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I don't think there is anything in what he says to actually prove any Clinton wrongdoing (not saying it didn't happen). Also, Fox news is notoriously right-winged, so I take anything they say with a grain of salt when it comes to left-wing politics.


I don't like Hilary that much, but this article is a non-story for me.

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Cornish, how are you leaning, if you don't mind me asking? This election seems pretty hopeless when looking at the candidates.


Hilary appears crooked; and I can't see Donald nor Bernie having any pull in Congress. I can't see any progress being made by any candidate. I'm honestly starting to become worried.

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I don't understand those people who say they'll not vote because their favoured person is no longer in the running.


The way I see it is you're voting for the party and it's the party selects important positions such as Supreme Court judges. Ideally, you want those judges to be of a similar outlook as yourself and the best way to have them put in position is to vote for the party that is likely to put them in that position.

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Cornish, how are you leaning, if you don't mind me asking? This election seems pretty hopeless when looking at the candidates.


Hilary appears crooked; and I can't see Donald nor Bernie having any pull in Congress. I can't see any progress being made by any candidate. I'm honestly starting to become worried.


As a British citizen only, I can't vote - but I'm happy to give my opinion. Four of my six children are US citizens and able to vote, and they supported four different candidates: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton (although my youngest son held his nose doing so), Marco Rubio, and John Kasich. Their votes are probably emblematic of my thoughts in that I could support elements of the policies of all four of these people. More important to me, though, is the character of the person involved - and my assessment is that the most decent and honorable (relative terms, of course, since we're talking about politicians!) is John Kasich. Now, if he could team up with a well-respected Democrat to launch a bipartisan third option in the election, that would be good. Alternatively, I rather wish there was no 2-term limit, because it might be better to allow President Obama to remain in office.


Hillary worries me because of her ruthless selfishness and blatant disregard for the country's security. Ted Cruz really scares me, and Donald Trump terrifies me. I'm not convinced yet that he won't become something of a fascist autocrat. The following article, I think, is rather insightful.



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As a British citizen only, I can't vote - but I'm happy to give my opinion. Four of my six children are US citizens and able to vote, and they supported four different candidates: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton (although my youngest son held his nose doing so), Marco Rubio, and John Kasich. Their votes are probably emblematic of my thoughts in that I could support elements of the policies of all four of these people. More important to me, though, is the character of the person involved - and my assessment is that the most decent and honorable (relative terms, of course, since we're talking about politicians!) is John Kasich. Now, if he could team up with a well-respected Democrat to launch a bipartisan third option in the election, that would be good. Alternatively, I rather wish there was no 2-term limit, because it might be better to allow President Obama to remain in office.


Hillary worries me because of her ruthless selfishness and blatant disregard for the country's security. Ted Cruz really scares me, and Donald Trump terrifies me. I'm not convinced yet that he won't become something of a fascist autocrat. The following article, I think, is rather insightful.




hillary clinton's character withstanding she's just going to be obama part 3 really. she's a centrist (like obama) and will bow to the corporations and give them tax breaks while throwing some small bones to the poor and middle class (slight minimum wage improvement, Social security, paid family leave, etc). I could honestly care less about character since they're president not the guy i'm trusting with my wife for the weekend. Meanwhile signing the Trans Pacific Partnership which is the end of the american middle class, unions, etc. We will outsource our whole country to the Far East and watch as the corporations and rich get richer while the rest of us suffer.


David Brooks from the New York Times (a conservative mind you) has said "Hillary Clinton will win in the most lopsided victory ever". Strong words for a leading force on the political journalism scene. I agree with him though, Republican lawmakers wont' even back trump (some senators and congress have already said they'll vote for hillary!) so we expect the citizens to? no way. he's going to lose because all democrats will unite around hillary (she's not as bad as trump) and the repubs that don't vote are a vote for hillary essentially.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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hillary clinton's character withstanding she's just going to be obama part 3 really. she's a centrist (like obama) and will bow to the corporations and give them tax breaks while throwing some small bones to the poor and middle class (slight minimum wage improvement, Social security, paid family leave, etc). I could honestly care less about character since they're president not the guy i'm trusting with my wife for the weekend. Meanwhile signing the Trans Pacific Partnership which is the end of the american middle class, unions, etc. We will outsource our whole country to the Far East and watch as the corporations and rich get richer while the rest of us suffer.


David Brooks from the New York Times (a conservative mind you) has said "Hillary Clinton will win in the most lopsided victory ever". Strong words for a leading force on the political journalism scene. I agree with him though, Republican lawmakers wont' even back trump (some senators and congress have already said they'll vote for hillary!) so we expect the citizens to? no way. he's going to lose because all democrats will unite around hillary (she's not as bad as trump) and the repubs that don't vote are a vote for hillary essentially.


I have no problem with outsourcing and actually support it. It's created more jobs than it's killed - just different types of jobs. IMO, more training and education is needed for those affected, not an end to outsourcing. It's also by far the most effective form of foreign aid the world has ever seen. Plus, if we don't outsource, others will and undercut our prices - meaning that more jobs will be lost. Free trade, of which outsourcing is a part, is one of the reason why Western nations have thrived for so long.

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As a British citizen only, I can't vote - but I'm happy to give my opinion. Four of my six children are US citizens and able to vote, and they supported four different candidates: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton (although my youngest son held his nose doing so), Marco Rubio, and John Kasich. Their votes are probably emblematic of my thoughts in that I could support elements of the policies of all four of these people. More important to me, though, is the character of the person involved - and my assessment is that the most decent and honorable (relative terms, of course, since we're talking about politicians!) is John Kasich. Now, if he could team up with a well-respected Democrat to launch a bipartisan third option in the election, that would be good. Alternatively, I rather wish there was no 2-term limit, because it might be better to allow President Obama to remain in office.


Hillary worries me because of her ruthless selfishness and blatant disregard for the country's security. Ted Cruz really scares me, and Donald Trump terrifies me. I'm not convinced yet that he won't become something of a fascist autocrat. The following article, I think, is rather insightful.



Doh! Forgot you aren't American. Thanks for the response.


I agree about Kasich, but he never had a chance in hell. He would have been my pick. He's honest and has a good voting record; however, he has absolutely no charisma, as is evident by his failure to get votes. He received absolutely not respect in the debates.


Right now I'm leaning Bernie, but I know HRC is going to win the nomination.


Speaking of nominations, I received my Washington state ballot in the mail today. Decisions, decisions.

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I had to look up that up.


The Wikipedia page is surprisingly detailed.


i'm guessing you're in your mid to lower twenties then? not being ageist just guessing based on not knowing about that "pop culture" phrase.


yeah that fiasco just reinforces the conspiracy theorists notion that the elections are rigged. same as this year hundreds of thousands of peoples registration was "lost" and hillary won those areas even though the lost registration were bernie people. definately doesn't help the people who think our elections are "honest and fair"

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i'm guessing you're in your mid to lower twenties then? not being ageist just guessing based on not knowing about that "pop culture" phrase.


yeah that fiasco just reinforces the conspiracy theorists notion that the elections are rigged. same as this year hundreds of thousands of peoples registration was "lost" and hillary won those areas even though the lost registration were bernie people. definately doesn't help the people who think our elections are "honest and fair"


This has happened in more than one state. She's going to win because of this cheating, even though Bernie exceeds poll predictions almost every time. The shenanigans in New York, though, are the worst. The number of people affected is huge. I'm amazed this hasn't been pursued by the press, but they're in Hillary's pocket, too. I keep reading news editorials calling for Bernie to pull out: Why should he when he's winning states time and again?

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This has happened in more than one state. She's going to win because of this cheating, even though Bernie exceeds poll predictions almost every time. The shenanigans in New York, though, are the worst. The number of people affected is huge. I'm amazed this hasn't been pursued by the press, but they're in Hillary's pocket, too. I keep reading news editorials calling for Bernie to pull out: Why should he when he's winning states time and again?


agreed steve. he has a case with the superdelegates as well. he won their state yet they vote for clinton? laughable. we can only hope she gets indicted and bernie gets the nomination and will win. in all the polls bernie would slaughter Trump. For all the repubs that hate clinton and trump, they don't mind sanders, so some polls i've seen said he's win 74 percent of the vote, a landslide.

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i'm guessing you're in your mid to lower twenties then? not being ageist just guessing based on not knowing about that "pop culture" phrase.


yeah that fiasco just reinforces the conspiracy theorists notion that the elections are rigged. same as this year hundreds of thousands of peoples registration was "lost" and hillary won those areas even though the lost registration were bernie people. definately doesn't help the people who think our elections are "honest and fair"

Mid twenties. I remember that election but obviously couldn't participate in it. I do remember the demanding of a recount though. I wasn't interested in politics until the Obama-McCain period.
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Mid twenties. I remember that election but obviously couldn't participate in it. I do remember the demanding of a recount though. I wasn't interested in politics until the Obama-McCain period.


yep makes complete sense. i'm 31 so was too young to vote but my dad enjoys following politics so i was well aware of all of it.


i've heard recently now that if clinton is indicted the democratic party might be VP Joe Biden up instead of Bernie. I don't think he would that well to be honest. Decent guy and decent senator but he doesn't have the charisma of Bernie.

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It's sad that the mainstream media are presuming that Hillary has won: She has not. Bernie won again last night, by more than 10 points, even though the rigged system of superdelegates means she gets as many delegates as he does. This is the first of nine state primaries of which Bernie could well win eight. What will his party do if he wins a majority of elected delegates? Will the superdelegates still insist on giving the crown to Hillary?


It's also frustrating that the news outlets claim that Hillary is only 200 votes away from winning. That's only true if you take into account those superdelegates. Without them, Bernie is closing in. Indeed, in California, which is a huge state to win, Republicans can register to vote in the Democratic primary - especially since there's no point in them voting for a Republican candidate. I've seen reports that Bernie's team are wooing young Republicans to do just this. That could be a game-changer.


Edited because I kant spill.

Edited by Cornish Steve
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It's sad that the mainstream media are presuming that Hillary has won: She has not. Bernie won again last night, by more than 10 points, even though the rigged system of superdelegates means she gets as many delegates as he does. This is the first of nine state primaries of which Bernie could well win eight. What will his party do if he wins a majority of elected delegates? Will the superdelegates still insist on giving the crown to Hillary?


It's also frustrating that the news outlets claim that Hillary is only 200 votes away from winning. That's only true if you take into account those superdelegates. Without them, Bernie is closing in. Indeed, in California, which is a huge state to win, Republicans can register to vote in the Democratic primary - especially since there's no point in them voting for a Republican candidate. I've seen reports that Bernie's team are wooing young Republicans to do just this. That could be a game-changer.


Edited because I kant spill.


i would love that steve, Bernie is my guy and i really hope he's able to highlight the superdelegate corruption so they have to vote for him. In all the polls he would wipe the floor with Trump.

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I am getting sick of politics this year,


Assembly votes, EU referendum, Council bye elections and the American Presidency (Luckily the last one is nothing to do with me.) But to be frank about all this. It is exciting to see who gets screwed first.


Republicans are screwed already by the poor choices they have had and the Democrats are screwed by their dynasty type politics.

We are screwed by the choices we have in a similar way. Cameron is out after this government and we will have to see which likely person will lead into battle with Corbyn. GOD HELP US ALL.

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Interesting video floating around about Hillary. Can't wait for the follow-up video about Donald.


Good piece of work that; think you could probably put one together on 90% of global politicians though.


Same as you can make every footballer look like a world class player on a highlight reel.

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