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his former national security advisor wants to snitch on him and is trying to get full immunity. flynn is working a deal to give all the russia info. trump was an idiot to get in bed with the russians. every since the cold war americans on the whole do not like russia and think they are still "the enemy".

I'm more frightened of Pence becoming president than keeping Trump, tbh.


Is there no way the election can be voided if proven the Russians interfered? a new Democrat and republican could then be put forth? wishful thinking ☺

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I'm more frightened of Pence becoming president than keeping Trump, tbh.


Is there no way the election can be voided if proven the Russians interfered? a new Democrat and republican could then be put forth? wishful thinking ☺


yeah pence is bat shit crazy. basically tax cuts for the rich and if you're poor best of luck in the streets.


yeah i would hope but i doubt it. hopefully midterm elections dems take back house or senate and that will do.

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The whole Trump saga is like Parks and Rec', but real.


That was hilarious though.

"We just can't make mistakes right? So we just don't make mistakes. Go ahead Ken"

*pats "Ken's arm*

"I'm....Chuck Canterbury"


Actually couldn't write it better.


All I can do is shake my head.


...and you can tell Trump didn't even know he messed up by the expression on his face. He's completely oblivious!

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The whole Trump saga is like Parks and Rec', but real.


That was hilarious though.

"We just can't make mistakes right? So we just don't make mistakes. Go ahead Ken"

*pats "Ken's arm*

"I'm....Chuck Canterbury"


Actually couldn't write it better.


"i'm amazing at names, i always remember"


you said his name wrong.


"no i didn't, its a media conspiracy, you're twisting my words"


we have it recorded on film and camera


"you've doctored it up, you're out to get me. i'm the best at names ever, some say of all time"



that's how i imagine questions on this topic going

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