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Mark, we have the vote to replace Tom Price in a couple of weeks' time. Right now, there's virtually nothing on TV but attack ads from each candidate, which drives me up the wall. When it comes down to it, though, despite their opinions on President Trump, Republicans will dutifully vote for their candidate (even though she's terrible). It's very depressing, but I live in hope.


yeah i hope the dem wins there steve.



I take it back actually Mark, I was basing it on something I read in Comey's pre-released statement; having seen much more of it now and putting that comment in context it's potentially very damaging. The guy did well.


ah gotcha, the news outlets are just partisan, dems "trump the liar", repubs "comey proves trump not under investigation". well have to wait and see once the investigation is over what they really have.


I watched it for the first hour but thought it was a bit boring in the sense than it didnt add much to the letter than was released yesterday. I was however very impressed by Comeys opening statement. No notes, no prompter, nothing.. he spoke in a very coherent manner and didnt pause once. He came to the hearing extremely prepared.


I've read on multiple outlets how impressed reporters were with him, they said the same, he was uber-prepared for everything and anything and didn't seem phased.

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Mark, we have the vote to replace Tom Price in a couple of weeks' time. Right now, there's virtually nothing on TV but attack ads from each candidate, which drives me up the wall. When it comes down to it, though, despite their opinions on President Trump, Republicans will dutifully vote for their candidate (even though she's terrible). It's very depressing, but I live in hope.


And there is hope.



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Apparently 45 is saying he'll go under oath. I'm sure he would, wouldn't stop him lying through his teeth

He would be an idiot to do it. The way he makes stuff up and lies he will implicate himself unknowingly. These senators are former Harvard and Yale debate team members, they know how to tie people up in verbal knots and get them to say what they want.


I would love it though, I think he would further damage himself and hopefully implicate himself.

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He would be an idiot to do it. The way he makes stuff up and lies he will implicate himself unknowingly. These senators are former Harvard and Yale debate team members, they know how to tie people up in verbal knots and get them to say what they want.


I would love it though, I think he would further damage himself and hopefully implicate himself.

good point! Quick, let's tweet him to encourage it!
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He would be an idiot to do it. The way he makes stuff up and lies he will implicate himself unknowingly. These senators are former Harvard and Yale debate team members, they know how to tie people up in verbal knots and get them to say what they want.


I would love it though, I think he would further damage himself and hopefully implicate himself.

Unless it's John McCain.


I kid. Yes, I really hope he goes under oath.

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Yeah, he's been good for AZ, but he needs to probably step down soon. At least he's one of the few repubs to call Trump on his bullshit.

Yeah I give him credit, I'm not a conservative but he's always had a "I don't give a fuck I do what I want" attitude which is quite refreshing since most politicians are bought off by corporate interests. He seems like more of an old school throwback politician, former soldier who went into patriotism and all that. Decent guy.

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Yeah I give him credit, I'm not a conservative but he's always had a "I don't give a fuck I do what I want" attitude which is quite refreshing since most politicians are bought off by corporate interests. He seems like more of an old school throwback politician, former soldier who went into patriotism and all that. Decent guy.

I was going for Obama when they ran against each other for President, but I wouldn't have been too upset if McCain would've won then.


I'd much rather have him in office than the clown who's in right now.

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I was going for Obama when they ran against each other for President, but I wouldn't have been too upset if McCain would've won then.


I'd much rather have him in office than the clown who's in right now.

Agreed. I believe the term the media gave his choice on policies was "maverick". He doesn't have a party line position, he does what he wants. Not sure if you know this but he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and was tortured. Dude has an insane life story.

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Agreed. I believe the term the media gave his choice on policies was "maverick". He doesn't have a party line position, he does what he wants. Not sure if you know this but he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and was tortured. Dude has an insane life story.

I did know that actually haha. Did you see where Trump said "no politician has been treated worse or as badly as me..."


John McCain wasn't having that.



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If the values supposed being protected are thrown away in the name of protecting them, what exactly is the point? Surely the journey is as important as the destination.

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Looking forward to the Attorney General Jeff Sessions hearing in Congress today. Reports that he has tried to resign because he and Trump don't see eye to eye anymore but Trump won't let him. Let's hope he's turned on Trump and delivers some nice bombshells.


No bombshells .. a shitload of "I don't recall".

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No bombshells .. a shitload of "I don't recall".

Yeah I listened to it. Gotta say not sure what law school gave him a degree, he sounds like a moron. Mumbling and stumbling over words, barely able to put a sentence together. He's the attorney general?


Was a sleeper, I was hoping for more but he's a company man I guess.

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Know sod all about American politics and if I had been eligible to vote, would have abstained rather than vote for Trump. There does continue, it seems, to be a groundswell of support for him. I have no doubt that a proportion of people who voted for him still think he's the bees knees, but maybe many of those who voted for him just don't want to admit they made a big mistake?

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