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On 9/25/2017 at 10:37, Cornish Steve said:

The level of patriotism in the US has never sat right with me. Demanding that everyone stand for the anthem or place hand on heart for the pledge, at every sport event, school event, political event, etc., is way over the top. If you look at it objectively, it's the kind of thing we expect of, say, North Korea.

Didn't think of it immediately, but there's a really interesting read on this by a guy named Kevin Kruse called "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America." Seems a lot of the patriotism we Americans were instilled with growing up grew from an alliance between prominent evangelicals and corporate America.

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Also, I've been very pleasantly surprised by the NFL's reaction to all this.

Those of you who have spent a lot of time in the US have probably noticed that the largest demographic who goes mad for American football are blue-blooded, working-class, gun-toting, mostly white Americans. Obviously, as it's the most popular sport in the US, this is just a cross-section of fans, but it is the loudest and most vocal.

That NFL owners, some of whom are personal friends with the oompa loompa excuse for a president, would come together to show solidarity over issues of race, even after blackballing Colin Kaepernick for doing the same, and despite the averse reactions from their core fan base, shows the influence that players can have in shifting discourse.

Meanwhile, our soccer federation won't budge: https://www.starsandstripesfc.com/2017/9/26/16371086/us-soccer-stands-by-policy-standing-national-anthem-rapinoe-kneeling

Kind of an interesting juxtaposition given the predominant demographic of world football fans vs American football fans.

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36 minutes ago, nyblue23 said:

Didn't think of it immediately, but there's a really interesting read on this by a guy named Kevin Kruse called "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America." Seems a lot of the patriotism we Americans were instilled with growing up grew from an alliance between prominent evangelicals and corporate America.

i have that book, terrifying yet well researched.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

This is right up there with his most idiotic statements; on Puerto Rico...

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water"


He's been slow to help them, slow to lift the Jones act to allow foreign shipping, and hinted that Puerto Ricans brought this on themselves. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect we're going to hear some anti-Hispanic rhetoric soon. He's not acting as if Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

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He seems to be trying to create some form of isolation from the rest of the world, he doesn't want USA to part of a better world if it means spending money to help others to flourish, even his environmental decisions are based on what it might cost short term, not long term for the planet.

He's definitely pushing for a them and us society which the supremacist in America are revelling in.

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

He seems to be trying to create some form of isolation from the rest of the world, he doesn't want USA to part of a better world if it means spending money to help others to flourish, even his environmental decisions are based on what it might cost short term, not long term for the planet.

He's definitely pushing for a them and us society which the supremacist in America are revelling in.


spot on, it's scary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

By the way, this whole flag thing puts me (and other non-citizens) in an awkward situation. Whenever we're in a crowd or audience where everyone is expected to pledge allegiance to the flag or sing the national anthem, I respectfully stand, stay silent, and keep my hands behind my back. Occasionally this earns a glance or two, but no-one says anything. In the current climate, I expect to be challenged about it. The response is easy: "It's not my flag."

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2 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

By the way, this whole flag thing puts me (and other non-citizens) in an awkward situation. Whenever we're in a crowd or audience where everyone is expected to pledge allegiance to the flag or sing the national anthem, I respectfully stand, stay silent, and keep my hands behind my back. Occasionally this earns a glance or two, but no-one says anything. In the current climate, I expect to be challenged about it. The response is easy: "It's not my flag."


i saw a couple people at a basketball game didn't stand and a jackass woman poured her beer all over them for "not being merican".  i would recommend a poncho if you attend sporting events steve :rofl:

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On 09/10/2017 at 16:22, Cornish Steve said:

By the way, this whole flag thing puts me (and other non-citizens) in an awkward situation. Whenever we're in a crowd or audience where everyone is expected to pledge allegiance to the flag or sing the national anthem, I respectfully stand, stay silent, and keep my hands behind my back. Occasionally this earns a glance or two, but no-one says anything. In the current climate, I expect to be challenged about it. The response is easy: "It's not my flag."

You now get kicked out of school if you don't. 


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21 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

The circumstances were rather different, though, and many would argue their use saved many lives.

You could make an argument for the first one possibly but was the second one really needed? Serious question because I don't know the answer; I'm no expert on WW2. Fact remains though that while a select few nations are considered "grown up" enough to have them are they really in a position to demand that other countries don't? It's, "do as I say not do as I do".

Everyone needs to dismantle them imo.

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22 hours ago, tonkaroost said:

Astonishing. It's a peaceful demonstration... Americans (and everyone else) should have a right to protest as long as it's not hurting anyone else. Making people stand for "the country and the flag" and punishing them if they don't reeks of a dictatorship. It's way too controlling.

Supported in Germany. Nice one.

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