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The president is apparently considering narrowing the definition of gender such that, in the eyes of the law, transgender individuals will no longer exist. Sex will equate to gender and be determined by the sexual organs on an infant at birth. Where there's doubt, there will be a DNA test to determine sex/gender. Those who are transgender may be discriminated against at will.

In addition to being depressingly cruel and flying in the face of science (a surprising percentage of people, apparently, experience some type of inter-sex condition), can you imagine telling this guy that he can now only use women's bathrooms? I'm sure President Trump's conservative followers haven't thought this through. :)


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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

Dems with the house majority now but still no senate and lost a lot of governor races in states.  Dems still don’t have their act together. Record voting turnout and still republicans prevailed.

Do you think that normal Americans are now beginning to warm too him, or are they enjoying a better standard of living under his watch and don’t want to rock the boat, or something else. 

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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

Dems with the house majority now but still no senate and lost a lot of governor races in states.  Dems still don’t have their act together. Record voting turnout and still republicans prevailed.

That'll have some positive effect surely?

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4 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Ah @sibdane you just double posted and while I was deleting one you (or someone) must've been deleting the other one. Shit. Sorry mate.

Yeah... I was wondering what happened there. No worries.

Basically, I just responded to Palfy saying that no, Americans aren't warming up to Trump and that most Senate races were against incumbents, which is hard to win for new-comers.

I also mentioned that I think Beto O'Rourke might be primed to run against Trump in the 2020 election due to his success and popularity even though he didn't win against Cruz (Texas hasn't voted Democrat in 25 years and Beto still managed to keep it extremely close).

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

Do you think that normal Americans are now beginning to warm too him, or are they enjoying a better standard of living under his watch and don’t want to rock the boat, or something else. 

the majority of americans THAT VOTE (not simple majority) are dumb and racist, so yes they love him.  they are losing their jobs to his trade war with china and still back him, npr just did an article about a massive factory that's going under due to the trade war and all the guys know it's because of Trump but they still back him.  can't make this stuff up.

2 hours ago, MikeO said:

That'll have some positive effect surely?

they can block trump and meddle, but then they'll be labeled obstructionists and in the presidential elections and the repubs will go all out to get back all the branches, and again THEY VOTE unlike liberals sadly.



this was supposed to be a referendum on trump, and sadly just not enough voted.  sure it's voter intimidation and programs the repubs set up (removing all polling statinos in black heavy areas and forcing them to drive an hour to vote when most don't have cars) yep that's some of it, also its immigrants afriad to vote for fear of being outed, but it's also just people like my brother too lazy and don't think it matters.  i'm pissed off about it all.



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To expand on what Mark said, a lot of Republicans actually don't like Trump, but party rules over person most of the time. Democrats also have put forth some really weak candidates lately, and sadly, Hillary really hurt the Democratic party with the way her group meddled in their own primaries back in 2016. It's in the past now, but that was a huge step back. Just like Republicans run their campaigns on "Hillary is a Crook and is just like so-and-so candidate," Dems aren't much better when they say "So-and-so is just like Trump, and he's a crook."

I don't think voting Republican makes you dumb and racist, but there are a lot of dumb and racist people who are Republican. Regardless, there was some progress made, and I'm hopeful for 2020.

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17 minutes ago, sibdane said:

I don't think voting Republican makes you dumb and racist, but there are a lot of dumb and racist people who are Republican.

Substitute "Brexit" for "Republican" and it mirrors exactly what's happening here, World is a sad place at the moment.

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3 hours ago, MikeO said:

Substitute "Brexit" for "Republican" and it mirrors exactly what's happening here, World is a sad place at the moment.

I agree Mike but as I was saying to Rubes earlier in my usual foot in the mouth way, there’s a form of rascism that is part of the system so we are genuinely blind to the fact that we may be racist in some of our views, I know I did and probably still have if truth be known but it took a different generation to tell me that because my 90% of my peers  felt the same way and were institutionalised racist who believed they had no racist tendencies.  

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1 hour ago, Cornish Steve said:

Hold on to your seats, because it's going to be a bumpy ride in the US over the next few weeks. The president is going to get away with as much as he can before the Democrats take over in the House. This will not be pretty.

I’m quite looking forward to the battle just hope that the Democrats are up to the fight , like you said Cornish it won’t be pretty and it will definitely be dirty so the Democrats need to be resolute in their challenges because fighting dirty is his forte. 

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On 07/11/2018 at 09:26, Palfy said:

Do you think that normal Americans are now beginning to warm too him, or are they enjoying a better standard of living under his watch and don’t want to rock the boat, or something else. 

The biggest thing your question misunderstands is that there is such a thing as a “normal American.” Partisanship is divided between just about every binary imaginable: urban v rural, man v woman, white v black, old v young, etc. This set of infographics is informative: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/07/us/elections/house-exit-polls-analysis.html

Americans are not enjoying a better standard of living under Trump by any means; the stock market just lost all of its gains since the beginning of the year and has just barely begun to climb back again. Recent research has demonstrated that the economic success during the first two years of his presidency has come in large part as the result of economic policy during the Obama era, and that we are in for more rough times ahead over the next two.

Meanwhile, more and more mass shootings happen every day fueled by Trump’s hateful rhetoric, with Jewish people, black people, gays and other minority groups all having been targets. LGBTQ people (especially transgender folks) have to be increasing fearful of their own recognized status and rights, women have been found to be less credible than fratty rich white men, and the U.S. continues to be made a mockery of in the eyes of world politics.

Unfortunately, in a representative democracy under control of two parties (which are both neoliberal and oligarchical in structure), a party can totally dominate the political system without even having a majority of voters behind it. Democrats lost 3 seats in the senate this election while winning the popular vote, due to the outsized influence of rural states in the senate makeup. Democratic gains in the house were picked up mostly by the shift of suburban white voters (mostly women) away from Trump’s idiotic ideology.

It’s not fear of rocking the boat that’s keeping Trump in power. It’s white Republican men’s fear of everyone else.

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2 minutes ago, nyblue23 said:

The biggest thing your question misunderstands is that there is such a thing as a “normal American.” Partisanship is divided between just about every binary imaginable: urban v rural, man v woman, white v black, old v young, etc. This set of infographics is informative: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/07/us/elections/house-exit-polls-analysis.html

Americans are not enjoying a better standard of living under Trump by any means; the stock market just lost all of its gains since the beginning of the year and has just barely begun to climb back again. Recent research has demonstrated that the economic success during the first two years of his presidency has come in large part as the result of economic policy during the Obama era, and that we are in for more rough times ahead over the next two.

Meanwhile, more and more mass shootings happen every day fueled by Trump’s hateful rhetoric, with Jewish people, black people, gays and other minority groups all having been targets. LGBTQ people (especially transgender folks) have to be increasing fearful of their own recognized status and rights, women have been found to be less credible than fratty rich white men, and the U.S. continues to be made a mockery of in the eyes of world politics.

Unfortunately, in a representative democracy under control of two parties (which are both neoliberal and oligarchical in structure), a party can totally dominate the political system without even having a majority of voters behind it. Democrats lost 3 seats in the senate this election while winning the popular vote, due to the outsized influence of rural states in the senate makeup. Democratic gains in the house were picked up mostly by the shift of suburban white voters (mostly women) away from Trump’s idiotic ideology.

It’s not fear of rocking the boat that’s keeping Trump elected. It’s white Republican men’s fear of everyone else.

Maybe normal was the wrong choice of word to use average may have been better, but from what you said there isn’t an average American either. 

We are getting from our media the wages have increased and more jobs have been created under Trump and your economy is doing really well. 

Its funny you should mention the two parties I’ve always felt there is room for a serious third party that pitch’s it self some were between Dems and Republicans. 

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