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more than 500 tweets later, im still trying to convince american white supremacists that they are wrong about Sweden lol.


Everytime I prove them wrong with facts they switch angle. So far i have debated:


Rape rates, the facts are that Sweden have the most stringent view on what is a rape. They also recently (2005) made changes to the law which made some offences previously labeled as sexual abuse be labeled as rape. There are constantly around 5900-6500 rapes in total in Sweden every year. No surge, no epidemic after Sweden accepted 200 000 refugees. Sweden is not the rape capital of the world. We are however very good at reporting these crimes. There are more rapes conducted on men in the UK (9000) than there are total rapes in Sweden. Im still not suggesting that the UK is the male rape capital of the world ;)


Birth rates - Muslims are taking over. Not true, foreign born stats and ethnic Swedish stats are almost the same in Sweden


Muslims stand for most rapes - The fact is that we dont keep track on ethnicity in Sweden, so there are no stats to prove this either way. We dont keep track of this in Sweden because its not relevant. If you assume that ethnicity or religion has something to do with how likely you are to commit a crime, you are a racist. Fact.

Any stats suggesting that Muslims stand for most of the rapes are wrong, since there is no way anyone could find stats on it. Because it simply does not exist.


The Fox News report was correct - No it wasnt, it was based on several lies and even the police officers in the video have told press that the interviews have been cut and altered. They did not even get the same questions live as were shown in the news segment. They answered one question in real life and the questions were altered in edit.


The legitimacy in reports by white supremacists - People have been throwing articles at me, most of them from sites like muslimstats etc. One american even linked to well known swedish white supremacist conspiracy theorists. I mean, proper "people who believe that Muslims are invading Sweden to cut down all Christmas trees as they are christian symbols" crazy.

One of them even got fired from an anti Muslim organisation because she was too extreme.



Needless to say, ive had enough of white supremacy to last a few weeks now. Need to recharge my batteries before i can read all of this crap again. Unfortunatly im being pinged on twitter every other minute. Most from people who support me and my views but a whole lot of crazy's as well. All because of this idiot president basing international policy on whatever is sent on FOX News.

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Needless to say, ive had enough of white supremacy to last a few weeks now. Need to recharge my batteries before i can read all of this crap again. Unfortunatly im being pinged on twitter every other minute. Most from people who support me and my views but a whole lot of crazy's as well. All because of this idiot president basing international policy on whatever is sent on FOX News.


what's your twitter handle?


for what it's worth, I'm from a country equal in (population) size as Sweden and on various policy issues I often find myself thinking "if Sweden can do it, why can't we?" Concerning politics, social structure and how the state relates to its citizens, Sweden is, imo, one of the most impressive countries in the world.

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what's your twitter handle?


for what it's worth, I'm from a country equal in (population) size as Sweden and on various policy issues I often find myself thinking "if Sweden can do it, why can't we?" Concerning politics, social structure and how the state relates to its citizens, Sweden is, imo, one of the most impressive countries in the world.

Thx, I think so to. Although all countries have their charm. Even the States lol.


You have your waffles and your chocolate right? And i adore Belgian Beer.




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Pete that's why I say the majority of Americans are in fact dumb. They are uneducated and believe anything they see on the internet or Fox News. You can't argue because they're too stupid to realize how an argument works and what facts are.


Plus there are a lot of people who just want to be racist and have some bogus story that "makes it ok for them" so they roll with it regardless of facts.


I'm with holy stove, I admire Sweden and others likes Denmark who have great Social and political policies.

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Pete that's why I say the majority of Americans are in fact dumb. They are uneducated and believe anything they see on the internet or Fox News. You can't argue because they're too stupid to realize how an argument works and what facts are.


Plus there are a lot of people who just want to be racist and have some bogus story that "makes it ok for them" so they roll with it regardless of facts.


I'm with holy stove, I admire Sweden and others likes Denmark who have great Social and political policies.


I wouldn't say Americans are dumb; however, they are influenced by marketing, propaganda, chat shows, and increasingly associate only with those who look, sound, and vote like they do.


In 1930s Germany, I wouldn't say the German people were dumb. Similarly, they were influenced by propaganda. Those who saw through it chose to bite their tongue rather than make a fuss and speak out. This is why I am quote vocal on the subject among my friends and social circle; we have to learn these lessons of history.

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Everytime I prove them wrong with facts they switch angle. So far i have debated:


Rape rates, the facts are that Sweden have the most stringent view on what is a rape. They also recently (2005) made changes to the law which made some offences previously labeled as sexual abuse be labeled as rape. There are constantly around 5900-6500 rapes in total in Sweden every year. No surge, no epidemic after Sweden accepted 200 000 refugees. Sweden is not the rape capital of the world. We are however very good at reporting these crimes. There are more rapes conducted on men in the UK (9000) than there are total rapes in Sweden. Im still not suggesting that the UK is the male rape capital of the world ;)


Birth rates - Muslims are taking over. Not true, foreign born stats and ethnic Swedish stats are almost the same in Sweden


Muslims stand for most rapes - The fact is that we dont keep track on ethnicity in Sweden, so there are no stats to prove this either way. We dont keep track of this in Sweden because its not relevant. If you assume that ethnicity or religion has something to do with how likely you are to commit a crime, you are a racist. Fact.

Any stats suggesting that Muslims stand for most of the rapes are wrong, since there is no way anyone could find stats on it. Because it simply does not exist.


The Fox News report was correct - No it wasnt, it was based on several lies and even the police officers in the video have told press that the interviews have been cut and altered. They did not even get the same questions live as were shown in the news segment. They answered one question in real life and the questions were altered in edit.


The legitimacy in reports by white supremacists - People have been throwing articles at me, most of them from sites like muslimstats etc. One american even linked to well known swedish white supremacist conspiracy theorists. I mean, proper "people who believe that Muslims are invading Sweden to cut down all Christmas trees as they are christian symbols" crazy.

One of them even got fired from an anti Muslim organisation because she was too extreme.



Needless to say, ive had enough of white supremacy to last a few weeks now. Need to recharge my batteries before i can read all of this crap again. Unfortunatly im being pinged on twitter every other minute. Most from people who support me and my views but a whole lot of crazy's as well. All because of this idiot president basing international policy on whatever is sent on FOX News.


Well said. I'm going to quote you when responding to the many people who've asked me about this since I returned this weekend from Sweden.


A year ago, I noticed a big increase in the number of homeless people in both Gothenburg and Stockholm, most of them appearing to be ethnically Middle Eastern. Last week, I noticed some homeless folk sleeping in store entrances but the number is far fewer. Also, they were most definitely not a threat. After one event, I walked over a mile through the streets of Stockholm at close to midnight, and it was as safe and peaceful as you can imagine. Some colleagues returning near 3am, and they said the same thing.

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I wouldn't say Americans are dumb; however, they are influenced by marketing, propaganda, chat shows, and increasingly associate only with those who look, sound, and vote like they do.


In 1930s Germany, I wouldn't say the German people were dumb. Similarly, they were influenced by propaganda. Those who saw through it chose to bite their tongue rather than make a fuss and speak out. This is why I am quote vocal on the subject among my friends and social circle; we have to learn these lessons of history.


I agree with this. There are dumb people here of course, but media plays a huge role in the influencing of political decisions, and most people don't have the time to read everything to determine if it's fact or fiction, as sad as it is. That's why fake news from major media outlets is so detrimental.


Was America any smarter when Obama was voted into office the last two terms? Nope, but he was more interesting than his opposition, and love or hate Trump, he was more interesting than Hillary


Plus, I would say HRC had an unprecedented amount of voters against her rather than for Trump -- but a lot of that is down to how the media portrayed her, specifically Fox News. I would never defend Fox News, but they really are the only major conservative news network, so of course those who sit to the right of the political divide are going to watch that station since it's the only one on "their side." It gives them a huge advantage in getting across whatever message they want to their targeted demographic.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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Years ago, I joked that CNN now stands for Commentary Not News. But this is a serious issue. How many news articles begin, "later today so-and-so will say"? This is not news; it's memos given to news sites, and they duly oblige by making them headlines. Real news, sadly, is very rarely reported these days. Instead, news anchors read propaganda supplied to them and then have biased talking heads agree with their political stance.

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Well said. I'm going to quote you when responding to the many people who've asked me about this since I returned this weekend from Sweden.


A year ago, I noticed a big increase in the number of homeless people in both Gothenburg and Stockholm, most of them appearing to be ethnically Middle Eastern. Last week, I noticed some homeless folk sleeping in store entrances but the number is far fewer. Also, they were most definitely not a threat. After one event, I walked over a mile through the streets of Stockholm at close to midnight, and it was as safe and peaceful as you can imagine. Some colleagues returning near 3am, and they said the same thing.

The ppl in store entrances are beggars mainly from rumania. They are homeless but live in camps. They have left their families at home to make some money begging on the streets of Sweden. I think other countries are effected by them to but in a smaller scale.


It is a problem but only because criminal ppl take advantage of them. Find them in Rumania, promise them Jobs in Sweden. Pay for their fair. Confiscate their passports and make them beg for their winning.

Edited by Peter H
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The ppl in store entrances are beggars mainly from rumania. They are homeless but live in camps. They have left their families at home to make some money begging on the streets of Sweden. I think other countries are effected by them to but in a smaller scale.


It is a problem but only because criminal ppl take advantage of them. Find them in Rumania, promise them Jobs in Sweden. Pay for their fair. Confiscate their passports and make them beg for their winning.

we have the Roma in Switzerland too, same deal as you describe (tricked into coming, then blackmailed and exploited). Sad state of affairs
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Today, of course, I've been bombarded by references to this incident.



Yes, and it did happen, but what people are not telling you is that this area has been a problem area for years and years due to segregation. The kids living there do not have the same options in life available to them. Poor schools, low employment, bad outlook on the future.

There are not even that many refugees living in that area. Its not an immigration issue, its a segregation issue. Im sure that there are really bad areas in New York, London etc where crime rates are higher for the same reasons. (Just google "Riots" in "USA" and then "Riots" in "Sweden") and you will see that there are very few incidents in Sweden.


People blaming muslims are way off the mark.


Swedens population consists of 7.5% muslims.

15% of Muslims born in Sweden are NOT practicing muslims, they are atheist much like the rest of the Swedish population.

ONLY 50% of muslims currently fleeing to Sweden are practicing muslims. Thats probably one of the reasons that they are fleeing in the first place.


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Yes, and it did happen, but what people are not telling you is that this area has been a problem area for years and years due to segregation. The kids living there do not have the same options in life available to them. Poor schools, low employment, bad outlook on the future.

There are not even that many refugees living in that area. Its not an immigration issue, its a segregation issue. Im sure that there are really bad areas in New York, London etc where crime rates are higher for the same reasons. (Just google "Riots" in "USA" and then "Riots" in "Sweden") and you will see that there are very few incidents in Sweden.


People blaming muslims are way off the mark.


Swedens population consists of 7.5% muslims.

15% of Muslims born in Sweden are NOT practicing muslims, they are atheist much like the rest of the Swedish population.

ONLY 50% of muslims currently fleeing to Sweden are practicing muslims. Thats probably one of the reasons that they are fleeing in the first place.



I am not commenting on the situation in Sweden as I know nothing about it. Just wish to point out that in the cold light of day, statistics work in two ways:

If 15% of Muslims born in Sweden are NOT practising Muslims then it means that 85% ARE. If ONLY 50% of Muslims currently fleeing to Sweden are practising Muslims then it means that 50% ARE NOT.

The reality is, that the situation is extremely complex and there are probably as many reasons for people migrating as there are people. Trying to make sense of the situation by use of statistics is like knitting fog.

Edited by johnh
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I am not commenting on the situation in Sweden as I know nothing about it. Just wish to point out that in the cold light of day, statistics work in two ways:

If 15% of Muslims born in Sweden are NOT practising Muslims then it means that 85% ARE. If ONLY 50% of Muslims currently fleeing to Sweden are practising Muslims then it means that 50% ARE NOT.

The reality is, that the situation is extremely complex and there are probably as many reasons for people migrating as there are people. Trying to make sense of the situation by use of statistics is like knitting fog.


I got it the wrong way around. Only 15% ARE practicing Muslims.


For me its not even interesting if they are practicing Muslims, I dont even care, but when alt right use Muslims as some sort of evil with haram and fighting a holy war on Christians by infiltrating Sweden it is a good argument to point out that only 15% of Swedish born Muslims are practicing their faith.


Edited by Peter H
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I got it the wrong way around. Only 15% ARE practicing Muslims.


For me its not even interesting if they are practicing Muslims, I dont even care, but when alt right use Muslims as some sort of evil with haram and fighting a holy war on Christians by infiltrating Sweden it is a good argument to point out that only 15% of Swedish born Muslims are practicing their faith.



Fake news! :D

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The Good:

-“I have very good relations with the EU. But I thought that the UK would pull out of Brexit and I was right. ... But the EU, I’m totally in favor of it. I think it’s wonderful"


The Bad:

- "We've fallen behind on nuclear weapon capacity. And I am the first one that would like to see ... nobody have nukes, but we’re never going to fall behind any country even if it’s a friendly country, we’re never going to fall behind on nuclear power. And I did tweet that. It would be wonderful, a dream would be that no country would have nukes, but if countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack."


The Ugly:

- "We're mandated to do the healthcare first. We have to. And that's for budgetary reasons. So the healthcare will come first. It's moving along really well. I would say before the middle of March."

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The Good:

-“I have very good relations with the EU. But I thought that the UK would pull out of Brexit and I was right. ... But the EU, I’m totally in favor of it. I think it’s wonderful"


If we pulled out of Brexit we'd still be "in" Donald, literacy needs work.

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Hours after the speech, as if to demonstrate Mr. Trump’s determination to punish reporters whose coverage he dislikes, Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, barred journalists from The New York Times and several other news organizations from attending his daily briefing, a highly unusual breach of relations between the White House and its press corps.




so much for free speech. next on their agenda is eliminating the departments of education and EPA (environmental protection agency). posion the earth and the children as long as the old white people get richer. these fucking scumbags.

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