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Watching the Kavanaugh hearing live, what a circus! Currently adjourned by "the two hour rule" but seems like a Repub (as far as I can tell, all very confusing) has called for a week's break for the FBI to do a "limited scope" investigation on what happened. How in the hell are they supposed to come up with any answers in a week decades after the alleged incidents took place?

Personally, whatever his past, having watched him being questioned he's plainly totally unfit mentally and emotionally to serve on any bench, let alone a supreme court one.

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25 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

Great point.  Sadly I think he will still get voted in.  This country is a joke.

Trump's 180 degree turn on Christine Blasey Ford is astonishing as well, gone from calling her 'a "compelling" witness' to mocking her....

He said: "Thirty-six years ago this happened: I had one beer! Well, you think it was…? Nope! It was one beer.

"Oh, good. How'd you get home? I don't remember. How'd you get there? I don't remember. Where was the place? I don't remember.

"How many years ago was it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know! I don't know! What neighbourhood was it in? I don't know.

"Where's the house? I don't know! Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don't know! But I had one beer. That's the only thing I remember. And a man's life is in tatters."

How can this obnoxious misogynistic bully be running any country? Let alone the World's most powerful, even some Republicans are telling him off for this.


For those old enough to remember him do you know which previous head of state he reminds me of? Idi Amin. I know he hasn't committed the atrocities Amin did but I'm talking terms of psychological make up.

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mike sad thing is the conservative voters agree with him.  they think it's her fault.  america is deeply racist and sexist.  women make less money doing the same job a man does on average.  the SAME JOB!  it's a country run by rich old white men and they want to keep it that way and women and minorities are seen as a threat to their power.

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17 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

Great point.  Sadly I think he will still get voted in.  This country is a joke.

Yet, Al Franken had to go because he kissed someone in a rehearsal for a skit and subsequently did the "air guitar" version of touching her breasts?

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18 minutes ago, Matt said:

No chance of that coming about. There’s been a plethora of reasons to have him investigated, but he’s too good a front ala Bush for him to be touched. 


9 minutes ago, sibdane said:

I signed it but also agree with Matt. There are probably hundreds of petitions going around right now asking to have one thing or another investigated. My hope lies with the Mueller investigation, but it's slowly disappearing. 

I agree but people can't stop trying.

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19 minutes ago, Matt said:

Ordinarily I’d agree, but international input would be be ignored and internal pressure doesn’t seem to do much. This feels more like the site aiming for hits

Avaaz is way bigger than that Matt, a really excellent and laudable organisation trying to make the world a better place in many respects.

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8 hours ago, MikeO said:

Avaaz is way bigger than that Matt, a really excellent and laudable organisation trying to make the world a better place in many respects.

I know it’s a big thing, but it’s layout and the way people present their petitions feels like a cheap magazine a lot of the time 

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