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Trump/US Politics


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The concept of a government having a legitimate mandate to govern via the fair winning of a democratic election is a central idea of representative democracy. New governments who attempt to introduce policies that they did not make public during an election campaign are said not to have a legitimate mandate to implement such policies.





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On 4/7/2018 at 02:41, markjazzbassist said:

they actually build massive tunnels.  so the wall is moot regardless.  there are already tunnel networks from the US to Mexico.  if you ever watch the movie "Sicario" you will see a dramatization of them used for drug smuggling.

This is the same reason you don't have gun control, because if you can't stop all the guns what is the point...


Oh wait...

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I hope the rest of the world back Trump and America against the murderous Assad regime. 

Assad should be taken out by assassins sent by the United Nations and if Russia and Iran want to defend him and his regime then we should be prepared to take them on. 

surely we cannot just stand by while children are being killed by illegal chemical warfare, it might be over there but if we don’t put a stop to it before soon it will be over here.  

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

I hope the rest of the world back Trump and America against the murderous Assad regime.

I'd hope so too but Trump will do nothing but tweet about how hard he's going to be, maybe send a single bombing raid and then do nothing; the ultimate internet warrior (while all the time ignoring Israeli atrocities, but that's standard issue for every US president).

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

I'd hope so too but Trump will do nothing but tweet about how hard he's going to be, maybe send a single bombing raid and then do nothing; the ultimate internet warrior (while all the time ignoring Israeli atrocities, but that's standard issue for every US president).

Quite possibly true, but everyone has a duty to do something why does everyone seem to do nothing and rely on the USA to wipe their arses.

Honestly if I was a yank I'd be pissed off that nobody else had the bollocks to take command of the situation and fight fire with fire.

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18 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Quite possibly true, but everyone has a duty to do something why does everyone seem to do nothing and rely on the USA to wipe their arses.

Honestly if I was a yank I'd be pissed off that nobody else had the bollocks to take command of the situation and fight fire with fire.

It does feel like this  sometimes as an American, but I also wish we'd stay out of foreign issues more. It seems like it's been like that since WWII; we have this responsibility to be the "hero" when it's our business or not, and often times it's more about the appearance than the actual deed.

That said, I love that I've had the opportunity to grow up here when you consider what other countries/territories there are.

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Not backing up Assad as he should be leaving soon, not backing up opposition either... But this conflict in Syrian territory between USA and Russia is enough. People have suffered enough for this bullshit. 3.5 million refugees residing in Turkey at the moment, we are famous for our hospitality especially in times like this but it's enough. It has changed a lot of things in my country. They are not happy, we are not happy at all anymore... I have a lot to say on this subject but this one is Trump topic so what I want to say is;

I've never thought Hillary would be the best choice nor Trump, between two of them I would vote for Hillary unwillingly. (Bernie!) Still, I do understand you dear United States of America. We have similar one who is ruling the country more than 15 years... We couldn't but I hope you get rid of what you have...

It's 4 am in Istanbul, couldn't sleep yet as still waiting what will be his declaration about the latest news from Syria. On the other hand, as I said I don't like Assad and it is best for him to leave but after what happened in Iraq I am a little bit suspicious... Let me refresh your minds a bit: lies about Saddam's nuclear weapon production/storage before invading the country. Saddam was a bloody, over-powered dictator but this fact is just not justifying Bush's strategy based on lies... I don't trust news or any kind of politician's shits about this kind of critical issues anymore...

This time, the world needs proper, unbiased expert reports from the field and then sharpest actions can be taken immediately.

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5 hours ago, Palfy said:

Quite possibly true, but everyone has a duty to do something why does everyone seem to do nothing and rely on the USA to wipe their arses.

Honestly if I was a yank I'd be pissed off that nobody else had the bollocks to take command of the situation and fight fire with fire.

Its part of US policy that they have militarily superiority over all nations, with that comes responsibility. 

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9 hours ago, Palfy said:

if Russia and Iran want to defend him and his regime then we should be prepared to take them on. 

Ease up turbo, Russia has enough nukes to destroy the world. I generally agree with the sentiment thought.


Its an interesting turn of events now we seen the results of having a US president who was not inclined to get involved in conflict overseas (and anemic foreign policy in general), basically something close to genocide in Syria.

Had Clinton won the 2008 nomination and beat McCain or had McCain won its likely their foreign policy would have precluded Russia's involvement in the first place and the early removal of any of Syria's air capability that has subsequently decimated that country, at which point certain parts of the left and libertarian right would have accused them of war mongering or interventionism.

It ostensibly appears that whatever the US does is wrong, but in reality highlights the complexities of middle eastern foreign policy.

Its breathtakingly sad which ever way you look at it.

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15 hours ago, Palfy said:

I hope the rest of the world back Trump and America against the murderous Assad regime. 

Assad should be taken out by assassins sent by the United Nations and if Russia and Iran want to defend him and his regime then we should be prepared to take them on. 

surely we cannot just stand by while children are being killed by illegal chemical warfare, it might be over there but if we don’t put a stop to it before soon it will be over here.  

It is already over here, in Salisbury.  A few years ago another Russian was poisoned in London.

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15 hours ago, Sir McGiven said:

I've never thought Hillary would be the best choice nor Trump, between two of them I would vote for Hillary unwillingly. (Bernie!) Still, I do understand you dear United States of America. We have similar one who is ruling the country more than 15 years... We couldn't but I hope you get rid of what you have...


You have the feeling of a lot of Americans. I voted for Hillary, but I didn't walk away from it feeling proud. Trump and Hillary are probably the worst possible candidates that a US election has ever had (at least to my knowledge). I'd gladly go back to Bush at this point, which says a lot about the state of politics in the USA right now.

Hillary wouldn't have done anything; she's a run of the mill politician, but Trump is ruining my country.

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It's hard to keep up with all aspects of the US politics from miles and miles away but I have a little bit more knowledge than any regular Turkish citizen as I am on Skype with some of my American friends on a daily basis, it comes to politics time by time. I can say all of them has different political views but never seen one of them totally satisfied either for Hillary or Trump.

I think last elections was the matter of settling for the lesser of two evils for the many Americans. Of course, there were hardcore Hillary and Trump fans but it doesn't change the fact the rest was unsure about both. On my side, it was interesting to see both Democrats and Republicans were unable to promote/elect better candidates.

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10 minutes ago, Sir McGiven said:

I think last elections was the matter of settling for the lesser of two evils for the many Americans. Of course, there were hardcore Hillary and Trump fans but it doesn't change the fact the rest was unsure about both. On my side, it was interesting to see both Democrats and Republicans were unable to promote/elect better candidates.

The greater of the two evils won the last election. It's a sad state of affairs over here at the moment.  

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16 hours ago, Sir McGiven said:

Not backing up Assad as he should be leaving soon, not backing up opposition either... But this conflict in Syrian territory between USA and Russia is enough. People have suffered enough for this bullshit. 3.5 million refugees residing in Turkey at the moment, we are famous for our hospitality especially in times like this but it's enough. It has changed a lot of things in my country. They are not happy, we are not happy at all anymore... I have a lot to say on this subject but this one is Trump topic so what I want to say is;

I've never thought Hillary would be the best choice nor Trump, between two of them I would vote for Hillary unwillingly. (Bernie!) Still, I do understand you dear United States of America. We have similar one who is ruling the country more than 15 years... We couldn't but I hope you get rid of what you have...

It's 4 am in Istanbul, couldn't sleep yet as still waiting what will be his declaration about the latest news from Syria. On the other hand, as I said I don't like Assad and it is best for him to leave but after what happened in Iraq I am a little bit suspicious... Let me refresh your minds a bit: lies about Saddam's nuclear weapon production/storage before invading the country. Saddam was a bloody, over-powered dictator but this fact is just not justifying Bush's strategy based on lies... I don't trust news or any kind of politician's shits about this kind of critical issues anymore...

This time, the world needs proper, unbiased expert reports from the field and then sharpest actions can be taken immediately.

Be carful what you say you’re government could be monitoring this McGiven and we all know that you’re Presidents human rights record is nothing to right home about. 😄

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27 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Be carful what you say you’re government could be monitoring this McGiven and we all know that you’re Presidents human rights record is nothing to right home about. 😄

If it's as bad as your spelling and grammar Palfy Turkey are in deep shit:P.

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

Be carful what you say you’re government could be monitoring this McGiven and we all know that you’re Presidents human rights record is nothing to right home about. 😄

we have our own trump and I use some tricks to cover my IP :D (arrested the day after he posted that) :)

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Trump needs to carry through his threat of retribution against Assad and the rest of the world needs to stand with him, if he backs down now to Putin he will be handing the power of attrition to the Russians which will make the world a more unstable place.

If Russia want to face annihilation in the defence of Syria then let them, when it comes to the crunch they will not see Assad or Syria worth going to war over.

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

Trump needs to carry through his threat of retribution against Assad and the rest of the world needs to stand with him, if he backs down now to Putin he will be handing the power of attrition to the Russians which will make the world a more unstable place.

If Russia want to face annihilation in the defence of Syria then let them, when it comes to the crunch they will not see Assad or Syria worth going to war over.

I'm really in two minds about this. His threat was made by tweet - not the result considered opinion and almost certainly without consultation with experts. This is the very real danger of tweeting: something provocative may be said, and US credibility may be lost by not following through. Most certainly, Russia must be brought to account for using a WMD on British streets and for tolerating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Was it appropriate to tweet that "nice" and "smart" missiles will be fired on them?

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I'm really in two minds about this. His threat was made by tweet - not the result considered opinion and almost certainly without consultation with experts. This is the very real danger of tweeting: something provocative may be said, and US credibility may be lost by not following through. Most certainly, Russia must be brought to account for using a WMD on British streets and for tolerating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Was it appropriate to tweet that "nice" and "smart" missiles will be fired on them?
It's amazing how "loose" he is with his Twitter. Surely he's been consulted about what he should/shouldn't be saying?
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Kennedy stood fast against Russia over Cuba and they backed down, and to be in the USA back garden was a position worth fighting for for them, Syria isn'tt Trump can not afford to do a you turn on this and lose the USA position of power.

Israel have not been attacked by any of Syria's allies namely Iran who you would have thought wouldn't have needed much provocation to launch an attack on Israel, but in the cold light of day nobody is going to risk devastation to save Assad and his regime.

Teach the murderous war criminal a lesson and target any place he maybe hiding in the hope of taking him out.

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10 hours ago, tonkaroost said:
10 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:
I'm really in two minds about this. His threat was made by tweet - not the result considered opinion and almost certainly without consultation with experts. This is the very real danger of tweeting: something provocative may be said, and US credibility may be lost by not following through. Most certainly, Russia must be brought to account for using a WMD on British streets and for tolerating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Was it appropriate to tweet that "nice" and "smart" missiles will be fired on them?

It's amazing how "loose" he is with his Twitter. Surely he's been consulted about what he should/shouldn't be saying?

Yes he has been but all those who consulted him have been sacked.

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Not saying what Mr Ford says is the truth itself as indicated in the video's headline but as a former ambassador to Syria, it is worth to pay attention to what he says. I assume he has some reliable sources than any of us or some journalists and also underlining some important "possible" facts as long as Gary Robertson allow him while he is not trying to interrupt.

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