalctic highway.


Oh well - Progress.


On The witch - Oddly I felt very little emotion, either for or against & just felt for the poor prix [both civillian & Military] over there trying to get on with daily life getting there asses blown up everday.


As one doubts it will improve in a hurry.

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