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Trump/US Politics


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It's definitely an interesting read. Trump is a loose cannon and should be nowhere the decision-making process. I'm completely disappointed by the two candidates we have, but at least Hillary is predictable to a certain degree. Trump is a bully and like the article points out, a vindictive and spiteful person.


I was originally going to vote for neither, but I'm voting for Hillary now even though she won't win in my state; there is literally no one else to vote for.


...Sad times for the USA right now.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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3 systems in us. Judiciary the Supreme Court. Executive the president and Vice President. Legislative congress. Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and senate. Bills and laws get passed in the house first then go to the senate (still in the congress) for approval then to the president.

Edited by markjazzbassist
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3 systems in us. Judiciary the Supreme Court. Executive the president and Vice President. Legislative congress. Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and senate. Bills and laws get passed in the house first then go to the senate (still in the congress) for approval then to the president.


If the two houses disagree, then they must work together to resolve their differences. The president can choose to veto, but a sufficiently large vote can override that veto.

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So the Senators are also Congressmen but not all Congressmen are Senators?

Technically correct but they go but congressmen (house) and senator (senate).


To steve's point. House can pass and senate votes and denies, then house would need a super majority 66.66 to get it to bypass senate. President has ultimate veto power but senate super majority could bypass that.


But since it's so divided a super majority in either house or senate is extremely rare so as to be non existent really.

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Skybet currently have Hillary at 1/8, Trump at 5/1.


Still not confident, remain were even more certain to win in their view at the equivalent stage of Brexit, 1/14 from memory.


Everything crossed though.


Mike - we've heard nothing but little hints so far, but I suspect this is going to be very very close - certainly closer than the polls have been predicting. I'll be very surprised if there's any kind of early result. This could drag on a bit.


Then again, I have a poor track record of predictions in recent years, so there's hope. :)

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Yes, it really is that bad. I'd put money on him winning right now.




Even now, I stick by this terrifying prediction.


And I have another take on this election: It won't be won by either major party; it will be won by organized crime.



I'm truly sorry, folks. Never in my life have I wanted to be more wrong, but I could see it coming.

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