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Donald Trump won South Carolina last night and Hillary Clinton won Nevada. Trump is working on completely destroying the Republican party, which is fine by me, but we can't let him get anywhere near the White House. I think he'll lose 40 states if he is the GOP nominee, but one can't be too careful. I vote in Washington, DC, which always goes democrat, but the folks in Ohio, Florida and Virginia need to take this really seriously and make sure they get out to vote, even if their vote is simply "Not Trump."


Jeb! dropped out last night, which is hilarious because he had something like a billion dollars behind him and it meant nothing.


Personally, in the primary I'll vote Bernie, but will hold my nose and vote for Clinton in the general (assuming she's the nominee).

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Donald Trump won South Carolina last night and Hillary Clinton won Nevada. Trump is working on completely destroying the Republican party, which is fine by me, but we can't let him get anywhere near the White House. I think he'll lose 40 states if he is the GOP nominee, but one can't be too careful. I vote in Washington, DC, which always goes democrat, but the folks in Ohio, Florida and Virginia need to take this really seriously and make sure they get out to vote, even if their vote is simply "Not Trump."


Jeb! dropped out last night, which is hilarious because he had something like a billion dollars behind him and it meant nothing.


Personally, in the primary I'll vote Bernie, but will hold my nose and vote for Clinton in the general (assuming she's the nominee).

I'm the same Keith. I'll keep voting Bernie till general and sadly I don't know if he can win the primary's.

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If I could vote, my first choice would probably be John Kasich. Otherwise it would be Bernie Sanders. As you can tell, character means far more to me than policies. WHY does someone pursue the policies they do?




I would refuse to vote for the fascist Donald Trump or the lying bully Ted Cruz or the out-and out criminal Hillary Clinton, even if I were able.

Edited by Cornish Steve
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone see the footage of the Secret Service guy choke slamming a reporter at the Trump rally?


Apparently the reporter stood 18 inches outside the barrier, was pushed back into the designated area, responded with a "Fuck you" and the Agent choke slammed him. It's pretty bad.




Edit: The GIF at the bottom is the 'slam'

Edited by Lowensda
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the republicans screwed themselves. they thought their standard guys would handily beat trump so they never did opposition research (dig up dirt on the guy) or anything, they were so uber-confident they lost. now they are realizing they are going to be stuck with Trump and he's not going to give a flying Fuck what the republican party wants to do policy wise, he's gonna do whatever he wants. He already said the Speaker of the house Paul Ryan and he will get along and if not, Ryan is in a world of trouble in a bad way. Already threatened the guy. They made their bed, now they don't want to lie in it. They are going to be non-existent after the next 2 elections, they'll lose this one to HIllary and the next to Hillary and then be an afterthought.

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I think HRC is going to run away with it. I just can't see Trump or Sanders winning and the other Republican candidates are a joke.


I actually like Kasich, but he just doesn't have enough charisma, so I don't think he'd have a lot of sway in Congress. Maybe a good VP?

Edited by TonkaRoost
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yes. the coasts and cities will vote Democrat but if he's able to get enough of middle america and the south he could win it. sad thing is people hate hillary so much they would vote for Trump as a "not hillary" vote.


Is the reverse not a possibility also though? People voting Clinton as a "not Trump" vote.

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Is the reverse not a possibility also though? People voting Clinton as a "not Trump" vote.


yes but more people hate her for all the scandals she and bill have been through and then just plain sexism. men don't want a woman president. it's america, there's a lot of country ass uneducated morons, like A LOT of them.

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Let's hope so. lol. Not really, but literally nothing can be worse than Hillary Clinton. Seems like the only sane candidate ofr the 4 remaining ones is Ted Cruz.


Described earlier by MJB as "tea party extreme conservative" so sane is probably a bit of a stretch, though admittedly just one person's view.

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Described earlier by MJB as "tea party extreme conservative" so sane is probably a bit of a stretch, though admittedly just one person's view.


yes. he's the least liked senator in congress. no one likes him. if you look up articles on the guy the repubs don't want him either. he basically hates his own party and says he's anti-government. so he's not getting support from them and they don't want him because he doesn't have their interests.


the repubs best bet is to get cruz and trump to tank each other and have rubio or kasich be the nominee. they are both moderate and would win over the hillary haters. sadly trump is starting to run away with it and i think he will win it.

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Let's hope so. lol. Not really, but literally nothing can be worse than Hillary Clinton. Seems like the only sane candidate ofr the 4 remaining ones is Ted Cruz.


Ted Cruz would be a total disaster. Anyone who's ever worked with him is campaigning against him. Personally, I can't stand him. Among my four children who can vote, they each support a different candidate, but none of them support Ted Cruz. One of the Republican voters in my family supports John Kasich. He's pretty much stayed above the fray.

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Via the broadcast link from a federal penitentiary.


Steve I keep hearing that too. That the repubs are waiting till she's the nominee till they release the investigation and jail her. But I have to believe her family ties and connections she has already paid off needs to be paid off.


This keeps being alluded to but I've honestly no idea what you guys are talking about; what's she supposed to have done?

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This keeps being alluded to but I've honestly no idea what you guys are talking about; what's she supposed to have done?


when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for Obama she used a private email server in addition to her government account. Turns out she took most emails on the private server. The previous SoS did the same thing but since it's an election thing now the repubs in Congress asked for the Server to see if she handled Classified Information on non-government server. After many hearings in front of Congress all the emails were released. Nothing has come of it (but bad press) because there wasn't anything that was Classified AT THE TIME that she emailed (she used the government one). But now those emails have been retroactively classified saying stuff changed and now the email is classified cause it contains whatever intel.


So some people believe the repubs have found evidence or proof of breaking the law on the server and are just waiting to pounce. i don't know, since the emails are all released and the agency investigating said there is no wrong doing. But the congress could hold more hearings and basically continue a bad news cycle and have her look bad in the press.


The media has painted her as 'untrustworthy' who would do such a sketchy thing. But the repub SOS colin powell did the same thing and he said the investigation is ridiculous. just politcs.


Side Note: Apparently the government email really sucks.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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