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Trump/US Politics


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I think that the US is in real trouble this time. Sanders is the best candidate by far, with one potential flaw - idealism is great, but you need to be able to do the hard stuff too and I'm not 100% convinced he can do that. Clinton is a liar, and the racist mysoganist bankruptcy expert Trump and his reality TV approach to everything is terrifying. Cruz is just as scary. There's rarely a perfect candidate, but this time the impact has even greater global impacts. It's worrying for the world when such an important, great country could be lead by any if the candidates...

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Yeah. Shit is starting to hit the fan. I'm hoping Sanders pulls a miracle, but I don't think he'll have enough sway in Congress. HRC may have cost herself the election by not releasing the Wall Street speech transcripts.


Either way, I definitely do NOT want Trump's ignorance in office.

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I'm supporting Bernie and hope he upsets Hillary but I think it's hers to lose. She's got all the banks and oil companies in her pocket and her versus trump she would slay him in debates. She's very smart and highly educated whereas his bullshit won't work on her.


Honestly I think trump has no chance even his own party is starting to bend the rules so he doesn't get the nomination.

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Thanks, I have never really understood USA politics. despite getting letters from the white house lol

Yeah you have to run for one or the other. Since he's running for president he's not gonna get congress.


He could run for president even if he doesn't get the nomination. It would be as an independent and would immediately ensure the democrat victory as he would steal votes from the republican candidate and essentially half their total.

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The other shoe has yet to drop: When will the FBI recommend charges against Hillary? It's coming; I feel quite certain of it. If the attorney general refuses to allow those charges to proceed, there will be mass resignations at the FBI. If anyone thinks we've seen it all already in these presidential primaries, the real fireworks are yet to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

God help us all. Both parties look like electing a lying criminal as their candidate. Third party candidate, anyone?

Libertarian party would be the biggest "other" party. Also Green Party maybe. But that's just throwing away votes, no way they get enough to win.


Now that the real debates will start Hillary will destroy trump as she's been senator, Secretary of State, and First Lady. She's corrupt but she knows the game and how to play, she will make him look like an amateur on any question regarding real politics.

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