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I decided to read about it rather than put myself through another series of shit-slinging.


I feel for the US, stuck between a rock and a hard place


Both of them make me sick to my stomach. They have to be the two worst candidates in the history of any presidential election.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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I don't know Clinton (and her history) as well as many other Toffeetalk-members but I thought she did very well in the second debate; even better than in the first. Trump on the other hand was far worse than in the first debate. He never answered the question and then complained about being interrupted by the moderators who tried to get him to discuss the topic at hand. I thought he was overly aggressive and very childish when things didn't go his way. How low is the bar set for donald trump if most political commentators said he did OK...


They might be the worst candidates ever compared to other presidential elections, but in my opinion the second debate made verly clear that in this election one of them is much much worse than the other.

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He has a marginal lead in Utah, but that's because he's a Mormon. If it doesn't translate to any other state, even if he wins, it makes absolutely no difference.


But potentially takes six electoral college votes away from Trump, could that not sway things if it's close?

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Hillary, on the other hand, just wants to make as much money as she can. It seems to have been the driving factor for the Clinton's for years.



This seems to be a common perception recently, but I don't really think it stands up to scrutiny. Bill was an exceptional student, Rhodes Scholar etc, could easily have done anything in law but chose public service, Hillary the same, an academic who put her husbands career first, taught law and set up a a legal aid clinic, hardly the path you take if money is your primary concern.

Yes, they are rich now no doubt, but that is through book sales and public speaking gigs and when they started out you would be hard pressed to say that they could have foreseen the way that would have played out.


I find this recent assertion by certain right wing elements that the Clinton Foundation is some kind of personal slush fund particularly distasteful, subsiding the cost of anti-viral drugs for people in poor countries who have HIV doesn't really seem like the work of sociopaths.

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Don't count out Trump. Interesting take by a Matthew Goodwin (UK journalist/professor).

Turnout rates among poorly educated white voters threw cold water on the earlier claim that the angry white man would not show up, that he would be pushed aside by young cosmopolitans and the big cities. Overall turnout was high, at 72 percent, the highest for any U.K.-wide vote since 1992. Subsequent analysis of how this affected the vote suggests that Brexit won by mobilizing people who never normally vote, something that Trump hopes to emulate. The unexpectedly high turnout, especially in blue-collar communities, is why turnout models in the polls that were based on turnout at previous elections performed poorly; they failed to account for the mobilization of unlikely voters. Turnout was much higher among the Brexit-voting over-55s and strikingly lower among young voters who had promised to vote. Some estimate that whereas 64 percent of young people who were registered to vote did vote, this figure was 74 percent among people ages 55 to 64 and 90 percent among those ages 65 and above. In the aftermath of the Brexit victory, a petition emerged to overhaul the result through a second referendum. The largest number of signatures were in young and trendy areas like the London districts of Camden and Hackney, where voters had failed to turn out when it mattered.

The Brexit vote is a powerful reminder not only of how identity can trump economics but also of how supporters of populist insurgents are often more loyal than many think. While the pro-EU side had focused relentlessly on dry arguments about jobs, wages and appeals to economic self-interest, Brexit was pushed over the line by a campaign that tapped into an intense cultural angst among blue-collar, left behind and older voters

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Don't count out Trump. Interesting take by a Matthew Goodwin (UK journalist/professor).

Turnout rates among poorly educated white voters threw cold water on the earlier claim that the angry white man would not show up, that he would be pushed aside by young cosmopolitans and the big cities. Overall turnout was high, at 72 percent, the highest for any U.K.-wide vote since 1992. Subsequent analysis of how this affected the vote suggests that Brexit won by mobilizing people who never normally vote, something that Trump hopes to emulate. The unexpectedly high turnout, especially in blue-collar communities, is why turnout models in the polls that were based on turnout at previous elections performed poorly; they failed to account for the mobilization of unlikely voters. Turnout was much higher among the Brexit-voting over-55s and strikingly lower among young voters who had promised to vote. Some estimate that whereas 64 percent of young people who were registered to vote did vote, this figure was 74 percent among people ages 55 to 64 and 90 percent among those ages 65 and above. In the aftermath of the Brexit victory, a petition emerged to overhaul the result through a second referendum. The largest number of signatures were in young and trendy areas like the London districts of Camden and Hackney, where voters had failed to turn out when it mattered.

The Brexit vote is a powerful reminder not only of how identity can trump economics but also of how supporters of populist insurgents are often more loyal than many think. While the pro-EU side had focused relentlessly on dry arguments about jobs, wages and appeals to economic self-interest, Brexit was pushed over the line by a campaign that tapped into an intense cultural angst among blue-collar, left behind and older voters



My thinking exactly.

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I wonder if those Make America Great Again hats are gonna go out of fashion faster than the Von Dutch hats did!


"Make America Great Again" is as vacuous and meaningless as "Take Back Control" was in Brexit.


I hate politicians......but I've no idea what "Von Dutch" means/is :unsure:.

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Von Dutch hats were popular about 10-15 years ago. All the celebrities were seen wearing them and they would go for "silly money". I remember having a rare one and it being quite a hit with the ladies.


Then it turns out that Mr Von Dutch is a neo nazi white supremacist. The celebrities couldn't ditch their Von Dutch fast enough haha.




Thanks Paul.

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Looking at these polling numbers it's a bit strange to have to conclude that the average white male voter is predominantly voting against the establishment, while if the "establishment" wins on November 8th it will be in large part thanks to the blacks, latino's and young voters.


Who would have thought this could be possible 50 years ago.. (or even 10 years ago).

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When's the final result/decision made? I initially took some interest but I didn't realise what a massively drawn out process it is


Also who's looking the most likely to win?


Hilary is slightly ahead in the polls but this latest thing has hit her.


Bookies have her at about 1/3 and Trump at about 5/2 but he's closing.


I agree with Steve still, think Trump will steal it.

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