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I would agree with your assessment of President Obama and can't believe all the barbed vitriol posted online about him. There's a sizable population here who believe everything he touches is a disaster, that he's Satan incarnate. (They correlate strongly with Trump supporters - even more so with Cruz supporters.) They just wear these tinted glasses, and there's no arguing with them. It's confirmation bias of the worst kind. I've tried so many times to challenge such remarks and been insulted over and over for doing so. Any objective observer, though, has to give the current president good marks. His approval rating is over 50%, which is very unusual at this stage in any presidency.


yes i just saw up to 58% now. you are correct, usually their rating is tanking on their way out, his is rising.

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Johnson wont make a good impression in any debate with statements like "what is aleppo?"


Tangent here but reminds me of the, "Do you like Kipling?" question.


Answer, "I don't know, I've never kippled".



On Obama, from a distance, I've been a little disappointed. Guantanamo is still open for business which annoys the hell out of me; his speeches lacked passion or conviction (though infinitely better than Bush). Overall I'm glad he had two terms and I wish there was the possibility for a third. What's that about anyway?


If you have (hypothetically at some point) the greatest president in history with a 99% approval rating he/she still has to stand down after two goes?! Madness.

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Tangent here but reminds me of the, "Do you like Kipling?" question.


Answer, "I don't know, I've never kippled".



On Obama, from a distance, I've been a little disappointed. Guantanamo is still open for business which annoys the hell out of me; his speeches lacked passion or conviction (though infinitely better than Bush). Overall I'm glad he had two terms and I wish there was the possibility for a third. What's that about anyway?


If you have (hypothetically at some point) the greatest president in history with a 99% approval rating he/she still has to stand down after two goes?! Madness.


my understanding is the founding fathers didn't want a situation like former father England where a King ruled for a long time regardless of them being good or bad you were stuck with them. With this, the president would have to work hard to get stuff done because they would only be in there for 4-8 years instead of playing "the long game". Also it gives new blood to the party so you don't have the same candidates running year after year.


i'm in two kinda ways about it, i see the benefits but also see the pitfalls.

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my understanding is the founding fathers didn't want a situation like former father England where a King ruled for a long time regardless of them being good or bad you were stuck with them. With this, the president would have to work hard to get stuff done because they would only be in there for 4-8 years instead of playing "the long game". Also it gives new blood to the party so you don't have the same candidates running year after year.


i'm in two kinda ways about it, i see the benefits but also see the pitfalls.


Take the point.


But what company/organisation in the World (US government aside) would disqualify a guy from carrying on with his job because he was good at it?

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Take the point.


But what company/organisation in the World (US government aside) would disqualify a guy from carrying on with his job because he was good at it?


i completely get that. to play devil's advocate, look at the congress. you don't have term limits and you have a bunch of old white guys who keep getting elected even though they don't do anything just because of name recognition. the voter goes to the poll uninformed and sees 2 names, one they recognize (the incumbent), the other they don't. Naturally they vote the one they recognize. A couple decent congressmen and women have tried to put up a bill to limit congressional terms but the greedy bastards always vote against them.

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Anyone see this? Apologise if already posted




Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump $10 million to let the billionaire businessman interview the Republican nominee for four hours about his policies.

(he does not think that Trump knows his own policies)

Edited by Peter H
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Cuban is a joke. You can't bully Trump for he is the ultimate bully. If I were Trump I'd take him up on that, overpower Cuban for 4 hours (call him an idiot, and whatever else it is Trump does) and then donate the 10 million to a charity (like "Make America number 1" which supports the mentally challenged) . Probably will get him a few more votes.

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Cuban is a joke. You can't bully Trump for he is the ultimate bully. If I were Trump I'd take him up on that, overpower Cuban for 4 hours (call him an idiot, and whatever else it is Trump does) and then donate the 10 million to a charity (like "Make America number 1" which supports the mentally challenged) . Probably will get him a few more votes.


Trump doesn't support any charities. He used his own charity to pay legal settlements. (Legal settlements for things he promised but refused follow through on. Like a payout for a hole in one at a charity golf event. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-used-258000-from-his-charity-to-settle-legal-problems/2016/09/20/adc88f9c-7d11-11e6-ac8e-cf8e0dd91dc7_story.html)


Trump is a cancer. He cannot become the president.

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Caveat here: he's been correct in predicting the popular vote, but no mention of the electoral college vote. Remember, Al Gore won the popular vote against Bush but ultimately lost out in the electoral college.
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The first debate just finished. Little substance and mostly mud slinging. Hilary was calm and collected and just pointed out how wacky trump was. Trump just attacked her and talked about how great he is.


Waste of 75 minutes of my life.


Highlights -


trump admits to not paying taxes for many years by using loopholes, his comment "yeah because I'm smart".


Hillary "Donald keeps talking about how he wants to rip up all the treaties and agreements we have in place, world leaders I promise you I will stand beside you and honor our agreements and work together towards a better future"

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At least for you the debate was at a reasonable hour. ?


I tried to genuinely listen to trump but its just incoherent blabber. He got worse toward the end of the debate.


Clinton was unconvincing though. Imo, she should just let him dig his own grave.

Yeah all the pundits I watched after said similar, no one won, but there was a loser, and it's America. Lol

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Yeah, he's been showing he's not very knowledgeable about affairs outside the USA -- now I don't know who to vote for at all.


i've had a couple interviews in cleveland but nothing definite yet so it looks like i'll still be down here for the nov 8 election day. Louisiana is going Trump so my vote doesn't matter, I'll probably vote Jill Stein Green Party.

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