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Glad he made the decision, but dreading the racist and sexist campaign that Trump is about to embark on when it comes to Harris.

I also couldn't be less enthused about Harris, she's a moderate at best. I was never enthused with the Biden/Harris ticket. It's just a case of choosing to eat a slightly mushy banana, versus eating a banana that was shat out of a dead cow, refed to a live horse, shat out again and served to me on a bed of pig anus.

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1 hour ago, dunlopp9987 said:

Glad he made the decision, but dreading the racist and sexist campaign that Trump is about to embark on when it comes to Harris.

I also couldn't be less enthused about Harris, she's a moderate at best. I was never enthused with the Biden/Harris ticket. It's just a case of choosing to eat a slightly mushy banana, versus eating a banana that was shat out of a dead cow, refed to a live horse, shat out again and served to me on a bed of pig anus.

I'll never think of bananas in quite the same way! Certainly off the breakfast menu. 

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9 minutes ago, StatesideToffee14 said:

As much as I'd like to see Whitmer as her running mate, I don't think Americans can get on board with two women on the same ticket. 

Why would that be any different than two men? (I know the answer, of course, but why does such sexism remain in this day and age?)

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49 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

Why would that be any different than two men? (I know the answer, of course, but why does such sexism remain in this day and age?)

I don't think it's really sexism. I just don't think an all-woman ticket is really viable at this point. In the future perhaps, but not at the moment. 

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33 minutes ago, StatesideToffee14 said:

I don't think it's really sexism. I just don't think an all-woman ticket is really viable at this point. In the future perhaps, but not at the moment. 

I really don't understand why two men on a ticket is deemed to be acceptable but two women on a ticket is not. You're quite right that polls reveal that the country is not ready for two women - but what does this say about the country?

More than 40 years ago, when I was living in Britain, Margaret Thatcher was elected leader of the Conservative party. The next weekend, the elders of a local church distributed a book to all church members. It was a mystery why they did this - until someone spotted a paragraph stating that women should never be allowed to hold a position of leadership, that their role was to be supportive of male leaders - in the home and in society. The elders didn't want to come out and say it, but they were mad that a woman was now leading a major party. These attitudes linger, not only in churches but in society. Personally, I find it odd that many would rather elect an incapable man than a capable woman.

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29 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

I really don't understand why two men on a ticket is deemed to be acceptable but two women on a ticket is not. You're quite right that polls reveal that the country is not ready for two women - but what does this say about the country?

More than 40 years ago, when I was living in Britain, Margaret Thatcher was elected leader of the Conservative party. The next weekend, the elders of a local church distributed a book to all church members. It was a mystery why they did this - until someone spotted a paragraph stating that women should never be allowed to hold a position of leadership, that their role was to be supportive of male leaders - in the home and in society. The elders didn't want to come out and say it, but they were mad that a woman was now leading a major party. These attitudes linger, not only in churches but in society. Personally, I find it odd that many would rather elect an incapable man than a capable woman.

I genuinely find most women who hold down jobs of power especially in my industry are likely to be more honest and trustworthy over their male counterparts. 
Masculinity and strength were the two most important factors that separated men and women from each other, and from the early hunter gatherers they set the male and female standards that we recognise today and many still hold on too. 
Yet the world is a very different place now mental strengths are more important than physical strengths in the world we live in today, and this has allowed women to become more powerful in society and the workplace, and rightly so.  

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2 hours ago, StatesideToffee14 said:

As much as I'd like to see Whitmer as her running mate, I don't think Americans can get on board with two women on the same ticket. 

When you say Americans do you mean literally all Americans whether male or female, young or old, black or white, or a particular group of Americans over others at this moment in time or mixture of all. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

When you say Americans do you mean literally all Americans whether male or female, young or old, black or white, or a particular group of Americans over others at this moment in time or mixture of all. 

I was talking more Americans (and really I meant to say America) in general just isn't ready for it at this point in time. Heck, it was only as recently as 2016 that we had our first female candidate as the Presidential nominee on a major party ticket. With how divided this country is politically at the moment, it's probably for the best that we don't have an all-female ticket. It will happen at some point. Just not right now. 

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8 hours ago, MikeO said:

Plainly staged, but this should help.

Odds closing a little, have everything crossed that sanity wins.


This has changed the entire dynamic of the election. Before, Biden was the old guy and Trump the more energetic. In an instant, Trump is now the old guy, and people are sharing videos of some of the unintelligible ramblings at his rallies. Instead of videos showing Biden falling on steps, it will be videos of Trump walking tentatively a few years ago. The tables were turned on this point.

Amazingly, it seems the Trump team was caught by surprise when Biden pulled out of the election, even though everyone could see it coming. Trump's complaining about it being unfair, that his team wasted too much money on attacking Biden, and they're even trying to use the law courts to stop Kamala Harris from using donations made before Biden pulled out. I'm very surprised that they weren't ready.

Will Donald Trump be able to stop himself from making racist and sexist comments? Remember his comment about a female interviewer asking him hard questions because she must be bleeding down there? It will only take one or two gaffes like that and it will turn off crucial voters. It's already getting tiresome that he deliberately mispronounces her first name. Does Trump have the self-control needed to win the support of everyday people who hate to see such pettiness?

On the other hand, many mega-rich business folk, including Elon Musk and several high-tech bigwigs, are throwing their hat into the ring for Donald Trump. It's reported that Musk is pouring large sums into conservative PACs. Will that counter-balance and even outweigh the support Kamala Harris is receiving from the world of entertainment? Who's influenced by whom when it comes to endorsements - by Elon Musk or by Taylor Swift?

Then there are the VP candidates. Vance is young and energetic, but he's said and written many stupid things. Who will be the Democrat's VP candidate? The favorites right now appear to be the governor of Pennsylvania and a former astronaut. Remember how Dan Quayle almost lost the election for Bush?

Right now, it's effectively a dead heat. That would mean Trump wins (remember that Donald Trump has never won a majority of the votes, not even close, but that doesn't matter because of the way the system works). Republicans in several states have made it more difficult for voters to use mail-in ballots or even to register to vote, which tends to affect minorities more than others. Such rule changes really could tip the balance. There's also going to be increasing intimidation at polling places.

Kamala Harris has surprised people with an energetic start and upbeat messaging. To win, though, she will need to be a good five percentage points ahead and, of course, win all the close contests. Even if Trump loses, the drama will continue since he won't accept the result and has promised several times that his "army" is ready to respond. This all means it's going to be an unpredictable few months before a new president is installed at the White House. Those of us living in the US are buckling our seat belts.

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9 hours ago, MikeO said:

Plainly staged, but this should help.

Odds closing a little, have everything crossed that sanity wins.


I hope everybody is unburdened from being burdened by listening to anything that babbling moron has to say. Bring back the potato.


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4 hours ago, Haiku said:

She is awful... I mean, I had sympathy for Biden due to his condition, but this female buffoon is just as stupid as any dems DEI hire - Kimberly Cheatle and Karine Jean-Pierre just to name a few.

I was wondering how long it would be before someone would use the DEI phrase pejoratively on here. 

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13 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:


Yell even harder, the fascists might actually disappear.


9 hours ago, StatesideToffee14 said:

I was wondering how long it would be before someone would use the DEI phrase pejoratively on here. 

No need to wait. Kamala Harris, Kimberly Cheatle, and Karine Jean-Pierre are so incompetent that calling them a 'DEI hire' seems like the least offensive phrase that could be used to describe them.


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40 minutes ago, Haiku said:

Yell even harder, the fascists might actually disappear.


No need to wait. Kamala Harris, Kimberly Cheatle, and Karine Jean-Pierre are so incompetent that calling them a 'DEI hire' seems like the least offensive phrase that could be used to describe them.


What's the problem with diversity, equity and inclusion? Sounds like three perfectly laudible aims to me.

And in what respect is Harris "incompetent"?

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12 minutes ago, MikeO said:

What's the problem with diversity, equity and inclusion? Sounds like three perfectly laudible aims to me.

And in what respect is Harris "incompetent"?

No two people are equal. Everyone is different. Diversity and inclusion are often used as an excuse to hire people with lesser professional skills based on skin color and gender. By democratic standards, diversity means fewer white males, nothing else. This is straightforward racism and sexism against a specific group of people. If they were truly interested in inclusion and diversity, the NBA wouldn't consist of 75% black players. There are barely any Asians playing in the NBA, where's the inclusivity there? The simple answer is that the average black male is physically superior to the average male of any other race. That's a fact. Hiring people for the sake of diversity and not merit is blatant racism and sexism. I don't want to go into detail about the incompetence of Harris. My opinion is based on what I've seen and heard from her. When she speaks, it's a word salad. She's been caught lying many times, including pretending to be black and lying about simple things like claiming she smoked pot and listened to 2Pac and Snoop Dogg when she was in college in the '80s. That's just not very bright of her. I hope she finally gets unburdened by her past, but if I were American, my vote would go to Trump.

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41 minutes ago, Haiku said:

No two people are equal. Everyone is different. Diversity and inclusion are often used as an excuse to hire people with lesser professional skills based on skin color and gender. By democratic standards, diversity means fewer white males, nothing else. This is straightforward racism and sexism against a specific group of people. If they were truly interested in inclusion and diversity, the NBA wouldn't consist of 75% black players. There are barely any Asians playing in the NBA, where's the inclusivity there? The simple answer is that the average black male is physically superior to the average male of any other race. That's a fact. Hiring people for the sake of diversity and not merit is blatant racism and sexism. I don't want to go into detail about the incompetence of Harris. My opinion is based on what I've seen and heard from her. When she speaks, it's a word salad. She's been caught lying many times, including pretending to be black and lying about simple things like claiming she smoked pot and listened to 2Pac and Snoop Dogg when she was in college in the '80s. That's just not very bright of her. I hope she finally gets unburdened by her past, but if I were American, my vote would go to Trump.

So what about Trump makes you want to cast a vote for him?

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