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i got a third of the way through and gave up


Then you completely missed the point he was making, which was...


But isn’t this claim … ridiculous?
Of course it is. No part of this argument stands up to scrutiny. It’s just a smattering of basic neuroscience combined with a very simplistic (and somewhat harsh maybe) portrayal of pornography....
This article just is an example of how easy it is to create a valid-sounding theory by forming a conclusion and reverse engineering it, cherry-picking things that back it up from the vast amount of data available. I cynically picked porn and Trump because those are two extremely popular search terms right now, so people are more likely to read it, but it could have been anything: how renewable energy lead to Labour’s Copeland by-election defeat. How feminism caused the Oscars announcement chaos. How Netflix lead to Brexit. They even sound similar!
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Trump must be seething.


Is there any mainstream media now branding this judge as an enemy of the people like what happened in England?


A headline at Fox News: "Are liberal judges abusing positions for political power?" What they forget, of course, is that judges appointed by both parties have consistently rejected these executive orders. The more serious news sites do not appear to be criticizing judges.

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US Admin now apoligizing to UK for saying wiretapping was done by GCHQ.


So there's nowhere left to turn to for Trump to give some credibility to his statement... He should be censured by Congress for this.

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UK US relations are strong then! Honestly, i'm gobsmacked he's still president. As in, the President of the United States. How? How the FUCK did that actually happen?


I really don't think he'll make it the four years. I keep saying this, and I really feel it. He's NOT fit to be president. He's not smart enough, diplomatic enough, nor does he have an understanding of actual policy!


I love seeing the judges strike down his orders.

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UK US relations are strong then! Honestly, i'm gobsmacked he's still president. As in, the President of the United States. How? How the FUCK did that actually happen?


What blows my mind is just how strongly he's still supported around here.


The other day, I was driving along a local road at around midnight. A large pickup truck passed me in the left lane and then slowed down so as to be next to the car in front of me. The front passenger then opened his window and leaned out to wave a large confederate flag at the driver in front of me. This continued for about 20 seconds, at which point the truck sped off. Only a little later did I see that the driver in front of me was African-American. At that point, I realized the true import of what had just happened, and I regretted not taking a picture of the truck's license plate or even using my phone to take a video. Looking back, it must have been terrifying for that young man driving in front of me.

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His budget? Scrap meals on wheels. Scrap all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and for public television (the equivalent of the BBC). Cut school meal programs for the poor. Cut all research into climate change. Cut all contributions to international climate change programs. Scrap initiatives designed to help the country's poorest regions (e.g., Appalachia). Cut dramatically the US foreign aid budget. Instead, boost the military so we can kill instead of help those overseas. Spend billions on a wall.


This is a complete denial of basic human decency.

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What blows my mind is just how strongly he's still supported around here.


The other day, I was driving along a local road at around midnight. A large pickup truck passed me in the left lane and then slowed down so as to be next to the car in front of me. The front passenger then opened his window and leaned out to wave a large confederate flag at the driver in front of me. This continued for about 20 seconds, at which point the truck sped off. Only a little later did I see that the driver in front of me was African-American. At that point, I realized the true import of what had just happened, and I regretted not taking a picture of the truck's license plate or even using my phone to take a video. Looking back, it must have been terrifying for that young man driving in front of me.


I think people support the party more than they actually care for Trump. I guess it depends on where you are. All the Trump supporters have gone a little quiet with everything that has been going on, and some are to the point of disappointment already. If he goes a full year like this he'll be out of office. As president, everything you say is essentially "under oath," and he's completely destroyed that concept.

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His budget? Scrap meals on wheels. Scrap all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and for public television (the equivalent of the BBC). Cut school meal programs for the poor. Cut all research into climate change. Cut all contributions to international climate change programs. Scrap initiatives designed to help the country's poorest regions (e.g., Appalachia). Cut dramatically the US foreign aid budget. Instead, boost the military so we can kill instead of help those overseas. Spend billions on a wall.


This is a complete denial of basic human decency.


And there's no way the spending for the wall will fall under the budget. If they start building the wall I know they won't finish it -- then we'll spend stupid amounts of money on maintenance through the years when it's eventually defaced and/or parts of it are destroyed. Just terrible, terrible planning. Do people really think a WALL is going to keep people from getting over here?

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And there's no way the spending for the wall will fall under the budget. If they start building the wall I know they won't finish it -- then we'll spend stupid amounts of money on maintenance through the years when it's eventually defaced and/or parts of it are destroyed. Just terrible, terrible planning. Do people really think a WALL is going to keep people from getting over here?


Of course not. A big majority here without a valid visa come to the country on scheduled flights but never take the return journey. They don't scramble by foot over any border.

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His budget? Scrap meals on wheels. Scrap all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and for public television (the equivalent of the BBC). Cut school meal programs for the poor. Cut all research into climate change. Cut all contributions to international climate change programs. Scrap initiatives designed to help the country's poorest regions (e.g., Appalachia). Cut dramatically the US foreign aid budget. Instead, boost the military so we can kill instead of help those overseas. Spend billions on a wall.


This is a complete denial of basic human decency.


yep it's disgusting. yet sadly most people support it. upper middle class white americans who "hit hard times" during the recession (for them that means 1 less vacation and shopping at Aldi instead of their local supermarket, so no real change) love trump. the hidden racists who do the "blue lives matter" basically saying i support police brutality (and a basic acknowledgement that racism is ok).


it's vile, i have family members who believe those aid programs are doing more damage (the people don't do anything, they just sit around getting free meals) than good. these people are idiots. food stamps are 2 dollars a day. that's enough for beans and rice for every meal. no vegetables. welfare is the same, medicaid is the same, yet these rich whites have been brainwashed into thinking the poor are the reason their bank account isn't bigger. it's not the rich guy who owns the company they work at who slashes pay for workers whilst giving himself a raise, no it's the poor. fucking idiots man, i fight these battles daily with family. ignorant, racist, fox news brainwashed.


my wife and i have been on Medicaid, food stamps, WIC (women, infants children, basically food stamps and some vouchers for formula and milk for the baby). we were poor, we are not anymore thanks to those programs who helped us stay afloat while we were out of work and struggling. most of the poeple who hate those programs don't know anyone who has used it.

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Trump views everything in terms of winning and losing, and to see him sulking through the entire photo-op with Merkel and then refusing to shake her hand was actually great to see. It is exactly the outcome you want when Trump meets a Western world leader.


Let's hope he actually learned something about trade, human rights, how to treat (powerful) women, diplomacy, ..



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Two weeks ago, Donald Trump Sr made the preposterous suggestion that British intelligence services tapped his phone lines, supposedly under orders from President Obama. This was, quite frankly, very insulting. Now, Donald Trump Jr is ridiculing the Mayor of London for supposedly not doing enough in response to a one-man terror attack. Once again, this is very insulting. Londoners know how to beat terrorism, and that is to not allow it to change our way of life. We don't turn against minorities or Muslims or foreigners; instead, we act as much as possible as if the event never happened - because this is how you defeat terrorism. (It was no different back in the 1980s when I'd hear IRA bombs going off in the city; we carried on regardless.)


Brits and Europeans don't like or trust President Trump as it is. He and his family are doing themselves no favours by insulting us. It just reveals they are not cut out to be leaders of any free nation.

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