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Sooooo, Trump got the Republicans to push through a change in the law to avoid challenges from the Democrats on his latest appointment.


Lesson 101 of a dictator; if the country's laws and democracy stand in your way, just change it to suit your own needs....


He must have got the idea from the EU.

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Sooooo, Trump got the Republicans to push through a change in the law to avoid challenges from the Democrats on his latest appointment.


Lesson 101 of a dictator; if the country's laws and democracy stand in your way, just change it to suit your own needs....

Which law is that?


If it's the one I think you are talking about, Obama's democrats in the Senate pushed and got it changed from a 60 (of 100) votes to 51 a couple years ago, it wasn't the republicans. I personally didn't - and don't - like it.

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Reports of Trump officials offering individual EU countries trade deals... looks like everyone gets a "special" relationship! All proposals have obviously been forwarded to the Commission.


Could be ignorance on his part, or he's trying to break up the EU because he agrees with Putin that a broken Europe is best for the world :happy:


Remaining question, why is he yelling at Australia?

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No, that is a fair point. Honestly most of the things we protest or cheer probably don't affect us directly - indirectly maybe - but it's what we think is right/fair as best we understand them. When things do directly affect us personally, that's when opinions can change really quickly. I didn't support gay marriage really, but that wasn't a huge thing to me, certainly not a make or break position on who I'd vote for. Until my social circle expanded a bit more and I got to be good friends with a couple guys that had been together for over 20 years, but couldn't be added to health policy, death policy benefit from job, retirement etc...it become personal, or at least close to home, and it caused me to flip my opinion and become strongly pro gay marriage.



So you were indifferent to the rights of a certain group of people.. until you've actually met some of them. Now you're a gay rights champion.


In the same vein: here's Trump voters in Philadelphia who happen to know a Syrian family and are now trying to get the ban lifted.. (http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Assali-Family-Syria-Donald-Trump-Vote-Allentown-Immigration-Ban-Travel-Order-412238593.html)



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So you were indifferent to the rights of a certain group of people.. until you've actually met some of them. Now you're a gay rights champion.


In the same vein: here's Trump voters in Philadelphia who happen to know a Syrian family and are now trying to get the ban lifted.. (http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Assali-Family-Syria-Donald-Trump-Vote-Allentown-Immigration-Ban-Travel-Order-412238593.html)




Right. Essentially admitting that you don't value the humanity or equality of everyone around you or certain types of people have to earn that level of compassion.


I'm not surprised about that story in Philadelphia; people always have different reactions to the candidates they elect, but I assume this administration's actions will incite more introspection than usual.

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Right. Essentially admitting that you don't value the humanity or equality of everyone around you or certain types of people have to earn that level of compassion.



You can phrase it that way if you wish. The reality is I didn't understand the specific impact of the legal ramifications of something that didn't impact me or anyone i knew. I had always heard it framed as a religious argument (due in large part to the part of the country I live in) and was tone deaf to it. It wasn't and isn't a matter of not valuing someone's humanity or making someone "earn it". It's about being exposed to a different point of view or having your eyes opened to something you didn't understand and going "Hell, I didn't realize that. That's not right"

I think this was missed - my point in the whole thing was, sometimes when something comes close to home, more personal or you are exposed to something different, your viewpoint can be changed quickly, regardless of your political point of view.

Edited by Ghoat
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Don't know if this is true or not, but if it were, this confirms that comparing Trump to Hitler or authoritarian leaders is just plain wrong. He most definitely is David Brent.




WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one?

So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident.

Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.

Trump was not thrilled with that response ― but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had placed the call at 3 a.m., according to one of Flynn’s retellings ― although neither the White House nor Flynn’s office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.

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Don't know if this is true or not, but if it were, this confirms that comparing Trump to Hitler or authoritarian leaders is just plain wrong. He most definitely is David Brent.




WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one?

So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident.

Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.

Trump was not thrilled with that response ― but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had placed the call at 3 a.m., according to one of Flynn’s retellings ― although neither the White House nor Flynn’s office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.



He's going to kill us all isn't he? :unsure:

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On the basis of this the new attorney general is barely literate :huh:. Though I suppose that's part of the CV necessary to join the new administration.




he also thinks the KKK is "okay until I learned they smoked marijuana" . he's a racist but that's just par for the course for this administration with steve alt-right (read white supremacist) bannon.

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thankfully the courts upheld that his travel ban isn't constitutional.


COurts 1 - 0 Trump



Also his supreme court pick even though a crazy diehard right winger, has said to politicians in private (who leaked it out) that he's not ok with Trump's stance and treatment of the courts. I could see the judges across the country banding together against trump since he wants to marginalize them.

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General Petraeus looks to be the favorite to be picked as new national security adviser, after general Flynn was fired.


Petraeus has two months left on his probation for mishandling classified documents. If he is selected he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours about his change in employment.


Trump administration is beyond bizarre .

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Ok so Trump knew that Flynn was having calls with Russian officials for 18 days before forcing him out. Leaves the question, did Flynn act on direct orders from Trump? That would be enough to impeach him. However thats unlikely since the republicans still control both chambers of congress.

They need more to go on and they wont get it since they wont investigate Flynn further.

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