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29 minutes ago, MikeO said:

According to Wiki the great...

Book censorship "is the removal, suppression, or restricted circulation of literary, artistic, or educational material--of images, ideas, and information--on the grounds that these are morally or otherwise objectionable in the light of standards applied by the censor. "Censorship is "the regulation of speech and other forms of expression by an entrenched authority," The overall intent of censorship, in any form, is to act as "a kind of safeguard for society, typically to protect norms and values, censorship suppresses what is considered objectionable from a political, moral, or religious standpoint."

So I don't see how this is going to fit the criteria.

A bit longwinded for me after today :lol: 

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Words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me."

Words uttered today by President Donald Trump: "
Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

Does he not understand America?

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5 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me."

Words uttered today by President Donald Trump: "
Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

Does he not understand America?

To be fair though he ran on a pretty anti-immigration platform, and he won.

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Not coming over here to open new US embassy because, 

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!

Despite the fact that the deal was done by George W Bush:huh:.

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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

After this book just came out it theorizes he didn’t even want to win, wife was crying (sad) when he won.  He was just doing the run to get a better “the apprentice” contract with NBC.  

Yeah I'd heard that one during the run up to the election, he was probably putting that idea out there himself in case he did lose.

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42 minutes ago, MikeO said:


Not coming over here to open new US embassy because, 

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!

Despite the fact that the deal was done by George W Bush:huh:.

He blames everything on Obama’s, that’s what all racists in America do.

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4 minutes ago, TallPaul1878 said:

My bet is that he gets a second term.

Wouldn't surprise me at all, man's made of Teflon, you can throw whatever you like at him but nothing sticks but he's a complete nutjob; which suggests that a significant proportion of Americans are also. Oprah in for the Democrats at the next election? Might as well make it into a TV show with a phone vote at the end; laughing stock of the World. Such a tragedy for the good guys over there in whose company I include all US TT members. 

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19 minutes ago, TallPaul1878 said:

Trump isn'ttt stupid at all, he's bloody clever. He's bypassed the mainstream media and goes straight to his core through Twitter and they LAP IT UP.

He's picked a fight with CNN precisely because he believes it is a fight he can win. Mainstream news approval ratings are worse than Trump's when it comes to the public trusting what they put out.

I'm not suggesting he's stupid, just that he's a looney; idiot savant would probably be the best description. If the white working class/blue collar workers are gullible enough to buy it then that's very sad. Agree completely that the race problem over there is astounding, it's like the rest of the "civilised" world has moved beyond it (not totally but to some extent) while the US is stuck in Rosa Parks territory.

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11 hours ago, TallPaul1878 said:

If the Democrats want to get back in then they need to field a straight white male for the candidacy.

By playing the identity politics game the Democrats have managed to alienate huge numbers of white working class males. It is this demograph that makes up the bulk of the population and it's enough to swing it for a Republican victory again.

America has a serious race problem and it's getting worse. The Parties are almost polarised now with Republicans being the White Man's Party and the Democrats being the Party for Ethnic Minorities.

Just look at the voting demographics, it's as clear as day. The Dems win in big urban areas with large black and hispanic populations, whilst the Reps win in mainland America where it is mostly white working class.

Trump isn'tttt stupid at all, he's bloody clever. He's bypassed the mainstream media and goes straight to his core through Twitter and they LAP IT UP.

I have a few questions/issues with this post

1) How are the Democrats playing identity politics? 

2) While more white Americans align with the GOP there's far more to it than just ethnicity, religion plays a large part and its still only about 50/40 in the GOP's favour, not particularly polarising.

3) Big urban areas don't have the largest proportions of African Americans, the southern states do which are still largely red states.

4) Trump is demonstrably stupid which is why he has to spend all his time on Twitter spreading propaganda about proper news organisations who report the truth about his ineptitude.  

5) Agree on the candidate being important, if they veer further to the left I can see them getting spanked.

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3 minutes ago, rubecula said:

forgive me if this is already under discussion but I can not read anything just now.


Trump has offended the entire continent of Africa, apparently.  Is he mad, bad or racist?



Or cleverly manipulative by feeding his mainstream support what they want in the public domain, which in turn will strengthen his position with the people who voted him in, to dismiss him of as mad is in its self mad he is calculated and cold and in his mind he is a winner and he will do what ever it takes to get what he wants, and he will judge himself by his wealth and his trappings and them things alone in his life will be all the evidence he needs to prove what he says is right because his success proves it.

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I have a few questions/issues with this post
1) How are the Democrats playing identity politics? 
2) While more white Americans align with the GOP there's far more to it than just ethnicity, religion plays a large part and its still only about 50/40 in the GOP's favour, not particularly polarising.
3) Big urban areas don't have the largest proportions of African Americans, the southern states do which are still largely red states.
4) Trump is demonstrably stupid which is why he has to spend all his time on Twitter spreading propaganda about proper news organisations who report the truth about his ineptitude.  
5) Agree on the candidate being important, if they veer further to the left I can see them getting spanked.
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7 hours ago, Chach said:

I have a few questions/issues with this post

1) How are the Democrats playing identity politics? 

2) While more white Americans align with the GOP there's far more to it than just ethnicity, religion plays a large part and its still only about 50/40 in the GOP's favour, not particularly polarising.

3) Big urban areas don't have the largest proportions of African Americans, the southern states do which are still largely red states.

4) Trump is demonstrably stupid which is why he has to spend all his time on Twitter spreading propaganda about proper news organisations who report the truth about his ineptitude.  

5) Agree on the candidate being important, if they veer further to the left I can see them getting spanked.

The city of Atlanta is a good example of how to answer #3. Yes, the South has a higher proportion of African-Americans, but the white population is much more Republican. Georgia is strongly Republican these days, but the city of Atlanta always votes for a Democratic mayor. One reason why is that minorities are a majority in the city (if that makes sense!). In other words, the divide is much more noticeable in the South. More whites are Democrat and blacks are Republican in other regions of the country. Although, in reality, it's more complex than that, right? Cuban-Americans are more Republican than other Latin-Americans. Indian-Americans tend to be more Republican, whereas Jewish-Americans are more Democrat.

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13 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

The city of Atlanta is a good example of how to answer #3. Yes, the South has a higher proportion of African-Americans, but the white population is much more Republican. Georgia is strongly Republican these days, but the city of Atlanta always votes for a Democratic mayor. One reason why is that minorities are a majority in the city (if that makes sense!). In other words, the divide is much more noticeable in the South. More whites are Democrat and blacks are Republican in other regions of the country. Although, in reality, it's more complex than that, right? Cuban-Americans are more Republican than other Latin-Americans. Indian-Americans tend to be more Republican, whereas Jewish-Americans are more Democrat.

Atlanta is not typical in the most populated cities though is it, I see where you're coming from but in a presidential election where you need electoral college votes you're not going to get by with only support of minorities.

The real takeaway for me from this last election is that Republicans will vote for anybody who identifies as Republican regardless of their suitability, Democrats won't so who is really playing identity politics...

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pretty much nailed it chach.  Perfect example.  In the primaries my parents (diehard republicans and values issue voters) made fun of trump said they would never vote for him and thought he was an idiot.  The minute he got the nomination for repub they were singing a different song.  They vote for the republican regardless.


for me I was a Bernie sanders guy, when the dems screwed him over I didn’t go with Hillary, I went Green Party because I’d rather that than Hillary (too conservative for me).


This next election will be interesting.  The dems need a candidate the working class, minorities, intellectuals, and middle class can get around.  Sadly most of them don’t vote.  Old rich white people vote.

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2 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

pretty much nailed it chach.  Perfect example.  In the primaries my parents (diehard republicans and values issue voters) made fun of trump said they would never vote for him and thought he was an idiot.  The minute he got the nomination for repub they were singing a different song.  They vote for the republican regardless.

for me I was a Bernie sanders guy, when the dems screwed him over I didn’t go with Hillary, I went Green Party because I’d rather that than Hillary (too conservative for me).

This next election will be interesting.  The dems need a candidate the working class, minorities, intellectuals, and middle class can get around.  Sadly most of them don’t vote.  Old rich white people vote.

That election for you guys living it must have been next level weird, Iowa and Ohio predominantly white states who voted for Obama both times but preferred Trump over Hillary?

Regardless of Hillary's shortcomings of which there are many, that just doesn't compute with me. Got any insight into that?

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pretty much nailed it chach.  Perfect example.  In the primaries my parents (diehard republicans and values issue voters) made fun of trump said they would never vote for him and thought he was an idiot.  The minute he got the nomination for repub they were singing a different song.  They vote for the republican regardless.
for me I was a Bernie sanders guy, when the dems screwed him over I didn’t go with Hillary, I went Green Party because I’d rather that than Hillary (too conservative for me).
This next election will be interesting.  The dems need a candidate the working class, minorities, intellectuals, and middle class can get around.  Sadly most of them don’t vote.  Old rich white people vote.
Same with my dad MJB. He hates Trump, but he always votes for the party. It makes no sense. He's the smartest person I know, but when it comes to politics we never see eye-to-eye. My mom is Republican too but actually voted for Hillary becuse of Trump's "grab her by the pussy" comments.

I'm not saying republicans can't be smart; I just don't understand why anyone would support Trump.

I've said it before: he makes George Bush look capable!
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