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when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for Obama she used a private email server in addition to her government account. Turns out she took most emails on the private server. The previous SoS did the same thing but since it's an election thing now the repubs in Congress asked for the Server to see if she handled Classified Information on non-government server. After many hearings in front of Congress all the emails were released. Nothing has come of it (but bad press) because there wasn't anything that was Classified AT THE TIME that she emailed (she used the government one). But now those emails have been retroactively classified saying stuff changed and now the email is classified cause it contains whatever intel.


So some people believe the repubs have found evidence or proof of breaking the law on the server and are just waiting to pounce. i don't know, since the emails are all released and the agency investigating said there is no wrong doing. But the congress could hold more hearings and basically continue a bad news cycle and have her look bad in the press.


The media has painted her as 'untrustworthy' who would do such a sketchy thing. But the repub SOS colin powell did the same thing and he said the investigation is ridiculous. just politcs.


Side Note: Apparently the government email really sucks.


Thanks Mark.

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I'd say it's rather a lot more serious than that, Mark.


1) A previous Secretary of State (Colin Powell) used a private email address, yes, but Hillary Clinton set up a private server in her bathroom and channeled her email and Bill's email through it. Why? Because the US has Freedom of Information laws that allow outsiders to see, after a period of time, government emails. Hillary wanted to avoid her emails from becoming known to the public - or even to the White House - because she had presidential ambitions, so she used this formerly secret server. It's existence came to light only after a formal investigation. The White House had, it seems, no idea.


2) Hillary has being doing a lot of rather dubious things. For example, the link between her government role, her husband's 'charity', and private firms she uses is very murky - and she arranged for her personal aide to be paid by all of them. It's quite likely that she granted favors to foreign leaders and dignitaries who 'donated' large sums to the charity. We know, for sure, that she was paid huge amounts by big banks and others for 30-minute speeches, which again looks very shady. Also, she allowed a family friend, Sidney Blumenthal, to view government secrets while he conducted shady deals in Libya (this is evident in emails already released) and he passed along his own intelligence, which she appears to have used to make decisions. Blumenthal is distrusted by the Obama White House and was formally banned from working with them - but Hillary just ignored this.


3) For the private email account and server to achieve their goal, Hillary needed even confidential email to flow to that account. There are very strict rules against this. While evidence remains limited (because the FBI continues to investigate), it appears that Hillary told her aides to copy secret emails from the government account and paste them into emails to her private server. While not yet proven, it appears that these aides removed all 'Secret' markings from those emails so Hillary could say they were not marked 'secret.' In reviewing emails from her server, the security agencies have found secret, even top secret, information in well over 1,000 of these emails - which is why they were heavily redacted before being made public. Can you imagine the fallout from CIA sources being named - which happened, apparently, in some emails?


4) When the government learned of the existence of Hillary's secret home server, they were forced (by the Freedom of Information act) to demand them - but her friends at the foreign office have being doing their level best to help her. Of the 60,000 emails, Hillary claimed that 30,000 were personal. Without any review whatsoever by anyone else, she deleted half of them. No one knows whether they were personal or not, secret or not. The FBI has been trying to recover them anyway now they have the server.


Quite frankly, Hillary is guilty of something close to treason, since the security agencies believe there's a 99% probability that her server was hacked by foreign governments. Far less serious breaches of security have caused others to serve years in jail. Then there's the quid pro quo deals to secure millions for Bill's 'charity.' Imagine the British foreign secretary making policy decisions based on whether or not foreign dignitaries donate large sums to his personal charity. That's what it amounts to.


I can't vote in the US because I remain solely a British citizen, so I have no axe to grind. Having kept up with this, I have little doubt that she's as guilty as sin. It's possible that the attorney general will stop any charges from being filed, at which point hundreds in the FBI will resign in protest. If that doesn't work, President Obama will grant her a pardon (which he's able to do). She's going to walk, you can see it coming. The only question is whether all this happens before the presidential election or after. You can imagine that, behind the scenes, one party is pushing for progress while the other is pushing for delays. The one bright spot in all this is that the head of the FBI has a reputation for fairness and doing what's right no matter what. Will he have the guts to file charges? From an announcement made last week about Hillary's IT guy being granted immunity, it sounds like a grand jury has already been convened.

What would help is for Bernie Sanders to win his party's nomination. Then the timing of charges against Hillary won't be viewed as a political ploy. And, frankly, Bernie is a far better candidate - even though I disagree with his policies. As you can imagine, not many trust Hillary at this point. Her ratings on trustworthiness are rock bottom.

Edited by Cornish Steve
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I'd say it's rather a lot more serious than that, Mark.


1) A previous Secretary of State (Colin Powell) used a private email address, yes, but Hillary Clinton set up a private server in her bathroom and channeled her email and Bill's email through it. Why? Because the US has Freedom of Information laws that allow outsiders to see, after a period of time, government emails. Hillary wanted to avoid this because she had presidential ambitions, so she used this formerly secret server. It's existence came to light only after a formal investigation.


2) Hillary has, it seems, being doing a lot of rather dubious things. For example, the link between her government role, her husband's 'charity', and private firms she uses is very murky. It's quite likely that she granted favors to foreign leaders and personalities who 'donated' large sums to the charity. We know, for sure, that she was paid huge amounts by big banks and others for 30-minute speeches, which again looks very shady. Also, she allowed a friend, Sidney Blumenthal, to view government secrets while he conducted shady deals in Libya, and he passed along his own intelligence, which she appears to have used to make decisions. Blumenthal is distrusted by the Obama White House and was formally banned from working with them - but Hillary just ignored this.


3) For the private email account and server to achieve their goal, Hillary needed even confidential email to flow to that account. There are very strict rules against this. While evidence remains limited (because the FBI is investigating), it appears that Hillary told her aides to copy secret emails from the government account and paste them into emails to her private server. While not yet proven, it appears that these aides removed all 'Secret' markings from those emails so Hillary could say they were not marked 'secret.' In reviewing emails from her server, the security agencies have found secret, even top secret, information in well over 1,000 of these emails - which is why they were heavily redacted before being made public.


4) When the government learned of the existence of Hillary's secret home server, they were forced (by the Freedom of Information act) to demand them. Of the 60,000 emails, Hillary claimed that 30,000 were personal. Without any review whatsoever by anyone else, she deleted half of them. No one knows whether they were personal or not, secret or not. The FBI has been trying to recover them anyway now they have the server.


Quite frankly, Hillary is guilty of something close to treason, since the security agencies believe there's a 99% probability that her server was hacked by foreign governments. Far less serious breaches of security have caused others to serve years in jail. Then there's the quid pro quo deals to secure millions for Bill's 'charity.' Imagine the British foreign secretary making policy decisions based on whether or not foreign dignitaries donate large sums to his personal charity. That's what it amounts to.


I can't vote in the US because I remain solely a British citizen, so I have no axe to grind. Having kept up with this, I have little doubt that she's as guilty as sin. Most likely, the attorney general will stop any charges from being filed, at which point hundreds in the FBI will resign in protest. If that doesn't work, President Obama will grant her a pardon (which he's able to do). She's going to walk, you can see it coming. The only question is whether all this happens before the presidential election or after. You can imagine that, behind the scenes, one party is pushing for progress while the other is pushing for delays. The one bright hope in all this is that the head of FBI has a reputation for fairness and doing what's right no matter what. Will he have the guts to file charges? From an announcement made last week about Hillary's IT guy being granted immunity, it sounds like a grand jury has already been convened.


What would help is for Bernie Sanders to win his party's nomination. Then the timing of charges against Hillary won't be viewed as a political ploy. And, frankly, Bernie is a far better candidate - even though I disagree with this policies.



Would you rather Trump?

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NO!!! Nor Cruz. How America got to this point I shall never know.

Thanks for fleshing that all out Steve great to see the other side of the argument.


Steve the country had always been like this the repubs win the general election every time via popular vote. But the founding fathers knew this so they made the electoral college to give the cities more power and the rednecks in the country less. Also Germany was in a similar state when hitler arose, we have trump.

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Thanks for fleshing that all out Steve great to see the other side of the argument.


Steve the country had always been like this the repubs win the general election every time via popular vote. But the founding fathers knew this so they made the electoral college to give the cities more power and the rednecks in the country less. Also Germany was in a similar state when hitler arose, we have trump.


Godwin's Law aside, I totally agree with the comparison to the rise of Hitler.

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This election feels like reality TV. The trash kind.

It's really embarrassing. Just today, I saw a video of a Trump supporter yelling at an African American woman, "Go back to Africa." In 2016. It's unbelievable and disgusting and upsetting. And frankly, not only racist, but deeply stupid too. It's likely that woman's family has been in the United States longer than the dumb white man's family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

God help us if this guy wins.


A committee supporting Mr Cruz published a nude photo of Mr Trump's wife Melania from 2000. In retaliation, Mr Trump tweeted an unflattering picture of Mr Cruz's wife Heidi.
Asked by CNN about the dispute, Mr Trump said: "He started it."
CNN presenter Anderson Cooper said: "But, sir, with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old."
"No, it's not," said Mr Trump.
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Yes mike and trumps chief of staff just got arrested yesterday because at a rally he grabbed a reporter by the arm in a violent manner. She reported it and trump and his guy lied and said it never happened. Well turns out cameras show it did happen and she has the bruises to prove it.


They're saying she had the bruises from something else and the video which clearly shows him grabbing and shoving her, well they say it's not him.


You can't make this stuff up.

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Trump and Cruz are doing the dirty work for the Democrats and knocking themselves out of the race.


I just can't see Trump winning. If he does then I'm truly out-of-touch with my country.


And your country will be truly out of touch with humanity. I can't see him winning either, but then I couldn't see us Brits being daft enough to give our (somewhat less lunatic) right wing an overall majority at our last election.....but we did.

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And your country will be truly out of touch with humanity. I can't see him winning either, but then I couldn't see us Brits being daft enough to give our (somewhat less lunatic) right wing an overall majority at our last election.....but we did.

He's still in it so there's a chance.


I'm only a couple hours away from the Canadian border if things get bad.

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He's still in it so there's a chance.


I'm only a couple hours away from the Canadian border if things get bad.


There could be quite a queue!




Best get there before they decide to put a wall up (and get America to pay for it).

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I don't have any doubt in my mind that he will win. Its going to be a nightmare for the US. I've already witnessed racism there first hand, on a level that I've never seen anywhere else in the world, I think him getting elected will cause uprising. Actually, I think that could happen on the other side if the republicans don't back him. I think America is now in a lose lose situation.

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God help us if this guy wins.


A committee supporting Mr Cruz published a nude photo of Mr Trump's wife Melania from 2000. In retaliation, Mr Trump tweeted an unflattering picture of Mr Cruz's wife Heidi.
Asked by CNN about the dispute, Mr Trump said: "He started it."
CNN presenter Anderson Cooper said: "But, sir, with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old."
"No, it's not," said Mr Trump.



God help you? I fuckin live here, but honestly I'd rather not.


Is British politics this ridiculous or not quite?

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According to the bookies odds over here Cruz has closed the gap significantly to Trump in recent days. I know many of you colonials think Cruz is just as bad but can someone enlighten me as to how this has come about?

Colonials lol. Well overlord (see what I did there) here's why.


Trump won a lot of states that favored his demographics aka white middle class workers. The mid west is Bible Belt and Cruz is a pastors kid so Cruz is cleaning up in the Midwest. Plus all the others except kasoch dropped out so its a 3 horse race so Cruz gets all the other cabdidates votes.


Also Cruz is being touted as the anti trump. Don't like Donald but don't want Hillary Clinton, vote Cruz. Who cares if he's just as awful as trump, he's not trump. Literally getting lots of votes from that as well.


It will be a contested convention. Meaning trump won't outright win the nomination so they go to a convention and the delegates find loopholes and vote for other candidates depending on what those presidents promise their senators or whatever. Horse trading they call it.


Trump has New York coming up which he should win and some other states he should win so he will be back in it soon enough.

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Colonials lol. Well overlord (see what I did there) here's why.


Trump won a lot of states that favored his demographics aka white middle class workers. The mid west is Bible Belt and Cruz is a pastors kid so Cruz is cleaning up in the Midwest. Plus all the others except kasoch dropped out so its a 3 horse race so Cruz gets all the other cabdidates votes.


Also Cruz is being touted as the anti trump. Don't like Donald but don't want Hillary Clinton, vote Cruz. Who cares if he's just as awful as trump, he's not trump. Literally getting lots of votes from that as well.


It will be a contested convention. Meaning trump won't outright win the nomination so they go to a convention and the delegates find loopholes and vote for other candidates depending on what those presidents promise their senators or whatever. Horse trading they call it.


Trump has New York coming up which he should win and some other states he should win so he will be back in it soon enough.


Thanks Mark :).

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