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2 hours ago, Matt said:

These aren't stupid people I'm talking about, they're very kind and intelligent people. But they buy the horseshit because there's been a careful divide created over their lifetime and in the last couple of years Fox News has gone out of their way to create this divide further for their own gain; the more there's a divide,

Provide any replicable study that can demonstrate this phenomenon you describe here is actually a thing. Just one.

I've said i before and I'll keep saying it, this is the social/political science version of flat earth theory/climate change denial.


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25 minutes ago, Chach said:

Read my first post, its WWE for low information people with a conservative bias. Identifying that and then making causal links that can't be established with any actual data is just a different kind of low information analysis that doesn't really add anything to the conversation.

It's just left wing liberals wanting to feel informed about the situation rather than getting informed about wtf is actually going on. Two sides of the same very basic coin. 


Your WWE comparison is true for some but not all, it’s a blanket statement with nothing to back it up with. Im not going to waste time searching for a study when I’ve got first hand experience and that you’d just dismiss out of hand. Plus a replicable study would take decades so it’s entirely pointless discussing further. 

For what it’s worth, Fox News / Daily Mail / etc and the likes of The Guardian / Independent are one in the same to me; extreme bias preying on people to divide the population further. 

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10 hours ago, Chach said:

If you watched Fox News do you think you would be swayed by their agenda?

If not, why do you think that is?


2 hours ago, Chach said:

Read my first post, its WWE for low information people with a conservative bias. Identifying that and then making causal links that can't be established with any actual data is just a different kind of low information analysis that doesn't really add anything to the conversation.

It's just left wing liberals wanting to feel informed about the situation rather than getting informed about wtf is actually going on. Two sides of the same very basic coin. 


I do watch Fox News. I'm from the South; it's everywhere here. It's the  main news source for people in my area and the surrounding ones.

The bold above is why I'm not swayed. 

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One thing I’ll thank you for (and pretty pissed off with you for ruining comedy for me) with this discussion Chach, is confirming what I’ve been thinking about about how shows like John Oliver, Colbert, Fallon et al are also fundamentally biased. Though at least I’ve always taken them as comedy, as they declare themselves as, and not “fair and balanced”.

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2 hours ago, Matt said:

I wonder if he’ll get done for manslaughter if people die from “treating” themselves like that. 

He's teflon. He'd probably do a big press conference condemning them for committing suicide and now their souls would rest in purgatory, and his worshipers would lap it up and spread the message.

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On 24/04/2020 at 19:33, Matt said:

Your WWE comparison is true for some but not all, it’s a blanket statement with nothing to back it up with. Im not going to waste time searching for a study when I’ve got first hand experience and that you’d just dismiss out of hand. Plus a replicable study would take decades so it’s entirely pointless discussing further. 

For what it’s worth, Fox News / Daily Mail / etc and the likes of The Guardian / Independent are one in the same to me; extreme bias preying on people to divide the population further. 

Holy fuck mate you are just getting worse and worse and ironically proving my point, you have your intuitions and you're not interested in looking at any evidence that contradicts it, exactly like Trump voters. You've been presented with mountain of good analysis/data by experts in the field but then declare you're going to stick with your n of 1 anecdotes.

What your are actually proposing is a blank slate view of humanity which has been debunked to death, explains nothing about anything. If you dig down to the actual reasons of our current political discord they actually explain quite lot, not only that but you also see it parallels with history which you are doomed to repeat if you ignore it.

Try and explain the US Civil War, or Reagan and Thatcher with your "biased media preying on people" hypothesis, see how far you get.

Edit: if you want a bigger than N of 1 but still not scientific example of how things get polarised with no one giving an inch and descending into uncivilised behaviour you need only go and have a look at the Brexit/GE whatever thread.

Read the first few pages and see how reasonable everyones position is and contrast it with the end of the thread.

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On 24/04/2020 at 21:38, Sibdane said:


I do watch Fox News. I'm from the South; it's everywhere here. It's the  main news source for people in my area and the surrounding ones.

The bold above is why I'm not swayed. 

Is there any other other states in play in your opinion other than Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio (seems unlikely) Penn and Florida?

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3 hours ago, MikeO said:

To be fair whether he meant it or not isn’t really the issue, surely the issue should be how the fuck are there so many idiots roaming free in the USA. 
The land of the free when in reality some need locking up for there own safety, I find it difficult to comprehend that right minded people could consider drinking or injecting disinfectant. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

To be fair whether he meant it or not isn’t really the issue, surely the issue should be how the fuck are there so many idiots roaming free in the USA. 
The land of the free when in reality some need locking up for there own safety, I find it difficult to comprehend that right minded people could consider drinking or injecting disinfectant. 

I disagree. Every country has people with mental health issues and learning disabilities (the US even elected one of them to be president) who'll take the words of people they trust literally.

I think it was inevitable in a country of more than 300 million that a few would act on what he said; half the country buy into the infantile, narcissistic rhetoric he spouts (and tweets) daily after all. Most of those aren't sufficiently lacking in mental capacity to actually experiment with disinfectant but plainly some sadly are.

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14 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I disagree. Every country has people with mental health issues and learning disabilities (the US even elected one of them to be president) who'll take the words of people they trust literally.

I think it was inevitable in a country of more than 300 million that a few would act on what he said; half the country buy into the infantile, narcissistic rhetoric he spouts (and tweets) daily after all. Most of those aren't sufficiently lacking in mental capacity to actually experiment with disinfectant but plainly some sadly are.

But isn’t that worrying for a country that half the population hang on to every word he says like he’s the messiah, yet most of the world and right minded Americans see what you said.

If I lived in America I would be more concerned about the people who believe him than the man himself, there the ones who have the potential to be more dangerous to ( normal ) people than him. 
I know you would expect a few to believe the disinfectant statement and actually take it, but from what I gather there have been thousands asking for advice on what to use, for me that’s scary, and says more about a large number of Americans than him, after all we know he’s a dick. 

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41 minutes ago, Palfy said:

But isn’t that worrying for a country that half the population hang on to every word he says like he’s the messiah, yet most of the world and right minded Americans see what you said.

If I lived in America I would be more concerned about the people who believe him than the man himself, there the ones who have the potential to be more dangerous to ( normal ) people than him. 
I know you would expect a few to believe the disinfectant statement and actually take it, but from what I gather there have been thousands asking for advice on what to use, for me that’s scary, and says more about a large number of Americans than him, after all we know he’s a dick. 

I wouldn't say half of the people in the country believe him. There's half of the people that actually vote, and a lot of that half doesn't necessarily like him but stands by the party. The problem is bigger than Trump himself. Using my dad as an example, he doesn't like Trump, but he'll vote for him because he's in the party. 

The Trump "believers" are the loudest of the people in the Republican party though and do make up a big number of the party. Politicians are going to fall in line with Trump because of those types of people. Those believers are hardcore, and if Trump doesn't like you, then his followers won't vote for you. Losing those votes would pretty much doom you to fail. Sad state of politics right now. 


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