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Trump 'wins enough for nomination'





yep he's for real. Hillary refused to debate him, so Bernie will be debating him in California. Let's hope the CA voters give Bernie a landslide and prevent her nomination.


Also Cornish - You were right. That Private email server report just leaked out and she was breaking the rules. We'll see what happens if the repubs can try and prosecute her.

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I was traveling in Wyoming yesterday and hadn't heard the results of Tuesday's primary in Washington. I looked at the major news sites online and not a word. I glanced at the TV playing in the breakfast room and not a word. I turned to a colleague and said, "I'll guarantee that Bernie Sanders won by a landslide." He looked up "Bernie Washington" on Google, and lo and behold: Bernie Sanders won by a landslide. Funny how the media clam up when their candidate doesn't do so well.

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yep he's for real. Hillary refused to debate him, so Bernie will be debating him in California. Let's hope the CA voters give Bernie a landslide and prevent her nomination.


Also Cornish - You were right. That Private email server report just leaked out and she was breaking the rules. We'll see what happens if the repubs can try and prosecute her.


Politicians don't need to try and prosecute her: The FBI are close to completing their case and will soon begin their prosecution. I'll guarantee you that Hillary will get a presidential pardon.

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I was traveling in Wyoming yesterday and hadn't heard the results of Tuesday's primary in Washington. I looked at the major news sites online and not a word. I glanced at the TV playing in the breakfast room and not a word. I turned to a colleague and said, "I'll guarantee that Bernie Sanders won by a landslide." He looked up "Bernie Washington" on Google, and lo and behold: Bernie Sanders won by a landslide. Funny how the media clam up when their candidate doesn't do so well.

This is wrong. Bernie won the Washington Caucus back in March. That was already reported and was a big part of his "comeback" and "momentum" narrative. The Washington primary that was held this past week is non-binding and does not have any delegates at stake - in other words is useless. Hillary actually won this primary and it had more people vote than participated in the previous caucus. This just exposes the bullshit holier-than-thou attitude of bernie supporters and idea of being denied democratic process, when in fact he relies on undemocratic caucuses. Regardless of individual policy, Bernie is not starting a popular revolution and is not somehow unjustly losing; he is performing worse in popular vote than he is in delegates.

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This is wrong. Bernie won the Washington Caucus back in March. That was already reported and was a big part of his "comeback" and "momentum" narrative. The Washington primary that was held this past week is non-binding and does not have any delegates at stake - in other words is useless. Hillary actually won this primary and it had more people vote than participated in the previous caucus. This just exposes the bullshit holier-than-thou attitude of bernie supporters and idea of being denied democratic process, when in fact he relies on undemocratic caucuses. Regardless of individual policy, Bernie is not starting a popular revolution and is not somehow unjustly losing; he is performing worse in popular vote than he is in delegates.


I am a Bernie guy and I agree with this. Hillary has won more votes and has won the states that matter most. I did hear today, however, that the California primary is tightening. If Bernie wins California, I think that could be a big moment.


The superdelegate stuff is tremendously stupid I agree. Why do they exist? No one understands why, I guess, unless you are a party operative. The sooner we go to a national primary day or 5 or 6 super regional primaries the better we'll be.


It is crazy that the GOP nominated the one guy that can't beat most Democrat and the Democrats are going to nominate the only person that could lose to Trump. I mean, holy shit this country is absolutely fucked. I mean really and truly fucked.

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I am a Bernie guy and I agree with this. Hillary has won more votes and has won the states that matter most. I did hear today, however, that the California primary is tightening. If Bernie wins California, I think that could be a big moment


The superdelegate stuff is tremendously stupid I agree. Why do they exist? No one understands why, I guess, unless you are a party operative. The sooner we go to a national primary day or 5 or 6 super regional primaries the better we'll be.


It is crazy that the GOP nominated the one guy that can't beat most Democrat and the Democrats are going to nominate the only person that could lose to Trump. I mean, holy shit this country is absolutely fucked. I mean really and truly fucked.


No disagreements on either of the first two points. Bernie needs a big win in California though, and I'm expecting a single-digit, but comfortable Hillary win. That said, any sized victory for him there would also send a big message, regardless of whether it can give him the nomination. Super delegates are old-school machine party politics and should be gone the sooner the better.


I'm not sure I agree that Bernie would fare any better against Trump though. I've seen the polls and agree there's an argument to be made, but the fact is that Bernie hasn't been vetted or attacked by the GOP. In fact, Trump is trying to court Bernie voters and play into the narrative that the nomination has been stolen from him. Hillary's unfavorable ratings are being dragged down by Bernie supporters right now, and I personally believe as she clinches the nomination they will start to come around. That said, the race is way too close for comfort right now vs. someone as insane as Trump. The FBI investigation as well as a ton of other baggage Hillary brings does not make me thrilled with her as the candidate.

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No disagreements on either of the first two points. Bernie needs a big win in California though, and I'm expecting a single-digit, but comfortable Hillary win. That said, any sized victory for him there would also send a big message, regardless of whether it can give him the nomination. Super delegates are old-school machine party politics and should be gone the sooner the better.


I'm not sure I agree that Bernie would fare any better against Trump though. I've seen the polls and agree there's an argument to be made, but the fact is that Bernie hasn't been vetted or attacked by the GOP. In fact, Trump is trying to court Bernie voters and play into the narrative that the nomination has been stolen from him. Hillary's unfavorable ratings are being dragged down by Bernie supporters right now, and I personally believe as she clinches the nomination they will start to come around. That said, the race is way too close for comfort right now vs. someone as insane as Trump. The FBI investigation as well as a ton of other baggage Hillary brings does not make me thrilled with her as the candidate.

I think your support for Hillary is blinding you to just how much people dislike her. Her favor ability is awful. Only slightly worse is trump. That's not going to get better. When you have 2 bad cabdidates you can't go up, you just go further in the muck and hope your oponnent ends up dirtier.


What Keith said is true, Bernie would kill trump in the election because he's not hated, if dems got behind him, any undecided independents or non trump repubs would have no problem voting for Bernie. On the other hand if Hillary and trump everyone's voting party lines because repubs hate Hillary with a passion and will vote trump regardless just cause they hate her.


My parents are repubs but hate trump. They like the above would vote for Bernie, but given Hillary versus trump they said they'd just vote trump and tow the party line.


I think Hillary would still win the general but it will be an awful election.

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I think your support for Hillary is blinding you to just how much people dislike her. Her favor ability is awful. Only slightly worse is trump. That's not going to get better. When you have 2 bad cabdidates you can't go up, you just go further in the muck and hope your oponnent ends up dirtier.


What Keith said is true, Bernie would kill trump in the election because he's not hated, if dems got behind him, any undecided independents or non trump repubs would have no problem voting for Bernie. On the other hand if Hillary and trump everyone's voting party lines because repubs hate Hillary with a passion and will vote trump regardless just cause they hate her.


My parents are repubs but hate trump. They like the above would vote for Bernie, but given Hillary versus trump they said they'd just vote trump and tow the party line.


I think Hillary would still win the general but it will be an awful election.

Hillary has really high unfavorables, there's no denying that. But, do you really think the traditional establishment republicans frustrated with Trump would vote for Bernie? The fact remains that he has not been attacked at all because the GOP was more concerned with Hillary as the nominee; I think the anti-Bernie ads write themselves. Socialist ads, while maybe not accurate, would be effective. He's also proposing the largest peacetime tax increase in US history - that alone is enough to lose you an election in my mind. Then there's his weird 70s sexual psychology writings. Those things should be discarded imo, but if we're going to dig deep into Hillary's background, you can bet those would come up for a Bernie candidacy. His lack of experience in foreign policy and coalition building is less likely to be a problem since Trump doesn't have those either, but they would be against any traditional candidate.


Historically Hillary's favorability rating is also not that bad. In fact, she had one of the highest favorability ratings as secretary of state ever. Her favorability has taken a dramatic downturn in the last ~2 years for some legit reasons (emails, wall street speeches), but I believe more to republican and Bernie slander. People act as if Clinton has always been corrupt and untrustworthy, but these are largely constructed campaign ideas. I also believe there's a strong gendered element to them as well: http://qz.com/624346/america-loves-women-like-hillary-clinton-as-long-as-theyre-not-asking-for-a-promotion/

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I am a Bernie guy and I agree with this. Hillary has won more votes and has won the states that matter most. I did hear today, however, that the California primary is tightening. If Bernie wins California, I think that could be a big moment.


The superdelegate stuff is tremendously stupid I agree. Why do they exist? No one understands why, I guess, unless you are a party operative. The sooner we go to a national primary day or 5 or 6 super regional primaries the better we'll be.


It is crazy that the GOP nominated the one guy that can't beat most Democrat and the Democrats are going to nominate the only person that could lose to Trump. I mean, holy shit this country is absolutely fucked. I mean really and truly fucked.


A big majority of super-delegates committed to Hillary Clinton before any other candidate even announced they were running. If that isn't rigging the system, I don't know what is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I read somewhere he had no chance.


What do our American members think about him and why are so many Americans taken in by him.


All genuine questions.

He's the republican candidate, which hopefully just means that the republicans lose.


The alternative being Hilary is just as terrifying, but in a different way.

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Thought I read somewhere he had no chance.


What do our American members think about him and why are so many Americans taken in by him.


All genuine questions.

Pad he had a genuine chance. He is the republican nominee. Hillary Clinton (wife of former president Bill) is the Democratic nominee.


The Trump supporters are mostly 2 fold. Very rich wealthy people just like Tinp himself who know he will do everything to protect interests of his own kind. Sadly the vast majority of his supporters are uneducated people. They hear various key words he throws out (build a wall to keep out Mexicans, deport all Muslims, I'm a business man not a politician, I'm super wealthy self made man, etc) and they cling to that. They don't care or maybe don't realize that he contradicts himself constantly and just says anything to get votes and will probably not come true on all his campaign promises.


It's sad, whereas most cabdidates try to reach the uneducated blue collar workers by talking about unions, manufacturing, raising minimum wage, etc. trump has reached them by just using anger and frustration with the "system" and touting his wealth and they think the rich guy is going to make the country rich.


In the end though Pad, Hillary is a career politician and once the debates start she will destroy him every which way because he doesn't know anything on foreign policy, economy, etc. he's just buzzwords and bluster.

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Pad he had a genuine chance. He is the republican nominee. Hillary Clinton (wife of former president Bill) is the Democratic nominee.


The Trump supporters are mostly 2 fold. Very rich wealthy people just like Tinp himself who know he will do everything to protect interests of his own kind. Sadly the vast majority of his supporters are uneducated people. They hear various key words he throws out (build a wall to keep out Mexicans, deport all Muslims, I'm a business man not a politician, I'm super wealthy self made man, etc) and they cling to that. They don't care or maybe don't realize that he contradicts himself constantly and just says anything to get votes and will probably not come true on all his campaign promises.


It's sad, whereas most cabdidates try to reach the uneducated blue collar workers by talking about unions, manufacturing, raising minimum wage, etc. trump has reached them by just using anger and frustration with the "system" and touting his wealth and they think the rich guy is going to make the country rich.


In the end though Pad, Hillary is a career politician and once the debates start she will destroy him every which way because he doesn't know anything on foreign policy, economy, etc. he's just buzzwords and bluster.

Thanks Mark, I know nothing about it but just on the snippets I've read and seen on telly I'm shocked how anyone could vote for him and the absolute shite he spews.


The man is a shauster

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Thanks Mark, I know nothing about it but just on the snippets I've read and seen on telly I'm shocked how anyone could vote for him and the absolute shite he spews.


The man is a shauster


agreed. the country has become so polarized politcally that even republicans who hate trump will still vote for him because their news propoganda (Fox news, rupert murdoch) tells them Democrats are of Satan and will destroy the world. So they just blindly listen to them and vote republican. Sad really. My parents are those exact people sadly, so i'm not just trying to trash republicans, I have first hand experience. They take anything on the television as gospel.

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The primary elections are not binding. The parties need to demonstrate guts. Trump is a bigoted, racist, dangerous narcissist: If his party chooses him as their candidate, they deserve to be utterly destroyed. Clinton is a likely criminal and consistent liar, and her party deserves to be destroyed if they choose her.


A tell-all book about Hillary, written by a member of her security detachment, is set for release shortly (it's already #1 in Amazon's bestseller list based on advanced orders). Its basic premise, it seems, is that Hillary, away from the cameras, is a nasty, scheming individual who is emotionally unstable. The author clearly believes she's unfit for office.


And then there's the court case against Trump University, which is going to reveal just what a scumbag Donald Trump is - making personal fortunes out of the naive and vulnerable.


I get the sense that the electorate doesn't want either candidate - I mean, really doesn't want either candidate. Let's see which party, if either, has the guts to override the highly unrepresentative sample of voters who opted for Trump or Clinton.

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agreed. the country has become so polarized politcally that even republicans who hate trump will still vote for him because their news propoganda (Fox news, rupert murdoch) tells them Democrats are of Satan and will destroy the world. So they just blindly listen to them and vote republican. Sad really. My parents are those exact people sadly, so i'm not just trying to trash republicans, I have first hand experience. They take anything on the television as gospel.

I find it sad and disturbing how clearly rational and educated people can be brainwashed so easily.

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