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great you a a perfect candidate for what we have been talking about. Will you vote Trump, Hillary, Gary Johnson (Libertarian), someone else, or not vote?


I believe that Trump is the lesser of two evils, so I will vote for him.

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Oh dear.


And this is why Donald Trump will win, I tell ya: Hillary is a terribly flawed candidate. The FBI may not be pressing charges, but a big majority believe she is guilty. It's OJ all over again. She is completely untrustworthy and would sell the country out for her own personal benefit. You don't tend to see this side of her on overseas news.


It's rather depressing right now, and I'm really hoping other candidates will emerge in the party conferences - but it's a forlorn hope.

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It's not even that. I just agree with Trump on more points than I do with Hillary. Not to mention the fact that Hillary is so full of shit.

id rather a crook in a corrupt world than an antagonistic, xenophobic, mysoganistic megalomaniac. If I had a choice that is.


Just curious, could Sanders run on his own now as an independent?

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id rather a crook in a corrupt world than an antagonistic, xenophobic, mysoganistic megalomaniac. If I had a choice that is.


Just curious, could Sanders run on his own now as an independent?


There will be other candidates - Libertarian and Green, for sure - but the system is rigged to ensure they won't win. For starters, it's almost impossible for them to participate in the televised debates.

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There will be other candidates - Libertarian and Green, for sure - but the system is rigged to ensure they won't win. For starters, it's almost impossible for them to participate in the televised debates.

They have to get 5% or more of the popular vote to get government backing financially. Green couldn't with Ralph Nader and he was legitimately well known, so they will still be obscure. Johnson won't win but could get that vote which would make their party semi relevant in future elections

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They have to get 5% or more of the popular vote to get government backing financially. Green couldn't with Ralph Nader and he was legitimately well known, so they will still be obscure. Johnson won't win but could get that vote which would make their party semi relevant in future elections


And they need 15% in the polls to participate in debates. If "A.N.Other" is an option in those polls, I doubt that Trump or Clinton will hit that mark.

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No. My younger daughter is probably typical of the Bernie crowd. Under no circumstances will she vote for Hillary. My guess is that she, and many like her, will vote for Jill Stein (the Green party candidate).


doubtful, my wife and i are bernie supporters and we won't be foolish enough to throw away our votes. we will be hillary all the way because anything else is voting for trump in a sense. most bernie voters knew he wasn't going to win but held out hope. the fact she conceded on some policy issues helped ease things, and a solid liberal VP candidate will solidify things even more.


not to mention, once the first debate starts and trump can't just say " you're stupid, my idea is better" and has to try and explain policy and international relations and the like he will look like a complete idiot. hillary was secretary of state and is a great debater.

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No. My younger daughter is probably typical of the Bernie crowd. Under no circumstances will she vote for Hillary. My guess is that she, and many like her, will vote for Jill Stein (the Green party candidate).


My wife always votes green; it's not a "wasted" vote because it makes a point but it's not a relevant one in the scheme of things sadly. I assume the same applies over there.

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My wife always votes green; it's not a "wasted" vote because it makes a point but it's not a relevant one in the scheme of things sadly. I assume the same applies over there.


it's wasted in the US because we don't have a parliment. it's all or nothing. so either waste your vote going green, indie, or libertarian knowing they won't be elected, or put it to use and vote hillary or trump. otherwise if you would have voted hillary and now vote green, it's essentially a vote for trump.

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no surprise there. KKK leader was probably on the short list as well.

What I said about the religious freedom thing, I got from a flemish newspaper I was reading earlier. After reading up on Pence (on politico) apparently he did revise that law.


Still it appears he finds himself to the right of Trump on most issues.


Is he well known nationally? Is he a good debater?

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What I said about the religious freedom thing, I got from a flemish newspaper I was reading earlier. After reading up on Pence (on politico) apparently he did revise that law.


Still it appears he finds himself to the right of Trump on most issues.


Is he well known nationally? Is he a good debater?


nope, indiana is a midwest state with one large city (indianapolis) and the rest is small towns and such, they aren't significant politically either. they're conservative and so is this guy. safe pick that will get the old republican guard (like my parents) excited because if they were hesitant to vote for him before this will "prove" he's just a normal republican. which he is not.


it is still all bets off because there hasn't been a debate, i fully expect hillary to eviscerate him in the first debate and to watch his neanderthal tendencies on full display. plus if she chooses a latino running mate as has been rumored they will come out in droves to vote for her because of the latino and because trump wants to build a wall to stop latinos.

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nope, indiana is a midwest state with one large city (indianapolis) and the rest is small towns and such, they aren't significant politically either. they're conservative and so is this guy. safe pick that will get the old republican guard (like my parents) excited because if they were hesitant to vote for him before this will "prove" he's just a normal republican. which he is not.


it is still all bets off because there hasn't been a debate, i fully expect hillary to eviscerate him in the first debate and to watch his neanderthal tendencies on full display. plus if she chooses a latino running mate as has been rumored they will come out in droves to vote for her because of the latino and because trump wants to build a wall to stop latinos.


This is right. He's a very conservative politician. He's also super dumb. He thinks smoking doesn't kill you, thinks global warming is a hoax, hates gay people, and doesn't think evolution is true. He'll appeal to who he is supposed to appeal to, but he won't appeal to any "moderate" voter sitting on the fence.


Hillary Clinton is going to cruise to victory with 310+ electoral votes. Trump has to win every state Romney won, plus Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. He might nick one of those states (Florida) but not all three. Clinton only needs one of those three and she wins.

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No. My younger daughter is probably typical of the Bernie crowd. Under no circumstances will she vote for Hillary. My guess is that she, and many like her, will vote for Jill Stein (the Green party candidate).

Steve I appreciate you posting this. I realized today that my vote won't count regardless because I live in a state that will go republican (and has every time). So after looking at the rest of the candidates Green Party Jill Stein looks the best to me. If I haven't moved by November I think she will get my vote.

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You can't make this up. The head of the supposedly neutral Democratic National Convention, who worked on earlier Clinton campaigns, was actively working to discredit Bernie Sanders and his campaign. Being found out (thanks to Wikileaks), she's been forced to resign. What happened next? She immediately joined the Clinton team. Talk about blatant and inappropriate.


How does her party limit the damage? It's all Vladimir Putin's fault ("a vast right-wing conspiracy"). He wants Donald Trump elected, apparently, hacked the DNC's email server, and gave the incriminating evident to Wikileaks - who are really secret Trump agents. Do these people live the real world? :)

The leaked documents also show how the Democratic party rewards their biggest financial donors with top government jobs (power can be bought, obviously). I'm sure it's no different with the Republican party. The whole process stinks.

Edited by Cornish Steve
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