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21 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

Palfy to your question I’ve said many times on here the vast majority of Americans are dumb and racist.  Unlike your country where one city makes up the whole country voting wise, here the electoral college gives middle of nowhere states power.  These are inhabited by mostly white, mostly uneducated, mostly racist folks.  They wouldn’t say they are racist but trust me I grew up with these people and they avoid blacks, live in cities without blacks for a reason (white flight), and generally believe the media stereotypes of blacks since they have no experience with them since they don’t live or interact with them in life.  That’s the Midwest. The south is similar but there it’s more generational due to the history of slavery and the confederacy down there. The coasts are the same as the Midwest once you leave the cities, because it becomes suburban (read whites who fled the city once integrated schools began in the cities) or rural (there are very very few black farmers in this country).


secondly, the people starting the rioting are majority white.  They are anarchists and opportunists who see a way to make a riot or steal and loot for their own means.  There are also white agitators rioting to make the blacks look bad.  This isn’t an all black riot situation here.  Once the riot starts (which are taking place where peaceful protests have just finished BTW) it’s then guilt by association.  It’s terrible and shameful.

lastly, the way black people have been treated in this country has been and still is terrible.  I have a lot of black friends and musicians I play with and they have to go through shit (like being pulled over repeatedly by cops for “looking suspicious” aka just being black) all the time and it’s literally crazy.  

the system is stacked against them and I don’t blame them for being mad or angry.  They are still treated as second class citizens most places and that is not acceptable.  Frankly I hope these idiot politicians get their shit together and actually do something.  

Yes it’s shit mate that the amount of racism in your country is so prevalent in 2020. 
There is no way of dealing with this bar education, which accepts that it exists, when you live in a country that has more racist than not it is a slow process, but one you have to go through. 
But what you should never do is stop the people you are trying to educate from having a say, to them there views are right that’s what they have been brought up to believe, by silencing them you just fuel their anger and make them believe they were right all along, and you’ve shut them down because you can’t handle the truth.

keep conversing and the tide will slowly change send it underground and the status quo will remain. 

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Important for all to remember we have guidelines. As Pat said in the guidelines all those years ago, they aren’t set in stone. We also aren’t here to police freedom of speech. If we decide something shouldn’t be on here, it’s because between us we dont think it’s appropriate. In this case Matt thought the comments to be too much, we agree with him. I don’t think anyone would be happy with condoning murder.
We all do what we think is best for the site and everyone won’t always agree, we often upset people with these actions but if we think it’s right then we should take the appropriate action. 

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On topic. It’s an absolute shit storm in the states right now. Breaks my heart. 
Only a few years back me and the missus stayed just down the road from the CNN building in Atlanta, it’s a great city. I was happy to see Killer Mike make a very moving speech, and the Mayor also had me very moved with her words. 

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It is shocking that you had a Civil war predominantly on the issue of slavery and the north won, yet you’re Civil rights hardly changed towards Black people. 
Your country is fucked up, you probably have millions of white Americans who idolise Black American sports stars in football basketball and baseball yet hate Blacks because of historical teachings that are still going on today, as I said to Mark your only way through this is education, violence and the gun will hold you back, and your gun laws are a massive  reason why you’re country is like it is.  

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

It is shocking that you had a Civil war predominantly on the issue of slavery and the north won, yet you’re Civil rights hardly changed towards Black people. 
Your country is fucked up, you probably have millions of white Americans who idolise Black American sports stars in football basketball and baseball yet hate Blacks because of historical teachings that are still going on today, as I said to Mark your only way through this is education, violence and the gun will hold you back, and your gun laws are a massive  reason why you’re country is like it is.  

The civil war was important, I'm not denying that. But that was more or less the equivalent of saying "I can't be racist, look at all the black friends I have!" There were people who were against SLAVERY and fought to have it abolished, but they had no intention of trying to demolish the systemic racism that our country is founded on. Why do you think it took another 100 years before the civil Rights act was passed? 

And yet here we are, 50 years after that landmark piece of legislation, and are we any closer to true equality? So many people labeled Obama's election as the beginning of a post-racial society in America. But the election of one person is not going to undo 400 years of systemic oppression and discrimination. Even if that one person happens to be the highest office in the world. 

We've a long, long ways to go my friends. I am hoping that this widespread outrage and global attention will lead to change, but with the current administration, I know that to be a pipe dream.

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4 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

Of course this is a predominantly racist country. This country was literally built on the backs of slaves. If you want a really in-depth, insightful and powerful look at that history, I *highly highly* recommend checking out the 1619 Project from the New York Times. They basically make the case that 1619 should be the founding of our country, not 1776, as that's when the first African slaves were brought over. 

This country was built to suppress anyone who is not white. Mass genocide of the Native Americans, the slave trade, internment camps for Asian Americans during WWII. It is truly shocking to me that there are still white people out there (Paul) who cannot see how deeply-rooted the injustices are in this country and how the entire system is broken in regards to the Black experience of being an American. 

I've heard this said by many black Americans, but essentially, being born black in this country equates to being born in jail. You can't look at the ridiculously skewed ratio of incarcerated black and brown men and not think "hmmm.... something must be wrong with the system."

Who am I kidding, of course you can. And if you can, you're probably a Trump supporter.

Scanning that briefly it looks like a fascinating piece of work which I'll definitely look into further when I have some time so thanks for the heads up. I've read Rough Crossings by Simon Schama which is brilliant/horrific in equal measure and also visited some places in West Africa which were "setting off" points; it's completely absurd that it's such "recent" history and is still an issue.

Can't claim credit for it but I read a comment the other day which basically said how can there be racism when there's only one race? The human one.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

Scanning that briefly it looks like a fascinating piece of work which I'll definitely look into further when I have some time so thanks for the heads up. I've read Rough Crossings by Simon Schama which is brilliant/horrific in equal measure and also visited some places in West Africa which were "setting off" points; it's completely absurd that it's such "recent" history and is still an issue.

Can't claim credit for it but I read a comment the other day which basically said how can there be racism when there's only one race? The human one.

Funny you say this, as I'm currently reading Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and he speaks on the idea of "race"...here's the quote from the book:

Americans believe in the reality of ‘race’ as a defined, indubitable feature of the natural world. Racism—the need to ascribe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them—inevitably follows from this inalterable condition. In this way, racism is rendered as the innocent daughter of Mother Nature, and one is left to deplore the Middle Passage or Trail of Tears the way one deplores an earthquake, a tornado, or any other phenomenon that can be cast as beyond the handiwork of men.

But race is the child of racism, not the father.

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27 minutes ago, dunlopp9987 said:

The President of the United States just had peaceful protestors fired upon with tear gas and rubber bullets so he could have a path cleared for a photo op. 

You guys, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm truly at a loss. This is turning into the twilight zone.

are you surprised?  i've known he was this self-serving since before he took office.  sadly his base will love this.  they will see it as more macho man tough guy stuff.  if they could elect putin as president they would.

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1 hour ago, dunlopp9987 said:

The President of the United States just had peaceful protestors fired upon with tear gas and rubber bullets so he could have a path cleared for a photo op. 

You guys, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm truly at a loss. This is turning into the twilight zone.

Trump is moving toward a military dictatorship, even if only a short-term one.  I think the only people who can stop him are Republican officeholders at the state and national level, in combination with a unified voice from highly decorated retired military.  

At least a few Republican governors were stunned by his ugly statements during his conference call with them today.  Probably very, very few Republicans in the House of Representatives will speak out against Trump’s dangerous moves.  But even a few would help.  Frankly, a lot — the near-term future of the United States of America as a democratic republic — depends on Republicans in the Senate.  Especially ones who are not up for reëlection in 2020.

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3 hours ago, Elston Gunnn said:

Trump is moving toward a military dictatorship, even if only a short-term one.  I think the only people who can stop him are Republican officeholders at the state and national level, in combination with a unified voice from highly decorated retired military.  

At least a few Republican governors were stunned by his ugly statements during his conference call with them today.  Probably very, very few Republicans in the House of Representatives will speak out against Trump’s dangerous moves.  But even a few would help.  Frankly, a lot — the near-term future of the United States of America as a democratic republic — depends on Republicans in the Senate.  Especially ones who are not up for reëlection in 2020.

Your right only the Republican Party it’s self can reign him in, people need to unite and lobby their Republican Senators, Congressmen, Mayors all Republican officials to standup to him, and remind them they are in office to serve the people not one man who has built his own reality TV show called the President, with the slogan your dead. 

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Freedom of the press is over. 
Freedom to protest is over. 
It already looks like a civil war to me. 

The military need to be brought in. Not against the public though, the military need to be brought in against the police. Serve and protect, isn’t that what police are meant to do? Not assault and kill at will. 

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57 minutes ago, dunlopp9987 said:

Thank you for this, Mike. The most telling part for me was this quote: "When people refer to the destructive nature of the riots and rebellions, they first have to contemplate the destructive nature of what went before..."

He's a very impressive guy.

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