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Trump/US Politics


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This happened in the oval office last night. The ease with which religion and government (politics) is mixed in the US, is quite amazing.




The crazy thing is I can't ever remember a president ever making a "statement" photo like this.


Everything is just so bizarre with this administration. I'd take GW Bush over this clown in a heartbeat and that's saying something!

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He's tea party super right wing religious zealot. And he has been in politics for a while. This is why I say trump isn't that bad, because trump can't get anything done. Pence would get stuff done but it would be scary Victorian era like laws.


Let trump be a lame duck and then get voted out after one term. Pence would undo everything obama did in 1 term and then put us into the Great Depression or feudal robber barons for the second term.

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He's tea party super right wing religious zealot. And he has been in politics for a while. This is why I say trump isn't that bad, because trump can't get anything done. Pence would get stuff done but it would be scary Victorian era like laws.


Let trump be a lame duck and then get voted out after one term. Pence would undo everything obama did in 1 term and then put us into the Great Depression or feudal robber barons for the second term.


I'm hoping they're both caught up in the same mess involving Russia and both of them get the boot. Who's after the VP? House Speaker Paul Ryan?


He would at least be better than Trump/Pence I think.

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I'm hoping they're both caught up in the same mess involving Russia and both of them get the boot. Who's after the VP? House Speaker Paul Ryan?


He would at least be better than Trump/Pence I think.


Yeah Paul Ryan is the same as Pence, thinks poor people are poor by choice and need to get a better job. Wants to gut medicaid, he's a tax nazi and wants there to be little to no taxes. Let the corporations run the country. nut job.


Pence and Ryan are worse than trump, they know politics and will get stuff passed which could be terrible. Trump keeps fucking everything up but Obamacare is still around, and Trumpcare bill is dying a slow death currently due to the massive Medicaid cuts. Plus the scandal with Russia has basically paralyzed him in the states because he gets asked it all the time and can't avoid it so he retreats and goes on foreign visits.

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with a majority in the house and senate the Repubs can't even pass Trumpcare. 3 repubs said no and the bill was dead in the water. So they decide, screw it, let's not pass trumpcare let's just get rid of obamacare and fix it later. FAILED. 3+ senators (repubs) said they cannot vote to repeal if there is no replacement. dead in the water.



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with a majority in the house and senate the Repubs can't even pass Trumpcare. 3 repubs said no and the bill was dead in the water. So they decide, screw it, let's not pass trumpcare let's just get rid of obamacare and fix it later. FAILED. 3+ senators (repubs) said they cannot vote to repeal if there is no replacement. dead in the water.



It's a falter, though, as the article correctly puts it, not yet a total failure. Just like when Paul Ryan said the ACA was the law of the land and then two months later they were trying to pass this shitty version.

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It's a falter, though, as the article correctly puts it, not yet a total failure. Just like when Paul Ryan said the ACA was the law of the land and then two months later they were trying to pass this shitty version.


no doubt, but Trump has passed nothing and if they keep wasting time on it he won't get anything done by mid-terms. he also wants tax reform, infrastructure bill, and maybe immigration so they need to either get it done or move on.


Repubs are imploding and i'm loving every minute.

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no doubt, but Trump has passed nothing and if they keep wasting time on it he won't get anything done by mid-terms. he also wants tax reform, infrastructure bill, and maybe immigration so they need to either get it done or move on.


Repubs are imploding and i'm loving every minute.

Yeah true enough. Still can't believe they're moving forward with a fucking border wall.
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Yeah true enough. Still can't believe they're moving forward with a fucking border wall.

Is that in the works still? I haven't heard anything on that I guess with all the healthcare stuff going on and Russia meddling.


I wonder how they will pay for it? Tax the poor and sickly and maybe newborn babies? They sure as hell ain't taxing the rich.

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Is that in the works still? I haven't heard anything on that I guess with all the healthcare stuff going on and Russia meddling.


I wonder how they will pay for it? Tax the poor and sickly and maybe newborn babies? They sure as hell ain't taxing the rich.





And finally, without further adieu, the oompa loompa found a way to pay for a whopping 28 miles of it (roughly 1.4%): https://www.google.com/amp/thehill.com/policy/national-security/342610-house-bill-includes-funds-for-28-miles-of-border-wall%3famp

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President Trump just threw his Attorney General under a bus. We all know why. When Sessions quits or is fired, he'll be replaced by someone willing to stop the Russia probe and fire the special investigator. At that point, all hell will break loose.

Let's hope the entirety of the GOP machinery gets caught up in it. Looking at you Ryan, McConnell, and Pence.
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the thing with sessions is he is a career politician. Knowing trump is now against him he could try and save himself by bringing trump down with the Russia thing and make himself look a hero to keep his job with pence if trump goes. Granted we'd be stuck with session as AG but trump would be gone.


Or I've just been watching too much house of cards ??

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Sean Spicer out as press secretary. resigned. trump hired a rich new yorker to be communications director (no experience in job or government), spicer realized he would essentially be doing 2 jobs, press secretary and com director (since scaramucci doesn't know the job or how to do it) and he quit.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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Sometimes, our wild imaginings come true!


Earlier today, I was thinking through the situation with the special prosecutor. If I were Donald Trump (heaven help me!), how would I bring the investigation into possible collusion with Russia to a close? Well, I'd need to fire the attorney general and replace him with someone willing to fire the special prosecutor and end the investigation. But Congress would never approve someone willing to do that. Ah, but once Congress goes on recess, the president can make a recess appointment that needs no approval. Problem solved. Well, not quite. The attorney general has won sympathy in Congress since the president threw him under the bus a few days ago, so something must be done to turn them against him.


Lo and behold, what happened this evening? An anonymous source tells the Washington Post that the Attorney General spoke about campaign details to the Russian ambassador via a boast the latter made when communicating with Moscow. Of course, the tapping of Russian phones is secret and cannot be verified. The source is anonymous and cannot be revealed. The Russian ambassador wouldn't contradict the story. It's the perfect unverifiable story. Now everyone, from both parties, is turning against the attorney general, and the president will have the excuse he needs to fire him, make a recess appointment, fire the special prosecutor, and end the investigation. La voila! Sadly, it looks like everyone is falling for it.

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