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3 minutes ago, MikeO said:

it will backfire just like the clinton one did.  the only way to get him is to get the audio released of him saying i won't give your country aid money unless you investigate Bidens, in which then he's toast.  until then its just political theatre.

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1 minute ago, markjazzbassist said:

it will backfire just like the clinton one did.  the only way to get him is to get the audio released of him saying i won't give your country aid money unless you investigate Bidens, in which then he's toast.  until then its just political theatre.

I was just trying to deflect🤣.

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55 minutes ago, MikeO said:

this is heating up.  i still don't think there is enough meat there to get him impeached or ruin him, but if a true cover up is able to be proven, he could be busted then.  Something with republicans and illegally trying to beat their opponents.......cough cough......Tricky Dick Nixon.........cough cough........

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It amazes me how ignorant most Americans are when it comes to civics. I would be willing to bet a significant percentage of not a majority of the people that have been screaming for Trump to be impeached since the day he was inaugurated think that it means it removes him from office (I think it was also the case for those screaming for Clinton's impeachment).

The sheer gravity and threshold to bring an impeachment hearing to a vote is significant enough, that it's only succeeded twice in our history and both of those were overturned by the Senate - and a president has never been removed from office by the legislature.

I really I think this is going to proceed against Pelosi's better judgment, because it's high risk high reward. If Trump "wins" I think 2020 will be a bloodbath for the Democrats - however should they succeed I believe it is their best chance to get the WH and Senate in 2020.

I would imagine that we are going to see some of the most ridiculous partisan shit from both sides, but it's impossible to not watch - like lesbian midget mud wrestling.


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16 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

people realize what it is, a black mark against the president they can use in the next election cycle.  but, nixon resigned rather than go through with it, maybe just maybe they're hoping for the same.

I can’t see him resigning, I honestly think he is revelling in the fight he will never see that he is or can be wrong. 

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On 28/09/2019 at 11:34, markjazzbassist said:

people realize what it is, a black mark against the president they can use in the next election cycle.  but, nixon resigned rather than go through with it, maybe just maybe they're hoping for the same.

I disagree. I'm not talking about people here, that are pretty educated about politics and civics and understand the difference between an impeachment and removal from office. It's exactly as you said if successful, an official reprimand by congress that the DNC can use against every GOP candidate in 2020. If it fails to get out of the House, I think the GOP/RNC will batter the democrats with it in 2020.

Personally, I think the outcome of this will determine control of the House, Senate and likely the WH. Maybe not quite a Hail Mary, but I do think the democrats are putting most all their 2020 eggs in this basket. And I think it's going be a nasty fight, like Kavaugnah-esque.

And like Palfy, I don't see him retiring, he seemingly enjoys the fight too much. 

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The threats are becoming more extreme every day, and I can't help but think the US is becoming a bit of a powder keg. If the name of the whistleblower is revealed and someone takes a potshot, this country could explode. Trump is accusing a Democratic leader of being a traitor who should be shot. He's also after the blood of the whistleblower and those who leaked information about his phone call. With his administration stonewalling and ignoring subpoenas, House leaders are threatening to claim their law enforcement rights and have them arrested. This is getting ugly, and I remain convinced that, at some point, Trump will declare a state of emergency and try to disband Congress. In the meantime, it's only a matter of time before government instability, the president's threats against the Fed chairman, and tariffs/trade wars will cause a meltdown on Wall Street.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jeremy Bowen is a massively intelligent, hugely respected (and unbiased) long term student and commentator on the middle east so when he writes stuff like this where he plainly can't contain his anger at Trump's "great and unmatched wisdom" (personal view of himself, what rational sane mind says that?) you really have to despair.


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Reading (again, for the nth time) Catch-22 and found a perfect description of Trump; kudos Mr Heller, ahead of your time...

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

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10 hours ago, Palfy said:

If he was deliberately giving the female astronaut who corrected him the middle finger, then  it maybe wrong but I can’t help but think fair play mate there must be loads of people who have wanted to do that publicly but never had the bollocks. 

If you were being talked to with "the World" listening and the person talking to you made an incorrect claim on your behalf you wouldn't correct them? I would. And if I was the "interviewer" I'd apologise for getting my facts wrong and have a word with my researcher later; why would anyone want to be rude to the innocent party?:dontknow:

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20 minutes ago, MikeO said:

If you were being talked to with "the World" listening and the person talking to you made an incorrect claim on your behalf you wouldn't correct them? I would. And if I was the "interviewer" I'd apologise for getting my facts wrong and have a word with my researcher later; why would anyone want to be rude to the innocent party?:dontknow:

I don’t wish to be rude to you Mike but come on lighten up mate, has your PC side completely taken over your sense of humour, I found it quite amusing as have many people especially in the world of satire. 
It’s not because he was wrong or she corrected him, but the fact he was sneakily trying to give her the finger, moments like that are priceless in the world of comedy that will be laughed at for years to come, and the reason won’t even matter just that fact he did it. 

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15 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I don’t wish to be rude to you Mike but come on lighten up mate, has your PC side completely taken over your sense of humour, I found it quite amusing as have many people especially in the world of satire. 
It’s not because he was wrong or she corrected him, but the fact he was sneakily trying to give her the finger, moments like that are priceless in the world of comedy that will be laughed at for years to come, and the reason won’t even matter just that fact he did it. 

The day I "lighten up" when it comes to Trump I'll top myself.

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16 hours ago, Palfy said:

That would be doing him a huge favour, yet he wouldn’t realise it, we need him to keep tweeting he hurts himself more by doing so. 

I wish that were true. His supporters eat up his garbage and aren't affected by the "controversial" tweets. The comments on his tweets are disheartening. It's a lot of bickering back and forth on both sides, and it can get pretty nasty. 

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2 hours ago, Sibdane said:

I wish that were true. His supporters eat up his garbage and aren't affected by the "controversial" tweets. The comments on his tweets are disheartening. It's a lot of bickering back and forth on both sides, and it can get pretty nasty. 

Sounds like Rusty and myself discussing Brexit 😀

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