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20 hours ago, Chach said:

Not sure I've seen much "hype" about her so to speak, but do you think narrowly losing a gubernatorial campaign makes her less qualified for the VP spot somehow?

I would have thought if she won, then that would definitely would have ruled her out, historically (this time might be slightly different with the pushing 80's candidates?) it's a bit of a nothing position and largely symbolic. Like Mark said from a base mobilisation perspective she ticks a few boxes.

In Georgia, we'd never heard of her until she stood for governor. She did about as well as previous Democrats - nothing to write home about. She comes across as a bit naive and a lightweight, to be honest. We should we choosing leaders based on ability and experience, not because they tick the right boxes. Such is the age we live in, I guess: How well can we sell a brand?

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5 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

In Georgia, we'd never heard of her until she stood for governor. She did about as well as previous Democrats - nothing to write home about. She comes across as a bit naive and a lightweight, to be honest. We should we choosing leaders based on ability and experience, not because they tick the right boxes. Such is the age we live in, I guess: How well can we sell a brand?

Sorry I'm confused, do you live in Georgia? 

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33 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

Maybe, but a sizable percentage of the population will be cheering him on. I've heard this kind of bravado so many times, and it's always sickening.

I'm guessing it's because I responded to sibdane's post about rifles, but look what ad showed up on TT a few moments later...


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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

That's not good. Crazy the way we're "watched" online, scary in fact.

I can recall several examples where I've said something within range of a smartphone and, within minutes, ads show up on Facebook or Google ads that clearly depend on my spoken comments. No matter how many denials are made, there's no doubt our words are heard, processed, stored, and used for various purposes - some probably nefarious in nature.

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7 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Yes. I've lived in Georgia for almost 30 years - although I currently work each week in the New York area.

Oh right, that's why I was confused I would have thought most people with a vague interest in politics would know who the minority leader was in their own state. (I know my own, not so much the other states)

She actually did considerably better than previous democratic candidates with a 5% swing to her, from what I've read you have issues with voter suppression and she ran a very effective campaign to combat it. 



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3 hours ago, Chach said:

Oh right, that's why I was confused I would have thought most people with a vague interest in politics would know who the minority leader was in their own state. (I know my own, not so much the other states)

She actually did considerably better than previous democratic candidates with a 5% swing to her, from what I've read you have issues with voter suppression and she ran a very effective campaign to combat it. 



I couldn't tell you the names of majority or minority leaders in the state, sorry. They mostly seem irrelevant, and I never watch TV. There was a lot of hype around Stacy Abrams during the governor election, but she didn't do particularly well. She came across as very naive, hence my earlier comment. The same was true of John Ossoff, who also stood in a well-publicized election and lost. Yes, there was considerable voter suppression, but I doubt it would have changed the outcome.

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6 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

I couldn't tell you the names of majority or minority leaders in the state, sorry. They mostly seem irrelevant, and I never watch TV. There was a lot of hype around Stacy Abrams during the governor election, but she didn't do particularly well. She came across as very naive, hence my earlier comment. The same was true of John Ossoff, who also stood in a well-publicized election and lost. Yes, there was considerable voter suppression, but I doubt it would have changed the outcome.

You keep saying she didn't do particularly well but have you looked at the numbers?


Now look at 2014



23% increase in voter turnout, if I had to guess I'd say she mobilised both sides. One side maybe out of spite.

with only 50k votes in it, I would say it definitely affected the outcome.

“Kemp’s actions during the election were textbook voter suppression. His actions were strategic, careless and aimed at silencing the voting power of communities of color in the state.” Consider these numbers.

• In the three months leading up to election day, more than 85,000 voters were purged from rolls under Kemp. During 2017 668,000 voters were purged, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

GOP stole it, no wonder she refused to concede.

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17 hours ago, Chach said:

You keep saying she didn't do particularly well but have you looked at the numbers?


Now look at 2014



23% increase in voter turnout, if I had to guess I'd say she mobilised both sides. One side maybe out of spite.

with only 50k votes in it, I would say it definitely affected the outcome.

“Kemp’s actions during the election were textbook voter suppression. His actions were strategic, careless and aimed at silencing the voting power of communities of color in the state.” Consider these numbers.

• In the three months leading up to election day, more than 85,000 voters were purged from rolls under Kemp. During 2017 668,000 voters were purged, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

GOP stole it, no wonder she refused to concede.

The most memorable thing about that election was just how poor Brian Kemp was as a candidate. He's the one who boasted he would drive around in his truck, gun in hand, hunting for illegal immigrants. Then he blatantly rigged the election. He was an unpopular candidate, but people in Georgia tend to vote party over candidate. Not always, but usually. Amazingly, in Cobb County, one of the wealthiest in the state, a Democrat won the seat. Very good candidates will win; Stacy Abrams did not.

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7 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

The most memorable thing about that election was just how poor Brian Kemp was as a candidate. He's the one who boasted he would drive around in his truck, gun in hand, hunting for illegal immigrants. Then he blatantly rigged the election. 

This is the prime difference between the right and the left, the left organise marches and carry placards. The right (who are also often rural) get into positions of power and stack the system in their favour.

Not sure I agree she is a bad candidate on account of her not winning when they are purging the electoral roll of people who would vote for her but lets just agree to disagree.

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On 10/03/2020 at 06:11, Chach said:

This is the prime difference between the right and the left, the left organise marches and carry placards. The right (who are also often rural) get into positions of power and stack the system in their favour.

Not sure I agree she is a bad candidate on account of her not winning when they are purging the electoral roll of people who would vote for her but lets just agree to disagree.

One of the most intriguing suggestions I've read is for Joe Biden to choose John Kasich (a Republican) as his VP. It's not a bad idea.

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On 15/03/2020 at 00:32, MikeO said:

I don't see him as "bad"; I just see him as a fool and a narcissist. As I mentioned a few posts back, he's in serious need of psychological help, and I'm not joking about it I'm perfectly serious.

He's implying you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and Trump has done nothing wrong and you can't see straight because of your hatred of him.

It's pretty much the only response to genuine criticism of him now because he's so far gone with the handling of this virus that there's no defence. 


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