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something to note, you live in a state where it doesn't matter what you will vote, it will go republican and has since the dawn of time (i'm exaggerating) so a third party vote makes sense.


i'm trying to move by the end of the year, if i make it to Ohio (a swing state) i'll vote hillary just to make sure she wins that state, if i'm still in Louisiana by the election I'll vote third party as well since the state goes republican just like Mississippi (Tonks state).


Do you get the casting vote Mark :o!? Now that's power :P,

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something to note, you live in a state where it doesn't matter what you will vote, it will go republican and has since the dawn of time (i'm exaggerating) so a third party vote makes sense.


i'm trying to move by the end of the year, if i make it to Ohio (a swing state) i'll vote hillary just to make sure she wins that state, if i'm still in Louisiana by the election I'll vote third party as well since the state goes republican just like Mississippi (Tonks state).


Yep, Mississippi is notoriously Republican, but I would probably vote third party regardless of which state I was in. I just can't justify voting for either one at this moment. I think Clinton has enough backing to beat Trump, so I'm not worried about a Trump victory.

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I tried to explain to my wife, since she gets to vote, that she has 3 choices:


1. Follow her morals and choose an independent candidate

2. Sacrifice her morals and follow the republicans. Don't forget, Trump is a figure head but there are countless decent people (and a handful of cunts) behind him to operate government if they get into power. So, if she agrees with the Republican policies vote for the party even if their lack of decent humans who ran for candidacy left them with the racist, xenophobic, ignorant, egomaniacal, sexist, bigotted, bankrupcy master with no previous political experience.

3. Sacrifice her morals and follow the democrats, who have chosen a master criminal over a seemingly decent and competent candidate.


I say choose the master criminal, because at least Hilary will be able to play the crooked game of politics and win.


I disagree with that statement. His new campaign team is trying to get him to stick to the script, be more presidential, etc. but he just continues to be a loose cannon. He's such a narcissist that it doesn't matter if there are other republicans trying to steer him toward reasonable policies. If he wants to build a wall, and Paul Ryan is telling him it's a dumb idea and he should focus on something else, he'll just get rid of Paul Ryan. I'm sure there were reasonable people in the Baath party, doesn't really matter if the guy at the top is a maniac.


The only republicans I would trust are the ones that have gone on record saying they think Trump is bad for the GOP, like Jeff Flake and Evan McMullin and ..

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And he got 0.1% of his party's votes. No one is listening to him. As I've mentioned before, Trump is going to win. Be prepared.


No one is listening to him, you're right -- doesn't make it any less refreshing that there is at least one out there who can recognize the problem.


Clinton had a health scare which has hurt her numbers a little bit, but she's still leading in the polls. I don't think Trump will win.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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No one is listening to him, you're right -- doesn't make it any less refreshing that there is at least one out there who can recognize the problem.


Clinton had a health scare which has hurt her numbers a little bit, but she's still leading in the polls. I don't think Trump will win.


per the health scare. i don't want anything bad to happen to her, but if it were bad enough that she had to pull out and Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders was the candidate instead, overjoyed would be a word that would describe how i felt.

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i assume the VP steps in


that's if she already won the election. the dems aren't putting that lame duck up there, he was chosen to "not make waves" and just tow the party line so he wouldn't be part of a news cycle that was negative.


i'm talking like if she goes ill next week and can't continue, they'd have to go with someone else. I'd hope Biden (working class joe) or Bernie (the democratic socialist). Most likely it would be Biden.

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per the health scare. i don't want anything bad to happen to her, but if it were bad enough that she had to pull out and Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders was the candidate instead, overjoyed would be a word that would describe how i felt.


I agree with you here -- would much rather have one of them then Hillary but at the same time, do you think they'd have enough time pull off a win (if she were to pull out tomorrow for some reason)?

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matt - sorry didn't see you were responding to John. Yes john matt is correct if she's been sworn in as president and goes down, the vice president takes over. If he goes down then the speaker of the House (republican paul ryan) takes over.




I agree with you here -- would much rather have one of them then Hillary but at the same time, do you think they'd have enough time pull off a win (if she were to pull out tomorrow for some reason)?


yeah that's a tough one. on one hand the repubs wouldn't have enough time to do all the opposition research to bash them in the press, and a fresh face could swing some voters. Plus Biden is working class pennslyvania he could potentially win back the blue collar voters that have gone to trump.


The more i think about the more i think Biden would win by a lot. He's everything Hillary is not. A real person, blue collar, not a criminal, and not Trump. Plus with his son passing away recently Trump would have to be very careful because his attacks could be seen even by his rabid fans as too intense.

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i'm talking like if she goes ill next week and can't continue, they'd have to go with someone else. I'd hope Biden (working class joe) or Bernie (the democratic socialist). Most likely it would be Biden.


If the 68 year old is too weak to continue her run for the presidency, the alternatives to replace her are a 74 year old Biden or 75 year old Sanders :).


These people should just let go already.

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Johnson wont make a good impression in any debate with statements like "what is aleppo?", and neither will stein with her opinion that historically ukraine was part of russia so the annexation of crimea is only logical.


I think what graham said about cruz vs trump also applies to clinton vs trump. Its like choosing between being shot and being poisoned. Trump is like getting shot in the head, with clinton there might be an antidote.

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Johnson wont make a good impression in any debate with statements like "what is aleppo?", and neither will stein with her opinion that historically ukraine was part of russia so the annexation of crimea is only logical.


I think what graham said about cruz vs trump also applies to clinton vs trump. Its like choosing between being shot and being poisoned. Trump is like getting shot in the head, with clinton there might be an antidote.


yeah johnson made anyone on the fence jump off the fence with the Aleppo mishap. I barley follow world news (morning and night drive to/from work radio, one "news" webpage in the morning at work quick glance) and even I know all about it.


Stein her foreign policy stuff doesn't matter, people aren't voting green party for foreign policy, it's more social and economic issues.


The one thing I am very happy about with Clinton vs. Trump is it proves how great a president Obama really is. Class, tact, compassion, has rallied the economy back from the Bush Recession, all while having a Congress so racist they refuse to work with a black man. His legacy is emboldened by their tarnished beginnings.

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Johnson wont make a good impression in any debate with statements like "what is aleppo?", and neither will stein with her opinion that historically ukraine was part of russia so the annexation of crimea is only logical.


I think what graham said about cruz vs trump also applies to clinton vs trump. Its like choosing between being shot and being poisoned. Trump is like getting shot in the head, with clinton there might be an antidote.




yeah johnson made anyone on the fence jump off the fence with the Aleppo mishap. I barley follow world news (morning and night drive to/from work radio, one "news" webpage in the morning at work quick glance) and even I know all about it.


Stein her foreign policy stuff doesn't matter, people aren't voting green party for foreign policy, it's more social and economic issues.


The one thing I am very happy about with Clinton vs. Trump is it proves how great a president Obama really is. Class, tact, compassion, has rallied the economy back from the Bush Recession, all while having a Congress so racist they refuse to work with a black man. His legacy is emboldened by their tarnished beginnings.


I'm with both of you on Johnson. That was a pretty big mistake on his part ("What is Aleppo?") -- won't be voting for him now.


Obama was better than Bush, but I wouldn't say he was a "great" president. The government has somehow felt even less transparent than before he came into office.


That said, I'd rather keep Obama than have Hillary or Trump. The only thing this election really proves is how bad the new candidates are.

Edited by TonkaRoost
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yeah johnson made anyone on the fence jump off the fence with the Aleppo mishap. I barley follow world news (morning and night drive to/from work radio, one "news" webpage in the morning at work quick glance) and even I know all about it.


Stein her foreign policy stuff doesn't matter, people aren't voting green party for foreign policy, it's more social and economic issues.


The one thing I am very happy about with Clinton vs. Trump is it proves how great a president Obama really is. Class, tact, compassion, has rallied the economy back from the Bush Recession, all while having a Congress so racist they refuse to work with a black man. His legacy is emboldened by their tarnished beginnings.


I would agree with your assessment of President Obama and can't believe all the barbed vitriol posted online about him. There's a sizable population here who believe everything he touches is a disaster, that he's Satan incarnate. (They correlate strongly with Trump supporters - even more so with Cruz supporters.) They just wear these tinted glasses, and there's no arguing with them. It's confirmation bias of the worst kind. I've tried so many times to challenge such remarks and been insulted over and over for doing so. Any objective observer, though, has to give the current president good marks. His approval rating is over 50%, which is very unusual at this stage in any presidency.

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