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I'd rather he was impeached, assassination potentially creates martyrdom...


He's a complete tool, but yeah, an assassination would probably only help his "cause."


I know, it was an emotional reaction rather than a rational one, but one that I'd find hard to resist given the opportunity.

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It's all his right hand man Steve bannon a professed white supremacist. Executive order removed the joint chiefs of staff from intelligence briefings and he replaced them with Bannon. No one had ever done that. He basically said I want a guy who runs a right wing website (super far right, alt right) to be my advisor and the real people who gather intelligence don't know what they are doing. Madness.

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Assassination is the only way this is going to end if it keeps on like this though. Said it to someone just yesterday.

I won't be surprised if he gets impeached at some point. He's already the most polarizing president we've had in our history, and I don't doubt some shady dealings have already happened between Trump and whomever.
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Insane, beyond belief, reprehensible. Please someone assassinate him quick.



He says it is to stop the chances of terrorism and attacks yet those who were confirmed to have carried out 9/11 where from Saudi Arabia who oddly aren't on the list....


Ahh they own 8% of the American economy.... figures

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He says it is to stop the chances of terrorism and attacks yet those who were confirmed to have carried out 9/11 where from Saudi Arabia who oddly aren't on the list....


Ahh they own 8% of the American economy.... figures

Spot on. No terrorist in the last 45 years from those countries. Meanwhile Egypt and Saudi Arabia where most of them have been from are totally fine to come in an out.

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Spot on. No terrorist in the last 45 years from those countries. Meanwhile Egypt and Saudi Arabia where most of them have been from are totally fine to come in an out.

I'm not advocating what he is doing but like it's been mentioned, it's not in USAs interest to stop Egyptians and Saudis outright as they clearly have a much bigger vested interest in those two countries.


I am also pretty certain that there are known terrorist training camps in most if not all of the other countries mentioned so whilst nationals might not be the problem (ie I think the Belgian bombers went to Syria) there are clearly links with terrorism to those countries.


The way I am interpreting this, and I may be naive, is that this is a way of a sending a message to the terror cells in these countries (and others) but also for the US govt to make sure they know a lot more about how is coming in and out.


They aren't the only country in the world to have bans on immigrants and the USA did it to an extent under Obama with Iraqis refugees for 6 months (I think it was Iraqis anyway).


It's not something I think they should be doing but it's one of the reasons they were voted into power and to that extent he is expressing the will of his people.

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He says it is to stop the chances of terrorism and attacks yet those who were confirmed to have carried out 9/11 where from Saudi Arabia who oddly aren't on the list....


Ahh they own 8% of the American economy.... figures


It's not about owning the economy: It's about Trump owning or planning to build hotels in these countries.



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I wish people would stop with those fucking petitions. Whoever came up with that idea needs to be shot.


I came up with the idea for mine, and I stand by it. If the new US administration plans to intimidate me, a legal resident of 31 years, then I shall do what I can to convince my government to return the favour. When it's personal, these things matter. Yes, it could be viewed as the principle of an eye for an eye, to which I usually do not subscribe, but this is not meant as an inconvenience to my American friends but as a means to stir up a little outrage. How would they feel if the British government did to them what the Trump administration is now doing to me?

Edited by Cornish Steve
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I'm not advocating what he is doing but like it's been mentioned, it's not in USAs interest to stop Egyptians and Saudis outright as they clearly have a much bigger vested interest in those two countries.


So let in the (potentially) most likely terrorists because it's good for the economy and ditch the lesser threat because that'll excite the neanderthals that voted for him.


Makes complete sense.

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I wish people would stop with those fucking petitions. Whoever came up with that idea needs to be shot.


There have been petitions for centuries, used to be you had to sign for them on a big list, internet has made it easier. Great way of putting a popular point over, really don't see why anyone would have a problem with it; if you don't agree you don't sign.

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There have been petitions for centuries, used to be you had to sign for them on a big list, internet has made it easier. Great way of putting a popular point over, really don't see why anyone would have a problem with it; if you don't agree you don't sign.

indeed. Problem is that publishing online shows less effort and subsequently less valid
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It's not about owning the economy: It's about Trump owning or planning to build hotels in these countries.



Id hazard a guess and say 8% of a mind boggling fortune plays a huge part in it Steve probably along with what you've stated

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They aren't the only country in the world to have bans on immigrants and the USA did it to an extent under Obama with Iraqis refugees for 6 months (I think it was Iraqis anyway).


It's not something I think they should be doing but it's one of the reasons they were voted into power and to that extent he is expressing the will of his people.


iirc, the Obama ban was only for new visa's.


This ban goes way way way further. Trump has banned people who have been living legally in the USA for years to return home from a vacation abroad. Trump has banned everyone with dual citizenship, if one those citizenships is one of the 7 banned countries. There is a Tory MP (prominent Leaver) who happened to be born in Somalia but has been living in the UK for decades now, who finds himself now banned from the USA. EDIT: just read that boris the diplomat has agreement with US that uk nationals can go to usa, regardless of place of birth.


Also Obama only targeted one country. Trump 7, and all of them muslim.


In essence it is some sort of Muslim ban. (especially if viewed in light of his statements that after the ban is over, he'll be looking to bring in primarily christian refugees). When he made the comments about banning muslims during the campaign, the public outrage was so immense he had to tone down his rhetoric. Now it turns out puppet-master Bannon has made him do it anyway.


So I don't really see it as fulfulling a campaign promise. (same thing with the wall, btw. A lot of people (Trumpers) thought it was just a metaphor for stronger border security.. now he goes ahead with actually building a 40 billion dollar wall :o ).



Anyway, it's the first time in modern history that the president of the USA cannot be regarded as the leader of the free world and protector of liberal democracy. That honor now falls to a German lady who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, who would have thought...

Edited by holystove
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iirc, the Obama ban was only for new visa's.


This ban goes way way way further. Trump has banned people who have been living legally in the USA for years to return home from a vacation abroad. Trump has banned everyone with dual citizenship, if one those citizenships is one of the 7 banned countries. There is a Tory MP (prominent Leaver) who happened to be born in Somalia but has been living in the UK for decades now, who finds himself now banned from the USA. EDIT: just read that boris the diplomat has agreement with US that uk nationals can go to usa, regardless of place of birth.


Also Obama only targeted one country. Trump 7, and all of them muslim.


In essence it is some sort of Muslim ban. (especially if viewed in light of his statements that after the ban is over, he'll be looking to bring in primarily christian refugees). When he made the comments about banning muslims during the campaign, the public outrage was so immense he had to tone down his rhetoric. Now it turns out puppet-master Bannon has made him do it anyway.


So I don't really see it as fulfulling a campaign promise. (same thing with the wall, btw. A lot of people (Trumpers) thought it was just a metaphor for stronger border security.. now he goes ahead with actually building a 40 billion dollar wall :o ).



Anyway, it's the first time in modern history that the president of the USA cannot be regarded as the leader of the free world and protector of liberal democracy. That honor now falls to a German lady who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, who would have thought...


The term 'liberal democracy' is an oxymoron.

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This ban goes way way way further. Trump has banned people who have been living legally in the USA for years to return home from a vacation abroad. Trump has banned everyone with dual citizenship, if one those citizenships is one of the 7 banned countries. There is a Tory MP (prominent Leaver) who happened to be born in Somalia but has been living in the UK for decades now, who finds himself now banned from the USA. EDIT: just read that boris the diplomat has agreement with US that uk nationals can go to usa, regardless of place of birth.



no, wait, still banned... https://uk.usembassy.gov/executive-order-protecting-nation-terrorist-attacks-foreign-nationals/

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I'm signing everything at the minute.


I'm sure i'll take delivery of some right weird shit after all this.


Edit: The guy scares me. From a world relations perspective, I just fear he's using other people's fear to serve himself and not even remotely care for the effects his actions will bring. Most dictators at least kept their problems 'local'. He is creating hate and despise in a world that was just finding its feet again. Terrifying.

Edited by Lowensda
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Something has to give. I don't know how this man will make it the full four years.


Executive orders aren't exactly bulletproof, and I'm hoping most, if not all, of his orders are struck down at some point.


yep. also I heard some interesting things one of which is that he can't keep this blistering pace for the whole time. he'll burn out or piss off the repubs in congress because they'll be putting out his fires instead of getting anything done. also he's going to be giving a bad name to the party and that will be used in the mid term elections in less than 2 years time against them.


mid terms will be massive now. I hope people come out of the worldwork to put some dems back in the senate and congress and give dems control there to balance trump.

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