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Now that the tariffs set by Trump are starting to hurt the people in his own heart land of support more than most, and the big economies of the world never backed down as he expected but took him on head to head, and if experts have been suggesting is true it's causing more pain to the USA than any individual country will he back down or will he carry on.

When you think that it won't be too long before he is campaigning for a 2nd term, will this be the issue that loses him his 2nd term or will he still be able to convince the people it's hurting the most that it's in their best interest.

For me I feel he is on a suicide mission that in some ways he has orchestrated himself in the hope that he doesn't win that 2nd term, but it would let him walk away not as a quitter because that would be un-American and un-Trump like, but as someone who lost because he wouldn't turn back on what he believed in, and that would in his world make him the All American superhero and he can live off that for the rest of his days.

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the problem with him is that he just lies about everything.  someone will say the tariffs are hurting americans and he will retort no they aren't they are helping the _________.  those people will cheer (if they are hurt or not) and it effectively nullified that point.  it's remarkable really, people just want to hear things are better and not actually see it be better.


i think it will take every liberal, minority, and woman to actually vote to get this guy out of there.  even then he might not even accept the result of the vote (he said in the past he wouldn't).  

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31 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

the problem with him is that he just lies about everything.  someone will say the tariffs are hurting americans and he will retort no they aren't they are helping the _________.  those people will cheer (if they are hurt or not) and it effectively nullified that point.  it's remarkable really, people just want to hear things are better and not actually see it be better.


i think it will take every liberal, minority, and woman to actually vote to get this guy out of there.  even then he might not even accept the result of the vote (he said in the past he wouldn't).  

See the subjects of poverty and wages here. Government just puts spin more people are working than ever.. Makes it even worse that they are paid less than ever. Fuck knows how there's not been a revolution here yet. 

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8 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

After today's events, the president is in deep doo-doo. There are only two possible outcomes as this plays out: (i) the president resigns; (ii) the US becomes a banana republic run by a corrupt dictator.

What do you mean, “becomes”?

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12 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

After today's events, the president is in deep doo-doo. There are only two possible outcomes as this plays out: (i) the president resigns; (ii) the US becomes a banana republic run by a corrupt dictator.

No way he resigns. Hopefully this affects the midterms and Democrats impeach once they gain control, but even then I doubt the impeachment will be successful.

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4 minutes ago, nyblue23 said:

No way he resigns. Hopefully this affects the midterms and Democrats impeach once they gain control, but even then I doubt the impeachment will be successful.

agreed, plus the supreme court justice he's putting through doesn't believe the president can and should be litigated.  says job is too important to be encumbered by such things.  which is exactly why trump picked him.

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8 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

the supreme court justice he's putting through doesn't believe the president can and should be litigated.  says job is too important to be encumbered by such things

Would fit right in in North Korea/Russia/Yemen.

Top man should be at least as accountable for his conduct as any of the voters, if not more.

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7 hours ago, Matt said:

Exactly, which is why I try to differentiate him from Republicans. They’re not the same thing. 

That’s the problem matt.  They’re not distancing themselves from him and they have the majority so they aren’t going to impeach which is shameful and in my eyes just as bad.  So yes they are the same until they punish him as they should.  FFS Clinton got articles of impeachment for a blowjob!   This shitbag has done a lot worse 

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20 minutes ago, sibdane said:

Have to agree with MJB -- the republicans aren't backing down from their support of him. I don't see anything changing unless there's a big shift in the midterms. 

I’m not that surprised; they put forward a puppet that’s scaring them and they don’t know what to do. It’s very sad, but not as sad as the Dems not taking advantage nor putting forward viable candidates (that I’ve seen, other than Sanders who has no chance)

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9 minutes ago, Matt said:

I’m not that surprised; they put forward a puppet that’s scaring them and they don’t know what to do. It’s very sad, but not as sad as the Dems not taking advantage nor putting forward viable candidates (that I’ve seen, other than Sanders who has no chance)

They're equally at fault. The actual GOP lawmakers didn't want Trump but bowed to the cardholders. Democrats imploded when it turned out they rigged the primaries in Hillary's favor. 

Both parties are a joke at this point. I've gotten to the point where I'm sick of reading of the news because both sides are all talk: one trashing the president and not doing anything; the other side sounding off their disappointment.. but still not doing anything. Washington has become a disgrace.

The only hope at this point is Robert Mueller. 

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36 minutes ago, sibdane said:

Both parties are a joke at this point. I've gotten to the point where I'm sick of reading of the news because both sides are all talk: one trashing the president and not doing anything; the other side sounding off their disappointment.. but still not doing anything. Washington has become a disgrace.

Change a job title and a location and you have exactly what's happening here.

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Just now, markjazzbassist said:

ding ding ding, winner here.  corporations are running the show, we need to take it back, get some more socialism in our systems.  privatization equals greed.

I always thought the pendulum swing between left and right would slow down and come to a compromise. However, I’m more convinced than ever it’ll just end up snapping the string and we’ll be left in purgatory. That’s still more exciting than the current setup, because it would at least mean a chance for change.

Someone with a spine needs to lead the charge against lobbying, and then people with spines need to back that person up. It might well go tits up, but it would be a massive change. Even Trump, as much as I despise the thing, has shown it’s possible, we just need a positive version, rather than a misogynistic, bigoted, self-indulgent, crusty infected cunt-rag or a spineless, grey, white, self-serving “adrenaline junky running through fields” opportunist. 

I dont think either Sanders or Crobyn are the answer, but there’s no doubt in my mind they’re a step in the right direction. They “just” need a plan to actually get their ideals feasible, and the sales pitch would be set.  

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I don't know why I torture myself by reading his tweets. The man is clearly delusional, and I can't stop thinking that maybe I'm the crazy one, because I don't get why anyone would listen to a word that comes out of his mouth. His most recent interview with Fox News is absolutely shocking. 

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Just now, sibdane said:

I don't know why I torture myself by reading his tweets. The man is clearly delusional, and I can't stop thinking that maybe I'm the crazy one, because I don't get why anyone would listen to a word that comes out of his mouth. His most recent interview with Fox News is absolutely shocking. 

For the party it’s brilliant, a fantastic distraction

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A Word template found in the Oval Office, to be sent over the president's Twitter account as needed. It’s been used ten times so far to prove that the president cares: "My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of [enter name here]. Our hearts and prayers are with you."

On Saturday, someone asked, “John McCain just passed away. How should we respond?” A voice is heard from the Oval Office: “If we must, use the ‘in our hearts and prayers’ template.” “OK boss.”

Formal announcement from the White House (check it out if you don't believe me): "My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you."

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On 24/08/2018 at 01:26, markjazzbassist said:

it will be the same old.  one from the establishment (joe biden, cory booker, etc.) and one lefty (sanders, warren, etc.).  the establishment will win because dems are too scared to go left.  how they do in the general i have no idea.  but the further left they go, the better they would do.

You don't think the changes to how superdelegates can vote will make a difference?

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1 hour ago, Chach said:

You don't think the changes to how superdelegates can vote will make a difference?

Nope.  The powers at be are the establishment.  Majority of House and senate dems are center left. They think the sanders and warrens of the world are too far left.  Like Obama and Clinton.  The guy who runs the democratic national committee Tom Perez is cut from that same cloth.  


The whole superdelegate thing is just a song and dance routine to appease the sanders voters so they don’t lose their votes.  


Im extremely pessimistic in regards to the dems, they have screwed it up for so long (lost a supermajority in house and senate when Obama was in!!) I have little faith they can right the ship.

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