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The document was written and released as part of a bigger strategy. The next step is firing Rosenstein, with the document as justification. Then Mueller is firmly in his sights. Once he’s gone, the president will issue a pardon for all concerned, including himself, and appoint his people to head the FBI and Justice Department. 

Whether or not he’s able to do so will depend on the personal integrity of members of his party. Will they have the guts to stand up and be counted?

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On 2018-02-04 at 14:06, Cornish Steve said:

The document was written and released as part of a bigger strategy. The next step is firing Rosenstein, with the document as justification. Then Mueller is firmly in his sights. Once he’s gone, the president will issue a pardon for all concerned, including himself, and appoint his people to head the FBI and Justice Department. 

Whether or not he’s able to do so will depend on the personal integrity of members of his party. Will they have the guts to stand up and be counted?

Hm, does Trump not hire the best people?


ian bremmer Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Mueller – Republican, appointed by Rosenstein.

Rosenstein – Republican, appointed by Trump.

Sessions – Republican, appointed by Trump.

Wray – Republican, appointed by Trump.


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if you do any google search on Mueller you will see he is at impartial as can be.  the man has been appointed by republicans and dems alike and was unanimously elected to lead the FBI (all dems and repubs and independents voted yes).  the man is an American legend, military man and civil servant.  Trump is a fucking douchebag.

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he's a hypocrite mike.  he rolled back the laws on mentally unstable people buying guns right when he got into office.  now he's all "we gotta get those laws for them".


fucking idiot.  republicans acting like the law rollback never happened.  their solution?  arm the teachers with weapons.  i keep telling my wife we need to leave this country.  one day maybe she will agree with me.

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38 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

he's a hypocrite mike.  he rolled back the laws on mentally unstable people buying guns right when he got into office.  now he's all "we gotta get those laws for them".


fucking idiot.  republicans acting like the law rollback never happened.  their solution?  arm the teachers with weapons.  i keep telling my wife we need to leave this country.  one day maybe she will agree with me.

I would like to hope that teachers would in most be against the gun laws in your country, and the furthest thing from there minds would be being trained to shoot and be prepared to kill.

Can't Canada be held up as the nearest example that having stricter gun laws works or is it just as bad there.

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18 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I would like to hope that teachers would in most be against the gun laws in your country, and the furthest thing from there minds would be being trained to shoot and be prepared to kill.

Can't Canada be held up as the nearest example that having stricter gun laws works or is it just as bad there.

canada has more guns than we do in the US, they have 0 school shootings.  most use them to hunt up there there's not the "army rambo" fascination that americans have.  i'm not sure on their laws though.


Palfy they underpay the teachers, and now they want them to carry arms?  it's fucked up man, these conservatives are out for one thing and one thing only, their wallet.  they pocket millions from the NRA (national rifle association) and just watch kids die left and right.  FUCked up man.

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If a teacher brings a gun to school, it should be grounds for instant dismissal, not financial reward. Moreover, President Reagan was shot when surrounded by an armed security detail (maybe they should have hired teachers!).

The president also stated today that the right to buy and use guns is God-given. Clearly, I missed that particular Sunday school lesson. 

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2 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

If a teacher brings a gun to school, it should be grounds for instant dismissal, not financial reward. Moreover, President Reagan was shot when surrounded by an armed security detail (maybe they should have hired teachers!).

The president also stated today that the right to buy and use guns is God-given. Clearly, I missed that particular Sunday school lesson. 

His god is money and the NRA paid him a lot. 


This is country is unlike European nations where rational thinking and things like common sense and efficiency are celebrated.  When I was in Germany once I commented how they have similar weather (in the north) to us and yet their freeways were in perfect shape. No concrete cracking from all the ice and snow.  A friend told me me they build them  over a foot thick and pure concrete. That way regardless of ice and snow it is too thick to crack and be broken up.  Meanwhile in the US it’s 6 inches and they use asphalt because it’s cheap.  They redo them every 5 years because they crack break and make potholes.  Instead of doing it right the first time and paying a high price to save later they keep doing it wrong over and over again and instead waste tons of money.


ive said it many times, this country is populated by a lot of unintelligent people who distrust facts and science.  

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43 minutes ago, MikeO said:


So why did you dodge the draught Don? Nobody knows how they're going to react until they're placed in the situation for sure but we know how how you reacted when confronted with the possibility of being shot at. You didn't offer to run in unarmed (or armed) then dude so what's changed?

the one cop on duty never went in, saw something that there might have been 3 other cops that didn't go in as well.  either way, the whole "more guns less bad guys" argument is moot right there.  the guys trained to stop them won't even do that.  


shambles of a country and political system mike.  no wonder karl marx was so against capitalism, money and greed rule, not the people.

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