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Trump/US Politics


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this is bad, but not catastrophic.. the world will not end because Trump has set in motion a procedure that will take the USA out of the Paris Agreement in 3 to 4 years.


1/ will he still be president in 3 to 4 years?

2/ his policy doesn't matter if industry doesn't follow; even US oil companies say they will stick to the Paris Accord.

3/ he has created tremendous awareness for Climate Change; with 99% of people/governements in agreement over the need to end/slow global wamring

4/ thanks to the swift response from Canada, Europe, China, the Paris Agreement still has legitimacy.

5/ Bush left Kyoto

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on the eve of the Comey hearing his statement was released. He confirms the reports that Trump asked him to let Flynn walk without an investigation and to "lift the cloud" of the Russia investigation. He interfered with the investigation, let's see what the members of Congress think about it.


He'll just deny it and nothing will happen.

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What's not fake news, though, is that the diplomatic crisis involving Qatar was the result of fake news planted by a Russian hacker. This is dangerous enough, but President Trump was stupid enough to claim credit for the whole incident. Duh!



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Just like nothing happened with Nixon and Clinton when they denied it. Oh wait....


Both professional politicians, Trump is going to get a lot more latitude while GOP control both houses.


Clinton aquitted, Nixon involved in verifiable criminal activity on an industrial scale and jumped before he was removed, Trumps nowhere near that yet IMO.

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Both professional politicians, Trump is going to get a lot more latitude while GOP control both houses.


Clinton aquitted, Nixon involved in verifiable criminal activity on an industrial scale and jumped before he was removed, Trumps nowhere near that yet IMO.

Clinton was impeached. Stayed in office but a massive side show and black mark on his presidency.


If i was the repubs: id ditch trump before the midterms or else they will get slaughtered. Let him resign and go with pence who's their boy anyways. He can right the ship for them and get them to hold ground for midterms maybe even get re-elected. Trump is a ship sinking for the next 4 years. He's done nothing and looks likely to continue to do nothing.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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Clinton was impeached. Stayed in office but a massive side show and black mark on his presidency.


If i was the repubs: id ditch trump before the midterms or else they will get slaughtered. Let him resign and go with pence who's their boy anyways. He can right the ship for them and get them to hold ground for midterms maybe even get re-elected. Trump is a ship sinking for the next 4 years. He's done nothing and looks likely to continue to do nothing.


Mark, we have the vote to replace Tom Price in a couple of weeks' time. Right now, there's virtually nothing on TV but attack ads from each candidate, which drives me up the wall. When it comes down to it, though, despite their opinions on President Trump, Republicans will dutifully vote for their candidate (even though she's terrible). It's very depressing, but I live in hope.

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i'm curious, what makes you think that? for the record i'm at work and not watching, just catching snippets from various press outlets so i have no opinion on the matter as of yet.


I take it back actually Mark, I was basing it on something I read in Comey's pre-released statement; having seen much more of it now and putting that comment in context it's potentially very damaging. The guy did well.

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i'm curious, what makes you think that? for the record i'm at work and not watching, just catching snippets from various press outlets so i have no opinion on the matter as of yet.

I watched it for the first hour but thought it was a bit boring in the sense than it didnt add much to the letter than was released yesterday. I was however very impressed by Comeys opening statement. No notes, no prompter, nothing.. he spoke in a very coherent manner and didnt pause once. He came to the hearing extremely prepared.

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