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Pretty interesting podcast with (pompous) historian Niall Ferguson, was particularly intrigued by his counter factual arguments and its probably the only cogent argument I've heard so far that maybe the Trump presidency may not be/turn out to be as bad we first thought.

I've linked to the part where they start discussing concerns of Trump in detail but the whole thing is pretty good.




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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

 @Chach i would say that perfectly sums it up.  sadly i could show it to my republican parents and they would somehow say it's ok.  they wouldn't see anything wrong with it.

Are we the same (liberals, centre left) am I missing something?

The means can't justify the end, there has to be honesty or no one can ever take anyone at face value.

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8 hours ago, Chach said:

Are we the same (liberals, centre left) am I missing something?

The means can't justify the end, there has to be honesty or no one can ever take anyone at face value.

Completely agree I had to call out a couple liberal friends recently for hypocrisy.  They fault the right for it but it’s ok for the left. 


Youre right its rampant on both ends.  The “believe whatever you choose regardless of facts” is so prevalent.

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25 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I can see a 2nd term on the horizon for Trump not only has he got the Russians and Facebook on his side he’s now seems to have the American media, what next Kim Jun as Vice President Jesus I feel as disappointed for you as I do for us and our fiasco. 

Palfy mate have a spare bedroom for me?  it's getting downright depressing over here.  The democrats by all accounts should sweep the elections at the midterms coming up and when Trump is up for Re-election, i have a feeling they will completely botch it.  Still haven't fixed the DNC issues from Hilary.  Same old people running the party.  Bernie Sanders would clean the floor with Trump, instead it will be some democrat retread that will lose.

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13 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

Palfy mate have a spare bedroom for me?  it's getting downright depressing over here.  The democrats by all accounts should sweep the elections at the midterms coming up and when Trump is up for Re-election, i have a feeling they will completely botch it.  Still haven't fixed the DNC issues from Hilary.  Same old people running the party.  Bernie Sanders would clean the floor with Trump, instead it will be some democrat retread that will lose.

I've got five mate bring the family your all welcome, mind you the weather's crap and the political climates fucked up should make you feel right at home😁

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On 18.03.2018 at 02:38, Chach said:

The irony is weapons grade



Media, politicians, politics are all the same in anywhere on this planet. I've been in South Sudan, Guatemala, Mali, Germany, Panama, Greece, France, Turkey and many more... Same story, different actors. Nevertheless, give the devil his due, the USA is the best implementer and practitioner of this kind of corruptions.

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Why is nobody pointing out that Trump promised everyone that Mexico would be paying for the wall?
Why would they do that? It's almost like you expect everyone not to be hypocrites.

The mentality has shifted from "make America great again" to "Well at least he's not Obama or Hillary."

Frankly, it's bullshit.
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Media, politicians, politics are all the same in anywhere on this planet. I've been in South Sudan, Guatemala, Mali, Germany, Panama, Greece, France, Turkey and many more... Same story, different actors. Nevertheless, give the devil his due, the USA is the best implementer and practitioner of this kind of corruptions.
You're not wrong.
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7 hours ago, tonkaroost said:

Why would they do that? It's almost like you expect everyone not to be hypocrites.

The mentality has shifted from "make America great again" to "Well at least he's not Obama or Hillary."

Frankly, it's bullshit.

nailed it.  his supporters don't care who pays for it, they just are racist and want a wall.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/24/2018 at 15:22, markjazzbassist said:

nailed it.  his supporters don't care who pays for it, they just are racist and want a wall.

They're not all racist and its this kind of accusation from the left anytime anyone suggests border security that is aligning a lot of centrists to the right.

On top of that, he ran on the platform of a wall, he won (narrowly so has to give something up if he wants it), its well within his remit so the Dems should just get on and do a deal.

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7 hours ago, Chach said:

They're not all racist and its this kind of accusation from the left anytime anyone suggests border security that is aligning a lot of centrists to the right.

On top of that, he ran on the platform of a wall, he won (narrowly so has to give something up if he wants it), its well within his remit so the Dems should just get on and do a deal.

he said he'd have mexico pay for the wall as well, not happening it's gonna be US citizens.  you're right they're not all racists, i should have clarified.  most are.  not at klan rally racists, just keep it to themselves racists, don't hire the non-whites at work, don't keep company with them, in their mind think down about them.  i grew up in this world chach i know it well, just cause they don't drive around yelling the N word doesn't mean they're not racist.

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6 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

he said he'd have mexico pay for the wall as well, not happening it's gonna be US citizens.  you're right they're not all racists, i should have clarified.  most are.  not at klan rally racists, just keep it to themselves racists, don't hire the non-whites at work, don't keep company with them, in their mind think down about them.  i grew up in this world chach i know it well, just cause they don't drive around yelling the N word doesn't mean they're not racist.

I agree.

I love the USA, and don't get me wrong, but we have a lot of issues here. Not all Trump supporters are racist; a lot are though. I hate that we have the two party system here, because it creates a very black and white scenario when grey is often the best choice. Border security is important, but saying that you're going to build a wall and expect that to keep immigrants out is just ignorant... and to expect the country they're coming from to pay for it is just beyond stupid. Anyone who fell for that line is a dunce.

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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

you're right they're not all racists, i should have clarified.  most are.  not at klan rally racists, just keep it to themselves racists, don't hire the non-whites at work, don't keep company with them, in their mind think down about them. 

I watched something about racial separation specifically in Millwaukee the other day (can't remember where to link it) and found it really shocking; segregation still rife.

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19 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I watched something about racial separation specifically in Millwaukee the other day (can't remember where to link it) and found it really shocking; segregation still rife.

it is.  the media only assists as well.  when a black person commits a crime they show a mug shot, when a white person, it's their childhood picture in the backyard.  the arab is a terrorist but the white person who shot up a school is simply a criminal, not a terrorist.  the subtle racism is prevalent everywhere mike.

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11 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

he said he'd have mexico pay for the wall as well, not happening it's gonna be US citizens.  you're right they're not all racists, i should have clarified.  most are.  not at klan rally racists, just keep it to themselves racists, don't hire the non-whites at work, don't keep company with them, in their mind think down about them.  i grew up in this world chach i know it well, just cause they don't drive around yelling the N word doesn't mean they're not racist.

Only if you take the comment literally according to ones confirmation bias, there are lots of ways "Mexico is gonna pay"

Trump is a bully.

Mexico is the US's 3rd largest trading partner with a trade deficit of circa $70 billion in their favour. Trump wants a wall on their shared border and its in Mexico's interest to be reasonable because Trump will be spiteful. There's nothing in your constitution that stops the President being a bully.

The whole thing is playing into his hands, its a wall and if your a Keynesian its also a stimulus package for Americans and Mexicans. There's much more important trenches to die in that that one.

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1 hour ago, Chach said:

Only if you take the comment literally according to ones confirmation bias, there are lots of ways "Mexico is gonna pay"

Trump is a bully.

Mexico is the US's 3rd largest trading partner with a trade deficit of circa $70 billion in their favour. Trump wants a wall on their shared border and its in Mexico's interest to be reasonable because Trump will be spiteful. There's nothing in your constitution that stops the President being a bully.

The whole thing is playing into his hands, its a wall and if your a Keynesian its also a stimulus package for Americans and Mexicans. There's much more important trenches to die in that that one.

The Wall is useless and a waste of money it will not be effective.  People swim in dangerous waters in Morocco and try and fit hundreds on dingies in the Mediterranean to get to a better place and life.  A wall will not stop people determined to have a better life just like those barriers don’t stop people in those areas.  


Yes he is a bully.  Yes there is a trade deficit but that’s not paying for the wall.  A week ago he said the pentagon would foot the bill per the new funds from the omnibus spending bill that just passed.  

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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

The Wall is useless and a waste of money it will not be effective.  People swim in dangerous waters in Morocco and try and fit hundreds on dingies in the Mediterranean to get to a better place and life.  A wall will not stop people determined to have a better life just like those barriers don’t stop people in those areas.  


Yes he is a bully.  Yes there is a trade deficit but that’s not paying for the wall.  A week ago he said the pentagon would foot the bill per the new funds from the omnibus spending bill that just passed.  

You're missing the point, It may well be the case the wall is not effective, but there is a mandate for it plain and simple.

Pentagon may well foot the bill but that doesn't stop him imposing tarrifs on Mexican product if Mexico don't come to the party, the deficit gives him the advantage in negotiations.



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14 minutes ago, rubecula said:

the wall would need to be as high as outer space anyway.  Mexicans know how to use aeroplanes

they actually build massive tunnels.  so the wall is moot regardless.  there are already tunnel networks from the US to Mexico.  if you ever watch the movie "Sicario" you will see a dramatization of them used for drug smuggling.

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