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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

I've spent 3 nights in Seattle Tonka went across by speed boat from Vancouver Island I think they called it a jet boat, anyway had a great stay a  lovely seafood restaurant at the end of a jetty.

It's a beautiful place. I miss living there greatly. The seafood there is very good, but I do prefer the South's more (because it's fried).

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49 minutes ago, tonkaroost said:

It's a beautiful place. I miss living there greatly. The seafood there is very good, but I do prefer the South's more (because it's fried).

Never been further south than San Francisco in the States unless you class St Thomas in the U.S. Virgin islands, and never been anywhere on the east coast what coast do you prefer.

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13 hours ago, Palfy said:

Never been further south than San Francisco in the States unless you class St Thomas in the U.S. Virgin islands, and never been anywhere on the east coast what coast do you prefer.

New Orleans is a great place with plenty of culture. I really love parts of Florida, and Charleston, SC is amazing. 

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

Never been further south than San Francisco in the States unless you class St Thomas in the U.S. Virgin islands, and never been anywhere on the east coast what coast do you prefer.

New Orleans, seattle, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, are my favorite “big cities”.


off the beaten path would be Burlington Vermont (if you’re a hippy), Portland Maine (do you like lobster???), Portland Oregon (hipster paradise, good food beer and music).

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10 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

New Orleans, seattle, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, are my favorite “big cities”.


off the beaten path would be Burlington Vermont (if you’re a hippy), Portland Maine (do you like lobster???), Portland Oregon (hipster paradise, good food beer and music).

Portland Oregon sounds like my kind of place I can imagine you could really chill out there, gonna check it out on the net me and the missus love lying back in the sun with a few beers listen to some good music, we try and get to a few music festivals each year even the smaller local ones, my idea of heaven😇

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

Portland Oregon sounds like my kind of place I can imagine you could really chill out there, gonna check it out on the net me and the missus love lying back in the sun with a few beers listen to some good music, we try and get to a few music festivals each year even the smaller local ones, my idea of heaven😇

Portland is very cool. Oregon in general is a great place to visit. It's the second most beautiful place I've visited nature-wise(behind Colorado). 

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1 hour ago, tonkaroost said:

Portland is very cool. Oregon in general is a great place to visit. It's the second most beautiful place I've visited nature-wise(behind Colorado). 

Sold I love that sort of stuff been to Vancouver island twice for nearly 3 weeks each visit because of the wildness of it as you go further up the island it's one huge nature reserve you may have been across if you lived in Seattle, the capital Victoria is magical around the port and the old town where the Parliament buildings are I'd recommend a visit to the island to anyone.

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It's pretty scary when you think in general how unstable the world is, and bar north Korea most of the troubles that effect the world are in the middle east.

How oil has changed the world as a commodity that gives power as well as wealth, the sooner we get rid of fossil fuels the better for planet and hopefully world order.


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23 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

announced today he is pulling the US out of the Iran nuclear deal.  sometime i think he had an assistance go find him a list of everything Obama did during his presidency so he could see what to he should undo.  no rhyme or reason with this one for me.  

Definitely Obama bashing don't know what Obama did to Trump but it must have been bad because Trump visibly hates him.

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To be honest this guy is making me nervous. Latest tensions in the Middle East because of his actions. Of course,  there is always a tension in the Middle East, beside his existence, but he looks like he is up to pull the trigger.

I don't know if he is right about thinking about his nation's benefit, I don't even know if it is going to be a benefit, or he is just running around like a headless chicken... Whatever the USA does, affecting the whole world... So, it really scares me. So many mass destruction weapons stored under the grounds, it all awaits for a madman to turn the key.

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This will be his downfall.





Irn-Bru has been banned from one of Donald Trump’s Scots hotels.

Officials working for the US President fear it could stain the new carpets at Trump Turnberry in Ayrshire.

The ban emerged after guests asked for it at an event but were refused – despite Coca-Cola and other soft drinks being available.



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18 hours ago, Palfy said:

Definitely Obama bashing don't know what Obama did to Trump but it must have been bad because Trump visibly hates him.

Obama made fun of Trump with several jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  Trump is, among other despicable things, a sociopath and an extreme narcissist.  Although Trump (very) occasionally says something funny, he has no sense of humour.  Like all sociopaths, he is fundamentally humourless.  It is said that he decided to run for President that evening.  Of course he had been vaguely considering such a run even before that.  

I haven’t kept up with this thread, but I’ll add that democracy is under active attack in th US (and elsewhere).  The biggest danger in the US is that literally tens of millions of Americans do not recognize that bloody obvious fact.  Most disturbing of all, many of those tens of millions do not care.  They do not care.  They will support any of the dozens of lies that Trump tells weekly.


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57 minutes ago, Elston Gunnn said:

Obama made fun of Trump with several jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  Trump is, among other despicable things, a sociopath and an extreme narcissist.  Although Trump (very) occasionally says something funny, he has no sense of humour.  Like all sociopaths, he is fundamentally humourless.  It is said that he decided to run for President that evening.  Of course he had been vaguely considering such a run even before that.  

I haven’t kept up with this thread, but I’ll add that democracy is under active attack in th US (and elsewhere).  The biggest danger in the US is that literally tens of millions of Americans do not recognize that bloody obvious fact.  Most disturbing of all, many of those tens of millions do not care.  They do not care.  They will support any of the dozens of lies that Trump tells weekly.


They do not care because we've all been spoiled by a relatively easy life(especially true for the white male majority). We honestly don't understand true hardship, because we're so young and the countries around us haven't really either. We've felt "invincible" for so long that a worse case scenario doesn't exist anymore (even though it truly does).

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1 hour ago, Elston Gunnn said:

Obama made fun of Trump with several jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  Trump is, among other despicable things, a sociopath and an extreme narcissist.  Although Trump (very) occasionally says something funny, he has no sense of humour.  Like all sociopaths, he is fundamentally humourless.  It is said that he decided to run for President that evening.  Of course he had been vaguely considering such a run even before that.  

I haven’t kept up with this thread, but I’ll add that democracy is under active attack in th US (and elsewhere).  The biggest danger in the US is that literally tens of millions of Americans do not recognize that bloody obvious fact.  Most disturbing of all, many of those tens of millions do not care.  They do not care.  They will support any of the dozens of lies that Trump tells weekly.


Hopefully France Germany and Britain will learn that sucking up and massaging his ego will get you no where , as the Iranian deal has proved. 

Do you think he is being led by his advisors or is he leading them with the policies that he is implementing. 

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I might be wrong but I think it was one of the things he said he would do when campaigning. 

What he is doing is largely no different to what Labour and the Tories do each time they come into power, unpicking the work the other party has been putting in place for the previous x amount of years.  The aspect where Trump differs is that he is doing it on the world stage. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

Hopefully France Germany and Britain will learn that sucking up and massaging his ego will get you no where , as the Iranian deal has proved. 

Do you think he is being led by his advisors or is he leading them with the policies that he is implementing. 

a little of both.  i've read many reports/accounts/tell alls/etc and basically it boils down to the man doesn't read anything.  he asks to have everything briefed vocally and "just tell me about it", so in that sense the advisors are running the show.   Now, there are some things he personally cares about and he just does whatever the hell he wants because he's president (see tariffs on china, see striking a short term daca deal with democrats, etc).  


basically the advisors/donors/republican party run the majority of the show and his tantrums do the rest.

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

Hopefully France Germany and Britain will learn that sucking up and massaging his ego will get you no where , as the Iranian deal has proved. 

Do you think he is being led by his advisors or is he leading them with the policies that he is implementing. 

I assume Western European leaders think the same of Trump as a majority of Americans, including many traditional Republican Senators and a few Congressmen.  They know he’s a pathological liar, but with few exceptions Republican leaders cannot (or will not) say so publicly.  Many have come to the view that he must be mollified and overpraised, in hopes that flattery will make him reasonable.  There is no evidence that this works for more than a short period of time, if at all.

Nor is there any evidence that Trump listens to advisors, with the possible exception of PR advisors, and even then rarely.  He does not read, cannot abide reports of even a few paragraphs, doesn’t believe in expertise, trusts only his own instincts.  He has been mentored first by his father and then in the 1980s by a vicious guy named Roy Cohn (earlier the hatchet-man of the infamous Senator Joe McCarthy) to believe you have to screw other people before they screw you.

It took a perfect storm of incredible bad luck, Republican Party cowardice, foolish Clinton campaign mistakes, outside interference, and the quirks of our Electoral College system to elect this sociopathic monster.  It was an unbelievable, world historical mistake.  The American people might begin to rectify the catastrophe in the 2018 elections, and might choose to elect someone else in 2020.  Or they might not.  

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1 hour ago, Elston Gunnn said:

I assume Western European leaders think the same of Trump as a majority of Americans, including many traditional Republican Senators and a few Congressmen.  They know he’s a pathological liar, but with few exceptions Republican leaders cannot (or will not) say so publicly.  Many have come to the view that he must be mollified and overpraised, in hopes that flattery will make him reasonable.  There is no evidence that this works for more than a short period of time, if at all.

Nor is there any evidence that Trump listens to advisors, with the possible exception of PR advisors, and even then rarely.  He does not read, cannot abide reports of even a few paragraphs, doesn’t believe in expertise, trusts only his own instincts.  He has been mentored first by his father and then in the 1980s by a vicious guy named Roy Cohn (earlier the hatchet-man of the infamous Senator Joe McCarthy) to believe you have to screw other people before they screw you.

It took a perfect storm of incredible bad luck, Republican Party cowardice, foolish Clinton campaign mistakes, outside interference, and the quirks of our Electoral College system to elect this sociopathic monster.  It was an unbelievable, world historical mistake.  The American people might begin to rectify the catastrophe in the 2018 elections, and might choose to elect someone else in 2020.  Or they might not.  

Dark times. Good post.

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5 hours ago, Elston Gunnn said:

I assume Western European leaders think the same of Trump as a majority of Americans, including many traditional Republican Senators and a few Congressmen.  They know he’s a pathological liar, but with few exceptions Republican leaders cannot (or will not) say so publicly.  Many have come to the view that he must be mollified and overpraised, in hopes that flattery will make him reasonable.  There is no evidence that this works for more than a short period of time, if at all.

Nor is there any evidence that Trump listens to advisors, with the possible exception of PR advisors, and even then rarely.  He does not read, cannot abide reports of even a few paragraphs, doesn’t believe in expertise, trusts only his own instincts.  He has been mentored first by his father and then in the 1980s by a vicious guy named Roy Cohn (earlier the hatchet-man of the infamous Senator Joe McCarthy) to believe you have to screw other people before they screw you.

It took a perfect storm of incredible bad luck, Republican Party cowardice, foolish Clinton campaign mistakes, outside interference, and the quirks of our Electoral College system to elect this sociopathic monster.  It was an unbelievable, world historical mistake.  The American people might begin to rectify the catastrophe in the 2018 elections, and might choose to elect someone else in 2020.  Or they might not.  

Primaries were held yesterday, and Trump supporters won big time for the Republicans. Either the Democrats win big in November, or the US is on the road to even worse extremism. It's easy to believe that all sensible people hate Trump, but his support has held up and supporters are gaining steam. We need to be realistic about this haunting reality. Living in the South is a real eye-opener: I can't believe how irrational and unthinking people can be in their support.

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On 06/04/2018 at 14:24, rubecula said:

the wall would need to be as high as outer space anyway.  Mexicans know how to use aeroplanes


On 06/04/2018 at 16:26, Palfy said:

And there good miners.

I know I'm a month late on this, but the vast majority of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. (more than 2/3s) just overstayed their legal visas or came across the border seeking asylum from gangs, which is a legal process.

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4 hours ago, MikeO said:

This would mean instant resignation 100% of the time this side of the pond for anyone in public office, let alone the top man.


Trump's ego won't let him admit mistakes though. I'd honestly rather see him brought down and embarrassed(more) rather than "graciously" bowing out.

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