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This week I’ve seen a lot about the camps on the southern boarder, I’ve found it massively disturbing. I’ve been more disturbed that the press (Republican) seem to be more concerned about Ocasio-Cortez calling them concentration camps than they are about how people are being treated. 

People in over crowded cages, open to the elements, one toilet, no beds. It’s frightening. I don’t understand how the rest of the civilised world isn’t putting pressure on Trump to shut this down. Post below with just a tiny part of the issue on show, children shouldn’t be given tooth brushes and soap and should sleep on concrete floors. Indefensible.

But this morning I’ve seen a 15th woman talk about Trump raping her. But nothing is going to happen, no one will even look into it. The White House release a statement saying he hasn’t even met this woman, even though the article in which she discusses this shows a photo of them both with their partners. 

The last few days have left me feeling sick at the state of that country, a country I hold very close to my heart. I’ll be making what I think is my 20th visit in October, but I’m losing the enthusiasm at the moment.




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4 hours ago, StevO said:

This week I’ve seen a lot about the camps on the southern boarder, I’ve found it massively disturbing. I’ve been more disturbed that the press (Republican) seem to be more concerned about Ocasio-Cortez calling them concentration camps than they are about how people are being treated. 

People in over crowded cages, open to the elements, one toilet, no beds. It’s frightening. I don’t understand how the rest of the civilised world isn’t putting pressure on Trump to shut this down. Post below with just a tiny part of the issue on show, children shouldn’t be given tooth brushes and soap and should sleep on concrete floors. Indefensible.

But this morning I’ve seen a 15th woman talk about Trump raping her. But nothing is going to happen, no one will even look into it. The White House release a statement saying he hasn’t even met this woman, even though the article in which she discusses this shows a photo of them both with their partners. 

The last few days have left me feeling sick at the state of that country, a country I hold very close to my heart. I’ll be making what I think is my 20th visit in October, but I’m losing the enthusiasm at the moment.




Don’t be so despondent mate one man doesn’t make a country, go and enjoy yourself it’s a great country and the majority of Americans are top people as you know. 

And hopefully they will give him a bloody nose soon, and they begin to sort the injustices out that are in their name. 

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

Don’t be so despondent mate one man doesn’t make a country, go and enjoy yourself it’s a great country and the majority of Americans are top people as you know. 

And hopefully they will give him a bloody nose soon, and they begin to sort the injustices out that are in their name. 

I know, I’d never stop going there. But the things that are happening are just so disappointing. Then the young politicians who actually seem to have a moral compass are made out to be the villains. Just blows my mind. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

From a man that has criticised others for using a teleprompter :lol:. He’s such a twat. 

I didn't realise he'd done that, but it does say that he criticised Barack Obama in the article, didn't read that far first off.

"I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter but the teleprompter did go out and it was actually hard to look at anyway because there was rain all over it..."

If you knew the speech very well Mr President why did the teleprompter going down matter? He's a seven year old in a seventy year old body, actually that's harsh on seven year olds.

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On 31/05/2019 at 10:30, Matt said:

It’s absolutely baffling. The problem with illegal immigration is that it’s illegal and people illegally immigrating pay no attention to the laws. What fucking difference is this actually going to make :doh: 

I missed this earlier. A majority of illegal immigrants are people who entered the country legally and just never left. Most of those approaching the border from Mexico are legally claiming asylum. They're not illegal at all. To put it in context, one in ten American were born elsewhere: The country's very lifeblood is immigration.

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On 22/06/2019 at 06:44, StevO said:

This week I’ve seen a lot about the camps on the southern boarder, I’ve found it massively disturbing. I’ve been more disturbed that the press (Republican) seem to be more concerned about Ocasio-Cortez calling them concentration camps than they are about how people are being treated. 

People in over crowded cages, open to the elements, one toilet, no beds. It’s frightening. I don’t understand how the rest of the civilised world isn’t putting pressure on Trump to shut this down. Post below with just a tiny part of the issue on show, children shouldn’t be given tooth brushes and soap and should sleep on concrete floors. Indefensible.

But this morning I’ve seen a 15th woman talk about Trump raping her. But nothing is going to happen, no one will even look into it. The White House release a statement saying he hasn’t even met this woman, even though the article in which she discusses this shows a photo of them both with their partners. 

The last few days have left me feeling sick at the state of that country, a country I hold very close to my heart. I’ll be making what I think is my 20th visit in October, but I’m losing the enthusiasm at the moment.




Likewise, I've been disgusted by this - and so have many of my friends here. It is indeed time for the civilized countries of the world to apply pressure. Indeed, you've given me an idea. Time for another petition, I think, to the UK government: submit a motion to the UN to call for the immediate release of all adults and children who legally claimed asylum and are now held in detention centers in the US. Also, an immediate end to the policy of separating children from their families.

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5 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

I missed this earlier. A majority of illegal immigrants are people who entered the country legally and just never left. Most of those approaching the border from Mexico are legally claiming asylum. They're not illegal at all. To put it in context, one in ten American were born elsewhere: The country's very lifeblood is immigration.

Oh I know, completely agree. My point is that adding more laws makes no difference

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12 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Likewise, I've been disgusted by this - and so have many of my friends here. It is indeed time for the civilized countries of the world to apply pressure. Indeed, you've given me an idea. Time for another petition, I think, to the UK government: submit a motion to the UN to call for the immediate release of all adults and children who legally claimed asylum and are now held in detention centers in the US. Also, an immediate end to the policy of separating children from their families.

Actually Trump signed and executive order ending the separation at the border. As I understand it, children ARE still separated if they have family in the US, and the adult they are with isn't their guardian. The adults are often turned back, while the system attempts to locate and place the children with family that are here. 

I think something like 2 of 3 asylum claims are rejected. There are 2 requirements

"First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution in their home country. Second, the applicant must prove that he or she would be persecuted on account of one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group"

Economic factors are not grounds for asylum (by law, not my opinion). That's basic immigration, and that requires all the application paperwork and waiting in your home country for it to be processed.

However if you come to the border and request asylum, regardless  of veracity, the policy is you get an asylum hearing, and are allowed to stay in the US until your case is heard and ruled on. It's is my understanding that if possible, asylum seekers are placed with sponsors (usually family), otherwise they held in detention centers until their hearing.

Something like 2 of 3 claims are rejected. The system is being abused by people trying to circumvent immigration procedures by claiming asylum, and I think they generally know they will be held in detention centers, and choose that course of action.

The system is a frigging mess, and it's not just Trump, it's Obama, Bush, Clinton, and the Democrats and Republicans of congress who have done nothing to address it in 20+ years. 

The system is being pushed beyond the limits, both by people trying to legitimately immigrate or seek asylum, as well as those circumventing the system with asylum claims or just entering illegally. There are still laws and they need to followed, not abandon them for political expediency and the deal with the chaos later.

Don't don't get me wrong I think it's a horrible mess - and one that the far right/Trump and the far left/AOC are for more political grandstanding than anything else. I do think the laws need to be followed, but I think the laws suck, are ineffective and are archaic. Our Congress needs to get off their asses and do something immediately and pass some reform to get a pathway for those who are seeking asylum, those already here illegally, as well as for those in economic desperation that just want to chance for a better life. I don't think either party has guts and integrity to actually DO something. And the lack of that, over 20 plus years, has created a crisis on our southern border that is awful. 


And and sadly the most effective thing that is going to help with this long-term is economic development and strengthening of legitimate democracies in Central American countries. That is a very long slow expensive program.

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Can we become grown-ups and accept the fact that there's absolutely no need any more for the concept of borders? They're artificial, often arbitrary, and mostly an excuse for one group of people to claim they're better than others. If we do away with borders, we'll be forced to address the appalling conditions faced by so many in the world instead of conveniently ignoring them - because if we don't, they'll move in order to secure for themselves a better future. And who can blame them? As the saying goes, there but for the grace of God go I.

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3 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Can we become grown-ups and accept the fact that there's absolutely no need any more for the concept of borders? They're artificial, often arbitrary, and mostly an excuse for one group of people to claim they're better than others. If we do away with borders, we'll be forced to address the appalling conditions faced by so many in the world instead of conveniently ignoring them - because if we don't, they'll move in order to secure for themselves a better future. And who can blame them? As the saying goes, there but for the grace of God go I.

I wish. I’ve held this opinion since I was a child and no one has been able to give me a decent reason as to why we continue to have them. 

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This is how “a very stupid guy” and “a pompous fool" (Trump's words) was described by Sir Simon McDonald, Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in response to his resignation...

"On behalf of the Diplomatic Service, I accept your resignation with deep personal regret.

"Over the last few difficult days you have behaved as you have always behaved over a long and distinguished career, with dignity, professionalism and class. The Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and whole of the public service have stood with you: you were the target of a malicious leak; you were simply doing your job. I understand your wish to relieve the pressure on your family and your colleagues at the Embassy; I admire the fact that you think more of others than yourself. You demonstrate the essence of the values of British public service.

"I want to stress my deep appreciation for all you have done over the last four decades. In a series of demanding roles - including National Security Adviser and Permanent Representative to the European Union - you have loyally served the government of the day without fear or favour. We have been lucky to have you as a friend and colleague. You are the best of us."

Which argument carries more weight? Tricky one that.

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Just now, MikeO said:


This is how “a very stupid guy” and “a pompous fool" (Trump's words) was described by Sir Simon McDonald, Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in response to his resignation...

"On behalf of the Diplomatic Service, I accept your resignation with deep personal regret.

"Over the last few difficult days you have behaved as you have always behaved over a long and distinguished career, with dignity, professionalism and class. The Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and whole of the public service have stood with you: you were the target of a malicious leak; you were simply doing your job. I understand your wish to relieve the pressure on your family and your colleagues at the Embassy; I admire the fact that you think more of others than yourself. You demonstrate the essence of the values of British public service.

"I want to stress my deep appreciation for all you have done over the last four decades. In a series of demanding roles - including National Security Adviser and Permanent Representative to the European Union - you have loyally served the government of the day without fear or favour. We have been lucky to have you as a friend and colleague. You are the best of us."

Which argument carries more weight? Tricky one that.

I was wondering how this was all going down over there.  very telling when an ambassador is reporting those types of things.  but those of us that are sane already knew all those things, sadly the right wingers will think it's some secret conspiracy to take down their precious Trump.

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2 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

I was wondering how this was all going down over there.  very telling when an ambassador is reporting those types of things.  but those of us that are sane already knew all those things, sadly the right wingers will think it's some secret conspiracy to take down their precious Trump.

Boris Johnson has been wisely condemned as Trump's lap-dog because he wouldn't commit to keeping Sir Kim in post if (when) he becomes PM while everyone else said he should stay, pre-resignation obviously. Johnson is our Trump, albeit his IQ is roughly quadruple that of Trump, his manner and the fact that he's bullet proof despite all his proven lies and personal flaws prove that. The one big difference is that Trump actually got elected while Johnson won't have been.

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5 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:


How do American's view her war of words with him? Is she mostly praised or do people think she's in the wrong?

Split. If you're against Trump then you support her comments/stance and vice versa.

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1 hour ago, sibdane said:

Split. If you're against Trump then you support her comments/stance and vice versa.

Agreed. This is true of every issue. During the election Trump famously said that he could “shoot a person on 5th Avenue” and his base would still support him. Obviously hyperbole but it’s not far off. He’s been able to convince his supporters that every bad story, every scandal is just lies from the liberal media who are out to get him. Once a person believes that there isn’t much anyone can say to change their mind. Even if other republicans turned on him (unlikely) it would just be seen by many as sign of a deeper conspiracy against the man. He’s already breezed past a dozen controversies and scandals that would have felled any other politician. Consider that just in the last year he’s repeatedly insulted a dead war hero, been accused of rape (his 16th allegation of sexual misconduct), stood up in front of the world and taken Putin’s side over his own intelligence community, refused to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the brutal murder of a journalist etc.. None of it sways his base. Fortunately, (from my point of view), his base isn’t large enough to get him re-elected.

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11 hours ago, SpartyBlue said:

Agreed. This is true of every issue. During the election Trump famously said that he could “shoot a person on 5th Avenue” and his base would still support him. Obviously hyperbole but it’s not far off. He’s been able to convince his supporters that every bad story, every scandal is just lies from the liberal media who are out to get him. Once a person believes that there isn’t much anyone can say to change their mind. Even if other republicans turned on him (unlikely) it would just be seen by many as sign of a deeper conspiracy against the man. He’s already breezed past a dozen controversies and scandals that would have felled any other politician. Consider that just in the last year he’s repeatedly insulted a dead war hero, been accused of rape (his 16th allegation of sexual misconduct), stood up in front of the world and taken Putin’s side over his own intelligence community, refused to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the brutal murder of a journalist etc.. None of it sways his base. Fortunately, (from my point of view), his base isn’t large enough to get him re-elected.

He's not shooting people, but he is killing small children. Then again, as Trump News Fox News put it, "they're not our kids."


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