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13 hours ago, RPG said:

Facts are facts, Surely you can do better than continued attempts at deflection.

Let's talk about facts. Ironically, something Trump not only doesn't give a shit about, and actually uses willful ignoranceand "fake news" as a strategy. So I'll cite the only source I know to be neutral;


I've been trying to stay out of this. But I cant help myself, so here goes. ..

I'm going to take you at your word, Rusty, and assume you're staying neutral. Please keep in mind though, with your past political posts and opinions, that it's hard to see that neutrality especially when coupled with the automatic dismissal of anything other than right-wing blogs. Yes, I'm aware that some are sharing left-wing sources too. I'm sure the intention is "balance" but it doesn't back up the neutral stand point. 

You've said at least 2 things that made me laugh;

1) "most of the electorate seem to love him for doing it". If that was the case, he'd have won the election he's repeatedly said was fraudulent. It's simply not true. 

2) "Trump won't be afforded the practical opportunity to face trial 'like anyone else' because of the political and media circus that surrounds him". Absolutely correct but missing 1 very important addition; he has created this circus through his own actions and deliberate tactical approach to his political career. His, sometimes predatory, tactics have been about creating this circus to detract from reality, encouraging distrust to maximise the opportunity a split country has provided him. The fact that the media, whether CNN or Fox News and everything in between, have enabled him and danced to his tune for so long in the name of views (aka, money) is only true because of him. Opinion maybe but its fundamentally true too. So the media is absolutely to blame here too, on both sides. But neither would have the fuel or inclination to do so without his antics providing so much material for them.

For the record, my personal opinion is that the man is an evil, revolting waste of oxygen who I wouldn't piss on if he was on fire, and I've no doubt in my mind he should be in jail for a myriad of offences.

I agree the facts will come out in trial amd until then he is innocent. But it won't be a fair trial because he's orchestrated that situation for his own personal past gain and now he's seeing the cost on the other side of the coin for his past actions. 

Regardless of the outcome and how's it's achieved, it's a lose/lose for the country and the world; either he's proven innocent which won't be accepted by those against him and it encourages other dangerous leaders around the world to act worse than they are. Or he's guilty and the slight minority (because it  unfortunately is closer than it should be) rebel and, potentially, start a civil war. 


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23 hours ago, RPG said:

If we are to have a fair system of justice then should it not apply equally to all?

We? 😂

You’re a Brit living in Malaysia, talking to Mike here in England. I don’t think we comes into it with the justice system in the states. 

Justice is given if you can afford it, if you can’t then you’re fucked! But, if you’ve not committed a crime you should have nothing to worry about, right? Especially if you can afford a team of very highly paid lawyers to do the work for you. Unless a crime has been committed and it’s really hard to prove your innocence. 

Now, I must try harder to stay out of this thread. 

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4 hours ago, RPG said:

It would seem Trump is capable of multi tasking. He has his legal team working on replacing the judge and moving the trial out of DC - on the not unreasonable grounds that both the judge and the location are a bar to a fair trial. So, that will be the first of many delays I guess.


Delay and distract. That’s his whole plan. Not to actually prove his innocence, they don’t have a plan for that I guess. 

Try and move it to a place where he may find a jury of people who like him. He is accused of committing crimes in DC, why would the trial be anywhere else? If you’re innocent you should be able to prove it regardless of location.

He’s clearly worried about the consequences of his actions now, that makes me happy. 

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1 hour ago, RPG said:

I can't speak for the jury as they haven't even being selected yet but if you look at the judge I can see grounds for objection, based on her track record. The judge was appointed by Obama, is rather 'left wing' in her views and has a 100% record in sentencing more severely than sentencing guidelines recommend for 'offences' which have already gone to trial over the Capitol building riots.

In many ways, the location is academic. The defence or the prosecution are probably going to object to every single juror based on their political leanings.

FWIW, I think it is a mistake for the prosecution to try to run the trial in DC with the current judge as it just provides fertile grounds for an appeal if there is a conviction. If the prosecution is so sure of their case, then they should offer to move the location and change the judge. I think that not doing so smacks of a lack of fairness and indicates that the prosecutor is not that confident in his case.

Judges are judges. Should the US now start selecting judges based on the politics of the accused?

I really hope this judge keeps him in check. He was warned not to share details publicly of the trial, and he's already doing just that and threatening everyone involved. Indeed, he has a track record of intimidating witnesses. A couple of days in a cell might actually sober him up. That's what would happen if it were anyone else, so why special treatment?

Here in Atlanta, once the indictment is made, I suspect the process will be quite no-nonsense. Watch for the mug shot.

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3 hours ago, RPG said:

We will have to see how it plays out but I do think the prosecution is already offering Trump grounds for appeal if he is convicted. Surely it would be better, from a prosecution pov, to nip that in the bud now by changing the judge and trial location.

He will appeal if he loses no matter the circumstances. 

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2 minutes ago, RPG said:

I am sure he will but the point I am making is that any appeal will be stronger if he can show that political leanings of the judge (as evidenced by her previous harsher than recommended sentencing on others involved in the Capitol riots) affected both the outcome of the trial and the sentence. Similarly, the location of the trial may also be cited as being impartial. If the prosecution remove those arguments from him, have they not disarmed him in advance?

I don't think it should be moved. As far as a harsher-than-recommended sentencing for the Capital riots goes, who is to say how harsh they are relative to other sentencings when something like that hadn't happened before, at least in modern US history? Either way, you're using one scenario to justify why it should be moved in order to give your guy a better shot at not being convicted -- normal. If the US justice systems works, then the judge will be impartial and the jury will make a decision based on the facts and information presented. 

I don't plan to respond anymore though. I'm over talking about Trump, and he'll get his day (again and again) in court. He's a stain on democracy, and anyone who defends him and the damage he's done to my country isn't worth the time. 

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36 minutes ago, RPG said:

Trump might be many things but 'my guy' he is not. I am just trying to steer a fair and middle course here rather than coming out on the side of most who post here who seem to think that there is no need for a trial (especially a fair one) and that we should proceed directly to the lynching.

Textbook strawman, not a single person/post has suggested he shouldn't get his day in court.

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4 hours ago, MikeO said:

Textbook strawman, not a single person/post has suggested he shouldn't get his day in court.

Exactly this. I want to see his evidence, purely because I don’t believe an ounce of it will carry any credibility, and then one by one see his supporters in the GOP turn on him. I believe by the end of this many more of his supporters will turn on him. 

I want to see him fail in court, like he did at all of his election appeals. 

Any judge in the case should be impartial, it’s the judges that Trump put in place who have been so impartial in recent times. So much so that they shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this as there would be a clear conflict of interest. Which would only leave judges that don’t support him. 

Anyway, fuck it, let’s get straight to the lynching!

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7 minutes ago, RPG said:

Strawman is hardly a compliment and the comment was obviously directed at me.

Of course it was because you were the perrson that I was replying to.

As I said, post your evidence for anyone saying anything other than he should have his day in court, if you can't then it remains your own fantasy (or you're instigating your own petty conspiracy theory). 

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5 minutes ago, RPG said:

If you agree that Trump should have his day(s) in court then you also agree that he is innocent unless or until proven guilty don’t you??

Of course (no personal attacks whatsoever so unsure how you're coming to that conclusion, just reflecting back your own posts and misinformation).

He'll have his time in court, absolutely nobody arguing against that as you suggest they are. Baffled frankly.



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1 hour ago, RPG said:

Yes, I can see you are baffled.

But thank you for, I think, agreeing that Trump is innocent unless or until proven guilty.

Now, in the interests of justice, a fair trial, a better chance of avoiding any appeal and saving $ millions of USA tax $, the trial really should be moved out of DC and the judge recused.

Where to Virginia where Trump wants it to go because he polled 70% of the vote there, so he can again try and use the far right to fight his lies. It was in D.C. where most of the charges against him were committed, so it should only be right that he faces is trial there.  He will get a fair trial the eyes of the world will be watching so the American judiciary system will make sure it’s a fair trial, America will not let the people down no matter what the cost and how long it takes justice will be done. It would appear that only the far right and the fake news coming from the Trump camp believe he won’t get a fair trial in D.C.

Trumps camp spend more time in the public eye trying to defend him of the charges against him, so no matter where he goes people will have already formed some opinions, because him and his team are constantly trying to use the media to find him not guilty of all charges, he’s organising his own trial using the media so no matter where he goes everyone would have heard the same thing he’s going no where in the USA that has been immune to what’s happening. So don’t worry Rusty he will get a fair trial as everyone here wants him to have, and don’t concern yourself with how much it will cost it won’t be coming out your pocket, that’s an issue for America and it’s tax payers to worry about not ours, but I’m sure our American friends on here will appreciate your concerns for them. 

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2 minutes ago, RPG said:

I wouldn’t like to suggest where the trial should be held but common sense would suggest a meeting between Defence and Prosecution to try to resolve the issues of both location and recusing the judge. Recusing the judge should be fairly straightforward, agreeing a replacement maybe less so. I think it shouldn’t be too difficult to find a trial location though where political leanings are about 50/50 - in the interests of justice.

Will it be in the interests of justice when it inevitably goes to the supreme court, which is loaded with Trump appointed conservatives?

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13 hours ago, RPG said:

For someone who is ‘staying out of this thread’ you are sure cropping up a lot Steve. That’s 5 posts from you in just a few days since you declared you were not going to comment any further.

It’s addictive though, like watching a car crash. Just can’t look away. 

Considering you aren’t on Trumps side you still continue to defend him. Considering you’re adamant that you just want justice, you only want the trial to happen under favourable circumstances. 

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10 hours ago, RPG said:

And you, maybe unintentionally, show the proof of how impossible it is to give Trump a fair trial. Your own words show your thoughts about political influence (either way) on the process of justice. So, either way, Trump cannot expect a fair trial.

If there is 100% credible and impartial evidence that Trump broke the law in a big way, then a closed doors meeting in a smoke filled room would probably have led to a better outcome for USA. But even that could have led to similar calls to investigate and impeach Biden for his dodgy dealings.

There will be no real winners now on either side.

Trump is not my guy!

Impeach Biden!

If I was American I’d be offended by some of this, but I’m not, so I just find this amusing. 

Also, if there was any evidence that Biden had done wrong they would have strung him up in record time. Unfortunately for your right wingers, there is no evidence. 

Trump doesn’t want a fair trial, so I don’t see why you keep peddling that he won’t get one. He doesn’t want one. He wants a media circus, he created it to begin with, he doesn’t want his day in court, he wants his day in front of the camera. He wants to talk about too much of the trial being done out in the open, while he’s the one going out and talking about it. If you can’t see his antics and what he’s tried to do then maybe spend more time with your optician. He’s hiding in plain sight. 

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On 15/08/2023 at 11:43, MikeO said:

Truly the .actions of an innocent man!

'The Trump Team’s strategy, according to people close to him, will be to push for a delay in this case, then win the election in 2024 and hope that the Republican Governor of Georgia will pardon him" more about these links.

Here in Georgia, not even the governor has the power to pardon someone. Only the parole board has that authority.

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