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Know sod all about American politics and if I had been eligible to vote, would have abstained rather than vote for Trump. There does continue, it seems, to be a groundswell of support for him. I have no doubt that a proportion of people who voted for him still think he's the bees knees, but maybe many of those who voted for him just don't want to admit they made a big mistake?

I unfortunately know this to be true, and they're good, intelligent people too :dont know:

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Know sod all about American politics and if I had been eligible to vote, would have abstained rather than vote for Trump. There does continue, it seems, to be a groundswell of support for him. I have no doubt that a proportion of people who voted for him still think he's the bees knees, but maybe many of those who voted for him just don't want to admit they made a big mistake?


I think there is some truth to this.

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Know sod all about American politics and if I had been eligible to vote, would have abstained rather than vote for Trump. There does continue, it seems, to be a groundswell of support for him. I have no doubt that a proportion of people who voted for him still think he's the bees knees, but maybe many of those who voted for him just don't want to admit they made a big mistake?


Very true, John. I know very few Trump supporters who have changed their minds. Quite the contrary, they are even more convinced and digging in their heels. It's getting quite nasty, I have to say, especially since we live in a state that is Trump country. Having said that, it's very interesting where we live because we have a special election next week. Our House representative (whom I really can't stand) was appointed to be Secretary for Health and Human Services, so the election is for his successor in Washington. This district is a strong Republican area: Our representative used to be Newt Gingrich, the former speaker and now Trump adviser. The race is very close right now, with the Democrat slightly ahead in the polls. I'm really hoping this guy (John Ossoff - a young and a newbie to politics) pulls it off. His opponent (Karen Handel) is a bit of a joke, but shell get her party's support no matter what. It's already been the most expensive race in history and still I see nothing but political ads on TV and Internet.

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Know sod all about American politics and if I had been eligible to vote, would have abstained rather than vote for Trump. There does continue, it seems, to be a groundswell of support for him. I have no doubt that a proportion of people who voted for him still think he's the bees knees, but maybe many of those who voted for him just don't want to admit they made a big mistake?


He's very special.


Days to hit a 60% disapproval rating:

Carter: Never

Reagan: Never

H.W. Bush: Never

Clinton: Never

W. Bush: 1,756

Obama: Never

Trump: 144

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He's very special.


Days to hit a 60% disapproval rating:

Carter: Never

Reagan: Never

H.W. Bush: Never

Clinton: Never

W. Bush: 1,756

Obama: Never

Trump: 144

144 is actually not the worst. according to YouGov May is at 63% disapproval one week after election. just to put things in perspective. ☺

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He's very special.


Days to hit a 60% disapproval rating:

Carter: Never

Reagan: Never

H.W. Bush: Never

Clinton: Never

W. Bush: 1,756

Obama: Never

Trump: 144


I will not be surprised if he has the lowest approval rating of all time at some point in his presidency.

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I will not be surprised if he has the lowest approval rating of all time at some point in his presidency.


It's be a great record, the best record ever set. Writers of history will marvel at the record... Australians agree.



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It's be a great record, the best record ever set. Writers of history will marvel at the record... Australians agree.




Mal already got a grilling over that refugee swap deal Obama made with Aus, imagine the phone call after this one,



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Do you think Trump will re-apply the wet foot dry foot policy?

That policy sounds like something out of a dystopian novel. I could see it working as a film like The Running Man, or a reality tv show showing contestants efforts to get on to dry land to be cable to stay there.

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This is us. For the first time ever, my (adult) children who are eligible to vote have all gone for the same person, so we're hoping. The most disgusting statement in the final days came from the local Republican party chairman. He believes the shooting last week near DC will win enough votes for his candidate (Karen Handel) to win. Comments don't come much more heartless than that. So much for winning because of the calibre of the candidate (note: she's a terrible candidate and out-and-out Trump supporter).



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This is us. For the first time ever, my (adult) children who are eligible to vote have all gone for the same person, so we're hoping. The most disgusting statement in the final days came from the local Republican party chairman. He believes the shooting last week near DC will win enough votes for his candidate (Karen Handel) to win. Comments don't come much more heartless than that. So much for winning because of the calibre of the candidate (note: she's a terrible candidate and out-and-out Trump supporter).




A win by Ossof would be a HUGE statement against Trump. Here's hoping he wins.

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A win by Ossof would be a HUGE statement against Trump. Here's hoping he wins.


He lost. True to form, the Republicans came out and voted for Karen Handel. She's a terrible candidate: intransigent, anti-gay, anti-Paris agreement, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, and very strongly pro-Trump. Of course, the president will be gloating and ridiculing his opponents in the morning.

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"Trump's budget proposes devastating cuts to affordable housing.

But one program isn't on the chopping block: A subsidy for private landlords.

Trump personally profits from it.

Example: A Brooklyn housing development partially owned by Trump has received nearly $500 million through the program, $38 million since Trump took office."



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"Trump's budget proposes devastating cuts to affordable housing.

But one program isn't on the chopping block: A subsidy for private landlords.

Trump personally profits from it.

Example: A Brooklyn housing development partially owned by Trump has received nearly $500 million through the program, $38 million since Trump took office."





So fucking annoyed by this self-serving snake. The fact that a good bit of people in this country can't see that is really starting to scare me.

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We're seeing the same here. Still tonnes of support for our "strong and stable" government....deceitful at every turn, hurting those not in favour, causing misery among millions to cater for the 5%, lining their own pockets, generally just taking the piss out of the general population, yet people still love them. It's so weird.


I'm not a selfish person, maybe that's why I don't understand it?

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We're seeing the same here. Still tonnes of support for our "strong and stable" government....deceitful at every turn, hurting those not in favour, causing misery among millions to cater for the 5%, lining their own pockets, generally just taking the piss out of the general population, yet people still love them. It's so weird.


I'm not a selfish person, maybe that's why I don't understand it?


People on JSA who lost their homes in the Grenfell tower fire were initially told that they still had to sign on and "job search" as normal or their money would be stopped; only when the press got hold of it did the DWP back down.

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We're seeing the same here. Still tonnes of support for our "strong and stable" government....deceitful at every turn, hurting those not in favour, causing misery among millions to cater for the 5%, lining their own pockets, generally just taking the piss out of the general population, yet people still love them. It's so weird.


I'm not a selfish person, maybe that's why I don't understand it?


i've read some articles and watched some programs on this phenomena. basically a lot of lower class and middle class believe one day they will be rich and it's just around the corner. so they vote conservative/republican thinking they are setting themselves up for when they arrive. it's the "american dream" BS they propagate over here.

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We're seeing the same here. Still tonnes of support for our "strong and stable" government....deceitful at every turn, hurting those not in favour, causing misery among millions to cater for the 5%, lining their own pockets, generally just taking the piss out of the general population, yet people still love them. It's so weird.


I'm not a selfish person, maybe that's why I don't understand it?


"Aspirational voters" are a western phenomenon. They don't want tax breaks that preference the rich taken away because they hope to one day take advantage of them.



Edit: Snap MJB, mea culpa responded to quick.

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Saw this on Facebook earlier


An airplane was about to crash. There were 4 passengers on board, but only 3 parachutes. The 1st passenger said "I am Stephen Curry, the best NBA basketball player. The Warriors and my millions of fans need me, and I can't afford to die." So he took the 1st pack and left the plane. The 2nd passenger, Donald Trump, said, "I am the newly-elected US President, and I am the smartest President in American history, so my people don't want me to die." He took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane. The 3rd passenger, the Pope, said to the 4th passenger, a 10 year old schoolboy, "My son, I am old and don't have many years left, you have more years ahead so I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute." The little boy said, "That's okay, Your Holiness, there's a parachute left for you. America 's smartest President took my schoolbag."


Haha, that is good!

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I see the following principles dominating the president's agenda right now:


1) His biggest financial supporter believes that the value of a human being depends on their wealth and power. Linked to this is the principle, that works in business, of feeding success and starving failure. Since the rich and powerful are seen as successful, and since the poor are seen as failures, take resources from the poor and give to the rich.


2) Undo every last thing achieved by President Obama. This is becoming more and more evident, and some executive orders and policies have nothing going for them except that they undo something President Obama brought about. This seems to be something of an obsession.


3) The third, which is not a major factor but definitely considered, is to ensure no policy hurts the Trump business empire. The outstanding loans he has to Russian banks is a good case in point, as is the decision not to bar visitors to the US from Muslim countries that host Trump hotels and golf courses.

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sadly a majority of americans probably approve of that. the baby boomer's 1950's macho tough guy "just telling it like it is", "enough with this political correct bullshit", "freedom of speech, america".


the problem isn't trump (though i do despise the man), it's that a lot (if not the majority) of Americans think it's acceptable and right. you can't fix stupid i tell you and that's the epidemic in my eyes.

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sadly a majority of americans probably approve of that. the baby boomer's 1950's macho tough guy "just telling it like it is", "enough with this political correct bullshit", "freedom of speech, america".


the problem isn't trump (though i do despise the man), it's that a lot (if not the majority) of Americans think it's acceptable and right. you can't fix stupid i tell you and that's the epidemic in my eyes.


Mark, on this issue, I agree with everything you post. The real problem is that a lot (if not the majority) of Americans look at posts like yours and say 'you can't fix stupid I tell you' and that's the epidemic in their eyes. They really, really believe it.

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