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Trump/US Politics


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Then there's his pronouncement yesterday that he'll slap a 30+ % tariff on Toyota cars if they build in Mexico. There are so many things wrong with this:


1) He's not a dictator who can impose economic policy on a whim

2) This totally undermines free trade, which made the US a world power

3) So ironic, but all the right-wingers in the US who forever bemoan socialism are seeing Socialism 101: protect and nationalize

this is one aspect where I understand what he's trying to do, and I agree with him. Instead of a company saving money by going somewhere cheaper and taking jobs out of the country, the company has to invest in the market in which it wants to sell.
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this is one aspect where I understand what he's trying to do, and I agree with him. Instead of a company saving money by going somewhere cheaper and taking jobs out of the country, the company has to invest in the market in which it wants to sell.


Do that and your trading partners will do exactly the same. Bingo: exports plummet.

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History tells us there would be net job losses. Free trade always wins out when it comes to wealth and jobs. You bring back jobs no-one wants to do (which is often why they are outsourced) and lose higher paying jobs in the services sector (the best form of exports).

id be interested to read those numbers, but unfortunately immediate results are all that matters at the moment.
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Hollystove how do Americans feel about the Russian hacking of the Presidential campaign, and the fact that Trump tweeted and totally dismissed it and criticised his intelligence agencies for for better words making it up.

I always felt that a lot of his supporters were fanatical Americans from the mid states where Russian is a dirty word.

If this had been exposed before the vote are people thinking it could have been a different outcome, and is there any challenges to the result legally or otherwise.

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Hollystove how do Americans feel about the Russian hacking of the Presidential campaign, and the fact that Trump tweeted and totally dismissed it and criticised his intelligence agencies for for better words making it up.

I always felt that a lot of his supporters were fanatical Americans from the mid states where Russian is a dirty word.

If this had been exposed before the vote are people thinking it could have been a different outcome, and is there any challenges to the result legally or otherwise.

Holystove is Belgian.

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Hollystove how do Americans feel about the Russian hacking of the Presidential campaign, and the fact that Trump tweeted and totally dismissed it and criticised his intelligence agencies for for better words making it up.

I always felt that a lot of his supporters were fanatical Americans from the mid states where Russian is a dirty word.

If this had been exposed before the vote are people thinking it could have been a different outcome, and is there any challenges to the result legally or otherwise.

I'm American. Honestly the majority of the trump supporters are just anti Obama so whatever trump does they don't really care about as long as it's not Obama. Racist, sad, yes both of them but true.


The Russia thing they hate Russia old Cold War "kill the commie" types but they say at least he's keeping the jobs in America.


Honestly a lot of people who normally don't vote showed up for trump (white middle age people) like they did for Obama (minorities). So who knows what they think since they don't usually participate in elections.

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So not a lot of backlash against Trump or Republicans from Democrats about the possible validity of his win.

Sounds like people are coming to terms with what happened in the election and just want get on with what's been dealt, regardless of their feelings towards Trump.

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So not a lot of backlash against Trump or Republicans from Democrats about the possible validity of his win.

Sounds like people are coming to terms with what happened in the election and just want get on with what's been dealt, regardless of their feelings towards Trump.


there was a ton of backlash, there have been quasi-riots, marches, trump supproters telling immigrants in supermarkets to "get out of our country you _______" "well build a wall so you can't get in " etc. he's appointed an openly racist as his chief advisor Steve Bannon and now there are terms like the "Alt-Right" which instead should just say "the racists". they're making racism and discrimination ok. so the crazy finge people are loving it.


tons of backlash from democrats. they bombarded their congressmen/women senators with phone calls, have petitions to abolish the electoral college, marches, speeches, etc.


but at this point he's one, it's over, it's done. nothing to do unless you want a revolution.


the repubs first day tried to eliminate the office of ethics which monitors congress. enough said right there, the corrupt bastards.

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Anti-politics is just another circus, and the self considered intelligensia are caught arse over tit in this one. Keep the bread flowing and the excuses baked as fast to keep the proles way behind in the arms race of survival. Want a place at the top table, earn your place by swelling the number of proles beneath you.


Your overlords no longer want you, they thirst for your children.

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Anti-politics is just another circus, and the self considered intelligensia are caught arse over tit in this one. Keep the bread flowing and the excuses baked as fast to keep the proles way behind in the arms race of survival. Want a place at the top table, earn your place by swelling the number of proles beneath you.


Your overlords no longer want you, they thirst for your children.


that's the bit that gets me. now it's bad to be intelligent and well read. like something is wrong with you. You've been poisoned by the liberal media and bias because you actually thirst for knowledge and truth. doesn't make any sense unless you want to control a population by fear like the right does.

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The coddling up to Russia is beginning to worry some. After all, Trump has totally dissed the intelligence services and will soon appoint his own heads over them. He flat out denies Russia hacked emails and has posted several juvenile tweets on the subject. As Mark pointed out earlier, he owes Russian banks hundreds of millions of dollars, so they are his paymaster. Personally, I think the strongest link lies elsewhere, and Russia is just a reflection of that: He's really a front for international organized crime - and that is the truly scary part of all this.

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With these new reports on Russia having damaging info on Trump in their possession, does that not automatically make him unfit for POTUS?

If they have leverage on him, surely he is comprimised?


I'm wondering the same thing. It depends on what the information is, but it makes me very uncomfortable knowing that the president-elect already has some damning secrets that could potentially be used against him.


[if there is actually any truth to this -- it's still unconfirmed]

Edited by TonkaRoost
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no worries!



  1. Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

    Vertalen uit het Engels
    13.646 antwoorden10.047 retweets29.000 vind-ik-leuks
  2. Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is "A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE." Very unfair!




If Russia said so, it must be true.

Edited by holystove
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id be interested to read those numbers, but unfortunately immediate results are all that matters at the moment.




You're right that observers expect and sometimes see immediate results from protectionism, but, in the long term, the nation suffers.



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"you are fake news" to cnn. I'd have had the heavies eject the little bastard out via his face (shame it wasn't a murdoch journo).


In conspiracy news, the Bush regime is very happy 'good ole Donny' has arrived, it'll put 'Dubya' into the forgotten pile and setup a path for big Jeb to get the top seat.


Anyway, this US story is old news, theres far more going on in France and Germany and Holland, the far right have a lot of traction, Italy is on it's arse financially, it doesn't take much to stoke the hatred in the proles, so those that control the ministry of truth control the lowest common denominator. Going to get worse before it gets better, anyone any ideas on bad medicine.....

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"you are fake news" to cnn. I'd have had the heavies eject the little bastard out via his face (shame it wasn't a murdoch journo).


In conspiracy news, the Bush regime is very happy 'good ole Donny' has arrived, it'll put 'Dubya' into the forgotten pile and setup a path for big Jeb to get the top seat.


Anyway, this US story is old news, theres far more going on in France and Germany and Holland, the far right have a lot of traction, Italy is on it's arse financially, it doesn't take much to stoke the hatred in the proles, so those that control the ministry of truth control the lowest common denominator. Going to get worse before it gets better, anyone any ideas on bad medicine.....


Sounds like this is the website for you : http://www.infowars.com/ :happy:

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"you are fake news" to cnn. I'd have had the heavies eject the little bastard out via his face (shame it wasn't a murdoch journo).


Yep, in any liberal democracy the leader should shout down the press and exclude them from the conversation whenever they report something he/she doesn't like.

:shaking fist:

Edited by Chach
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