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despite my constant and absolute distain for the wig-wearing tangerine, I always held out hope that it wouldn't be as bad as we all think, because at the end of the day the President is just a figurehead who's accountable for the actions advised by his self appointed "experts".


Looking at that list though...

Exactly how I feel.


Holystove, In my case, my expectations of Trump are so low that any "promise" he goes back on is a win in my book. I definitely don't like the guy. I'm merely stating that he's already gone back on a lot of his extremes, appointments aside.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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What about making Steve Bannon (white supremacy) an important adviser?


Are you basing that on the fact he heads up Breitbart or something else?

I've had a good dig around on that guy and apart from some accusations made by an ex-wife during an acrimonious divorce and somebody repeating some things he said (not completely in context) in what appear to be a private conversation, all the anecdotal evidence by people who know him points to him not being a white supremacist, an anti-semite or any of the other things he's accused of.

He's not a white nationalist, but an economic nationalist with an authoritarian bent who is actually as anti-establishment/wall street as Trump has been making out he is.

The only thing I'm really sure of post-election, is that I have no idea what's going to happen.

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Are you basing that on the fact he heads up Breitbart or something else?

I've had a good dig around on that guy and apart from some accusations made by an ex-wife during an acrimonious divorce and somebody repeating some things he said (not completely in context) in what appear to be a private conversation, all the anecdotal evidence by people who know him points to him not being a white supremacist, an anti-semite or any of the other things he's accused of.

He's not a white nationalist, but an economic nationalist with an authoritarian bent who is actually as anti-establishment/wall street as Trump has been making out he is.

The only thing I'm really sure of post-election, is that I have no idea what's going to happen.


http://qz.com/841036/is-steve-bannon-a-white-supremacist-trumps-advisor-wants-to-rebrand-racism-as-american-nationalism/ -- it might not be neo-nazism, but it's not far off.


It's also not very nuanced to say Pompeo loves torture or that Sessions is a racist; I was overstating to make a point.

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http://qz.com/841036/is-steve-bannon-a-white-supremacist-trumps-advisor-wants-to-rebrand-racism-as-american-nationalism/ -- it might not be neo-nazism, but it's not far off.


It's also not very nuanced to say Pompeo loves torture or that Sessions is a racist; I was overstating to make a point.


On the upside, since that article came out they have disavowed Richard Spencer, what an absolute piece of work that guy is.


If anyone is interested in what's going on inside his head, Bannon made this documentary about the "failure of culture" that caused the GFC, amongst other things. He has a lot of problems with a lot of people, mostly people who aren't as conservative as he is e.g. hippies who went to Woodstock



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What about picking Myron Ebell (global warming is a myth) as head of EPA? What about making Steve Bannon (white supremacy) an important adviser? What about making Mike Flynn (islam = terrorism) the national security adviser? What about Mike Pompeo (torture = great) as head of CIA? Jeff Sessions (racist) as AG?


He just announced Tom Price to run health. Admittedly the man's a GP, but (as a representative here in Georgia) the man is a complete wally. He's one of those people I can listen to for all of three seconds before retching. Sadly, he's going to demolish the Affordable Care Act, which means millions will soon lose their medical coverage. When will people realize that we don't choose to get sick? In any civilized society, healthcare for all should be a basic right.

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Not surprised. Trump will just be a "yes" man to those around him, because he knows absolutely nothing about what's going on in the world around him.


This will be a good experiment. Americans have often said that we need a businessman instead of a politician; Trump is the ultimate businessman.


I'd rather have Bill Gates or Warren Buffet though.

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Two former generals have already been appointed to top government posts. Two more are in line for appointments. This is completely unprecedented. The US is meant to have civilians in charge of the military, not the military in charge of civilians.


Make that three generals appointed with two more in line. Is this a military coup, or what?

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Someone started dumping Lockheed Martin stock just before Trump's tweet.





is this fake news or true? if true, shocking.



I feel like it's more of a coincidence and while I don't consider a Trump to be that smart, he sure as hell knows what insider trading is.


From Gizmodo:


"Trump fired off his new F-35 tweet just hours after US Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited Israel to help the country welcome the arrival of the first two F-35 jets it purchased from the US government. Israel has ordered 50 of the planes from the US at more than $100 million each. The aircraft are supposed to help Israel maintain a competitive edge over other countries in Middle East, and Israel is the first US ally to receive the plane. It’s unclear if Trump intended to undermine efforts under Obama to build a next generation fighter jet, or simply to draw attention to an already controversial situation."


The controversial situation being that politicians have been claiming for years that the program is too expensive and "shady." I think it's the most expensive Pentagon program.

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From same Gizmodo article:


"...the tweet also came just two days after Trump called attention to a Washington Post article about the Pentagon wasting money. The story claims that the Pentagon buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste. The report was hidden out of fears that Congress would use its findings to reduce country’s the defense budget."




Don't know much about Gizmodo's political leanings, but interesting read nonetheless.

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I generally a positive person who thinks of glass half full but I'm sorry the only opinion i'll have until the next 4 years election is DOOM AND GLOOM WE ARE WELL AND TRULY FUCKED. A guy who is anti-climate change and hates the EPA and regulations running the EPA? A surgeon running the Urban Housing division? it goes on and on, I won't be in here much anymore because I've stopped the news for a while.


one last thing, fuck off Donald trump, fuck off

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  • 2 weeks later...

The one thing that Trump hasn't flip flopped on, is his bromance with Vladimir Putin.


In the face of condemnation of Russian interference by his own party members, Democrats, US intelligence organisations and plenty of his own citizens he's just doubled down on his rhetoric:


"The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!" @realDonaldTrump


Are all his businesses debts financed by Russian oligarchs?

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The one thing that Trump hasn't flip flopped on, is his bromance with Vladimir Putin.


In the face of condemnation of Russian interference by his own party members, Democrats, US intelligence organisations and plenty of his own citizens he's just doubled down on his rhetoric:


"The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!" @realDonaldTrump


Are all his businesses debts financed by Russian oligarchs?


Must be so .. His defense of Putin in light of all of the allegations (/ evidence) strongly implies he owes something Russian a lot of money.


It's the same in Europe. Look at Le Pen in France; she has flat out said that if Russia gives her money to fund her campaign, she will, as French president, recognize the annexation of the Crimea (!).

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Must be so .. His defense of Putin in light of all of the allegations (/ evidence) strongly implies he owes something Russian a lot of money.


It's the same in Europe. Look at Le Pen in France; she has flat out said that if Russia gives her money to fund her campaign, she will, as French president, recognize the annexation of the Crimea (!).


yep no banks in the US will loan trump anymore since he goes bankrupt faster than the speed of light. Russians the only ones who will lend him money and he's in the whole some 300-600 million with them. like being in with the mafia, of course he's gotta stick up for them, he owes them.


the republicans first day back in congress voted to remove the office of ethics, so they can cheat and steal in the open again. luckily trump tweeted they shouldn't and should be doing better things and the public outcry was massive so they backtracked and are keeping it.


what fucking scumbags vote to remove the office of ethics? wow just wow.

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Trump's day so far:


The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!

Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for....

being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary



2 more weeks until this guy is commander-in-chief.

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Then there's his pronouncement yesterday that he'll slap a 30+ % tariff on Toyota cars if they build in Mexico. There are so many things wrong with this:


1) He's not a dictator who can impose economic policy on a whim

2) This totally undermines free trade, which made the US a world power

3) So ironic, but all the right-wingers in the US who forever bemoan socialism are seeing Socialism 101: protect and nationalize

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Then there's his pronouncement yesterday that he'll slap a 30+ % tariff on Toyota cars if they build in Mexico. There are so many things wrong with this:


1) He's not a dictator who can impose economic policy on a whim

2) This totally undermines free trade, which made the US a world power

3) So ironic, but all the right-wingers in the US who forever bemoan socialism are seeing Socialism 101: protect and nationalize

2.?? The US don't do free trade. See Cuba.
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