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'Facebook was key to the entire campaign' he says in the article. Now I don't understand the logic here. The major complaint from Remain was the age profile of people who voted leave, ie the elderly - the group most likely NOT to use Facebook. I voted leave and was not influenced by any of that, nor I suggest, were most leave voters. I had never heard of any of the names mentioned. Typical 'clutching at straws' by the remain lobby.

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'Facebook was key to the entire campaign' he says in the article. Now I don't understand the logic here. The major complaint from Remain was the age profile of people who voted leave, ie the elderly - the group most likely NOT to use Facebook. I voted leave and was not influenced by any of that, nor I suggest, were most leave voters. I had never heard of any of the names mentioned. Typical 'clutching at straws' by the remain lobby.

Common misconception. Fact is that 62% of everyone above the age of 65 is on Facebook.



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Er, that's in America. I would argue that the percentage is far lower in the UK.


You're suggesting that we educated Brits are less computer savvy in our old age than the vast swathes of "thick" Americans we keep hearing about (from our American members mostly)?


I'd like to think the percentage is far higher in the mother country ;).

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'Facebook was key to the entire campaign' he says in the article. Now I don't understand the logic here. The major complaint from Remain was the age profile of people who voted leave, ie the elderly - the group most likely NOT to use Facebook. I voted leave and was not influenced by any of that, nor I suggest, were most leave voters. I had never heard of any of the names mentioned. Typical 'clutching at straws' by the remain lobby.


Do you use FaceBook?

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Er, that's in America. I would argue that the percentage is far lower in the UK.




You're suggesting that we educated Brits are less computer savvy in our old age than the vast swathes of "thick" Americans we keep hearing about (from our American members mostly)?


I'd like to think the percentage is far higher in the mother country ;).


3.8 million UK users are over 60 years of age

4.5 million UK users are between 50 and 59 years old.


Thats 8.3 million users over the age of 50.



Theres around 19 million brits over the age of 50 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/507417/number-of-facebook-users-in-the-united-kingdom-uk-by-age-and-gender/)


So you are right John. Brits are far less social than americans ;) (Only 44% facebook usage in that age group)


BUT 8.3 million over the age of 50 could have been influenced by fb-posts






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Now the new Attorney General has been caught out lying to Congress during his confirmation hearings. More than that, he's officially responsible for looking into links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials - and guess with whom he quietly met during the campaign?



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Now the new Attorney General has been caught out lying to Congress during his confirmation hearings. More than that, he's officially responsible for looking into links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials - and guess with whom he quietly met during the campaign?




within the first month in office we've had the National Security Advisor have to step down about lying about links with Russia, now the Attorney General. Seems Russia is in fact running our government like most of us suspected (trump owes millions to their banks).

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