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There is going to be the biggest investigation into how this happened. I do not understand why given fact that Law Enforcement knew about the Trump Rally and the events taking place at congress why there were so few Police / National Guard / barriers.

I dont get why there were not 1000's of Police swarming in once the crowd swarmed in. 

It's beyond my comprehension, I literally have no words to describe my shock.

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3 minutes ago, London Blue said:

There is going to be the biggest investigation into how this happened. I do not understand why given fact that Law Enforcement knew about the Trump Rally and the events taking place at congress why there were so few Police / National Guard / barriers.

I dont get why there were not 1000's of Police swarming in once the crowd swarmed in. 

It's beyond my comprehension, I literally have no words to describe my shock.






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5 minutes ago, dunlopp9987 said:






Sadly racism is alive and well in 2020, but this is something else. The difference between the BLM protest and this is in my opinion a demonstration institutional racism. 

The Capital building is the physical embodiment of the heart of American democracy along with the Whitehouse. It contained pretty much the whole Senate and Congress. The fact that that this area can be taken over by protesters is unbelievable. It is a total fail in Policing terms, this building should have been defended and protected to the nth degree. 

There are contingency plans to deal with this type of event, protests even violent protests are not unheard of after all. 

What was the Policing Plan, what were the numbers of officers on site, why were the National Guard not on site, why were reserves not in the immediate vicinity, why were they not deployed earlier. What was the risk assessment that led to this level of policing.

There will be Senate and Congressional enquiries into this. 


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2 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

I'm now watching riot police slowly walking protestors down the steps of the Capitol. THE HYPOCRISY IS COMICAL. 

They’d be carrying out dead bodies if it’d been black people.

These terrorists (let’s call them what they are) have been treated with respect. Ffs, there were officers having selfies with these people!

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21 hours ago, London Blue said:

Sadly racism is alive and well in 2020, but this is something else. The difference between the BLM protest and this is in my opinion a demonstration institutional racism. 

The Capital building is the physical embodiment of the heart of American democracy along with the Whitehouse. It contained pretty much the whole Senate and Congress. The fact that that this area can be taken over by protesters is unbelievable. It is a total fail in Policing terms, this building should have been defended and protected to the nth degree. 

There are contingency plans to deal with this type of event, protests even violent protests are not unheard of after all. 

What was the Policing Plan, what were the numbers of officers on site, why were the National Guard not on site, why were reserves not in the immediate vicinity, why were they not deployed earlier. What was the risk assessment that led to this level of policing.

There will be Senate and Congressional enquiries into this. 


This is racism. Multi-tiered and multi-faceted racism.

Physically violent, institutional and completely systemic. From the lack of consequences given to those inciting this behavior, to the aiding and abetting of the insurgents by law enforcement, to the disbelief that this is something that can happen in this day and age.

What happened at the capital yesterday is the most American thing I've ever witnessed in my life.

The policing plan was to allow them to do what they wanted because many of those police agree with those they helped. They are the same people.

Those involved, they didn't even really have a plan besides mayhem and they were certain they'd be able to do damage and walk away unscathed. That's what I'll remember most about those scenes; White folks walking around a government building looting things in plain view of cameras, unmasked and unbothered. Doing things that I'd get shot for even contemplating.

Most of the people arrested yesterday were from the city's curfew, after the event itself.

The heart of American democracy is racism. Mass extraction and exploitation is how it was founded and it's never really changed much.


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6 minutes ago, nutmegwolf203 said:

This is racism. Multi-tiered and multi-faceted racism.

Physically violent, institutional and completely systemic. From the lack of consequences given to those inciting this behavior, to the aiding and abetting of the insurgents by law enforcement, to the disbelief that this is something that can happen in this day and age.

What happened at the capital yesterday is the most American thing I've ever witnessed in my life.

The policing plan was to allow them to do what they wanted because many of those police agree with those they helped. They are the same people.

Those involved, they didn't even really have a plan besides mayhem and they were certain they'd be able to do damage and walk away unscathed. That's what I'll remember most about those scenes; White folks walking around a government building looting things in plain view of cameras, unmasked and unbothered. Doing things that I'd get shot for even contemplating.

Most of the people arrested yesterday were from the city's curfew, after the event itself.

The heart of American democracy is racism. Mass extraction and exploitation is how it was founded and it's never really changed much.



I would like this a thousand times if I could. You perfectly encapsulated what I wanted to say. There was nothing surprising about what happened yesterday, despite everyone saying how shocking and caught off-guard they were. And despite so many talking heads saying "This is not who we are," this is exactly who we are, and who we always have been. 

Biden was not saying the things I wanted him to say yesterday, but he rectified that today. Called them domestic terrorists and finally raised the issue of the (if it wasn't such a life-or-death scenario) comical discrepancies between the scenes yesterday and BLM protests over the summer. 

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This is all part of the Confederate and  Union civil war which never ended in the 1860s, the confederacy may have lost the battles but they never really believed they lost the war. 
The confederates reinvented themselves as White supremacists and groups of that belief, and the Southern states were allowed to carry out the same crimes against Blacks as they did before the Civil war, which wasn’t really a fight for freedom of the oppressed it was a war based on commerce. And Trump has rallied the Confederate Army to once again attack the the democracy and freedom of the country, the Republican Party has been smeared by Trump and his supporters as a racist party, but there are millions of decent law biding Republicans who will be distancing themselves from Trump and what happened. 
Trump needs to be charged for in-sighting rioting and racism, if he is allowed to walk away in 13 days time without facing the consequences of his actions then USA is going to burn. 

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24 minutes ago, Palfy said:

This is all part of the Confederate and  Union civil war which never ended in the 1860s, the confederacy may have lost the battles but they never really believed they lost the war. 
The confederates reinvented themselves as White supremacists and groups of that belief
, and the Southern states were allowed to carry out the same crimes against Blacks as they did before the Civil war, which wasn’t really a fight for freedom of the oppressed it was a war based on commerce. And Trump has rallied the Confederate Army to once again attack the the democracy and freedom of the country, the Republican Party has been smeared by Trump and his supporters as a racist party, but there are millions of decent law biding Republicans who will be distancing themselves from Trump and what happened. 
Trump needs to be charged for in-sighting rioting and racism, if he is allowed to walk away in 13 days time without facing the consequences of his actions then USA is going to burn. 

But even this is a myopic view. It paints the depravity of Pre Civil War America with a regional brush - a national brush, even. It's a much larger problem, but to your specific point, it wasn't that they never thought they lost the war, it was that they weren't ever made to suffer the consequences typically befitting the loser of a war. Southern whites picked up the pieces, largely left to their own devices. Union folks had cousins on either side. All that changed was the lifting of a travel ban once the Confederacy fell. Now the wealthy could begin their agricultural commerce again and see their extended family down south in the winter.

Southerners began by telling a very particular perspective of the war, as Imperialists often do; a version that portrays them as benevolent and chivalrous. Over the last century and a half that broad lie and complete lack of oversight has influenced media and collective reasoning to the point that people aren't outraged or informed that enslaved peoples are referred to as farmers and workers in some textbooks today. The human cost of that war is completely suppressed in the minds of the public; compared to what it really is. It was the South's lie but there's never been enough interest from folks who aren't black and brown to rectify its influence.

The fact that Jim Crow laws were ratified by the federal government as a response to Reconstruction tells you everything you need to know. The United States has collectively mischaracterized the Civil War since it ended. This whole country is responsible for this energy and what feeds it.

Also, for what it's worth, it's definitely too late to distance yourself from any support for Trump lol. This moment is shared by anyone who's gotten him to this point. You can't pretend to not be an enabler once things get worse than you imagined. There were many warnings about something like this happening. At this point you have to own it and move forward.

Republicans bet on racism, they leaned into it. This is what happens when your platform runs on disenfranchisement.

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47 minutes ago, nutmegwolf203 said:

But even this is a myopic view. It paints the depravity of Pre Civil War America with a regional brush - a national brush, even. It's a much larger problem, but to your specific point, it wasn't that they never thought they lost the war, it was that they weren't ever made to suffer the consequences typically befitting the loser of a war. Southern whites picked up the pieces, largely left to their own devices. Union folks had cousins on either side. All that changed was the lifting of a travel ban once the Confederacy fell. Now the wealthy could begin their agricultural commerce again and see their extended family down south in the winter.

Southerners began by telling a very particular perspective of the war, as Imperialists often do; a version that portrays them as benevolent and chivalrous. Over the last century and a half that broad lie and complete lack of oversight has influenced media and collective reasoning to the point that people aren't outraged or informed that enslaved peoples are referred to as farmers and workers in some textbooks today. The human cost of that war is completely suppressed in the minds of the public; compared to what it really is. It was the South's lie but there's never been enough interest from folks who aren't black and brown to rectify its influence.

The fact that Jim Crow laws were ratified by the federal government as a response to Reconstruction tells you everything you need to know. The United States has collectively mischaracterized the Civil War since it ended. This whole country is responsible for this energy and what feeds it.

Also, for what it's worth, it's definitely too late to distance yourself from any support for Trump lol. This moment is shared by anyone who's gotten him to this point. You can't pretend to not be an enabler once things get worse than you imagined. There were many warnings about something like this happening. At this point you have to own it and move forward.

Republicans bet on racism, they leaned into it. This is what happens when your platform runs on disenfranchisement.

Is there an official sign-up for your TedTalk that I can find, or

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8 hours ago, nutmegwolf203 said:

But even this is a myopic view. It paints the depravity of Pre Civil War America with a regional brush - a national brush, even. It's a much larger problem, but to your specific point, it wasn't that they never thought they lost the war, it was that they weren't ever made to suffer the consequences typically befitting the loser of a war. Southern whites picked up the pieces, largely left to their own devices. Union folks had cousins on either side. All that changed was the lifting of a travel ban once the Confederacy fell. Now the wealthy could begin their agricultural commerce again and see their extended family down south in the winter.

Southerners began by telling a very particular perspective of the war, as Imperialists often do; a version that portrays them as benevolent and chivalrous. Over the last century and a half that broad lie and complete lack of oversight has influenced media and collective reasoning to the point that people aren't outraged or informed that enslaved peoples are referred to as farmers and workers in some textbooks today. The human cost of that war is completely suppressed in the minds of the public; compared to what it really is. It was the South's lie but there's never been enough interest from folks who aren't black and brown to rectify its influence.

The fact that Jim Crow laws were ratified by the federal government as a response to Reconstruction tells you everything you need to know. The United States has collectively mischaracterized the Civil War since it ended. This whole country is responsible for this energy and what feeds it.

Also, for what it's worth, it's definitely too late to distance yourself from any support for Trump lol. This moment is shared by anyone who's gotten him to this point. You can't pretend to not be an enabler once things get worse than you imagined. There were many warnings about something like this happening. At this point you have to own it and move forward.

Republicans bet on racism, they leaned into it. This is what happens when your platform runs on disenfranchisement.

Most Republicans genuinely believe that they are the Unionist of Abraham Lincoln, and are following the path that their forefathers followed of democracy and freedom for all and a United USA, they would vote for the Republican Party no matter who the leader was because they believe in the values of the party foremost and are somewhat blinkered to everything else going on around them. 
Trump ran for President as the Republican nominee he isn’t a Republican in the sense of what it is meant to be as a  Republican, he ran a campaign that swelled the feeling of anti anyone who wasn’t American, he made the so called rust belt states believe he was the President for them he was going to resurrect their industries. 
He ran a campaign of smears and lies, and he ran an office which highlighted the racism that still exists in America today In such away that those who hadn’t experienced it to that degree were shocked, I know I was. 
For me he brought the most racist far right thinking people to the table and gave them a platform to pedal their hate from, and when he lost his mandate he called up on those people to take to the streets and try to destroy freedom and democracy in the USA, like the good Confederate leader he is and not the Republican he portrayed himself to be. 
Some Americans called him Mussolini the last few weeks have been more akin to Hitler. 
America has to act it has to bring him to task even though it will cause more disruption and divisions in the short term, but to do nothing would be unthinkable to the future of the country. 

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Pro-Trump social media users suggested that the video posted on Thursday night was created using “deepfake” technology, claiming his head “doesn’t seem to move or match properly with his body,” according to one user on Parler.

His head has never matched his body:huh:

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1 hour ago, dunlopp9987 said:

That one is good. This one is better. (When I read this headline, I laughed. Then I went "ohhhh I shouldn't be laughing at this." Then I chuckled.


Know you shouldn't laugh but the symmetry is funny.

Surprised there hasn't been more of a kick off regarding the woman climbing through the window, was cold blooded murder. Full team of armoured police within touching distance of her. The guy takes a step forward to make sure he gets a kill shot shot off on her. If they were making a point he could have easily shot her in the arm, was absolutely no need to kill her.

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12 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

To piggyback on that, Mike...



The Blue Lives Matter flag very quickly replaced the Confederate Flag at NASCAR races once the latter was banned this past summer.

The Blue Lives Matter flag is also a callously merchandized response to a cry for help. It would not exist if people didn't first say to law enforcement, "please stop shooting us, amongst (many) other things..." To object to what Colin Kaepernick was kneeling for is to condone the conditions that inspired the gesture in the first place.

Often times, most times - when people want politics kept out of sports it really just means they're personally uncomfortable confronting the topics being discussed. What the kneeling did and what it can continue to do is be disruptive to people's realities. Force them to step outside of what's familiar and hopefully consider other perspectives.

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