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You can't make this up. The head of the supposedly neutral Democratic National Convention, who worked on earlier Clinton campaigns, was actively working to discredit Bernie Sanders and his campaign. Being found out (thanks to Wikileaks), she's been forced to resign. What happened next? She immediately joined the Clinton team. Talk about blatant and inappropriate.


How does her party limit the damage? It's all Vladimir Putin's fault ("a vast right-wing conspiracy"). He wants Donald Trump elected, apparently, hacked the DNC's email server, and gave the incriminating evident to Wikileaks - who are really secret Trump agents. Do these people live the real world? :)


The leaked documents also show how the Democratic party rewards their biggest financial donors with top government jobs (power can be bought, obviously). I'm sure it's no different with the Republican party. The whole process stinks.


this wikileaks link is my last straw steve. i also believe its the last straw for hillary, she will now lose. rigged primaries and a whitebread moderate VP in Kane makes for 1995 politics not 2016. She will lose to trump simply because this election is not about Democrat versus republican, but establishment versus anti-establishment.


Bernie did so well, imagine if the primaries weren't rigged, he probably would have won.

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I watched 'Clinton Cash' while flying from New England to Florida. Bill and Hillary made many millions while Hillary was Secretary of State, trading America's interests and policies for cash. There were so many despicable deals, but giving the Russian government control over 20% of uranium resources in the US has to be the worst. If you get the chance, it's worth watching. The movie is a little slow initially, but then it gets to some of the most disgusting deals. There's no American interest this lady won't sell in order to reap cold hard cash for her family.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why isn't that the case already?!


matt, you have an evening with two beautiful women, one of which you're hoping to make your main girl. do you want to invite your better looking male friends to join you? FUCK NO.


you think trump and hillary want people to realize they are better options out there? NO. also the corporations that own the TV stations have already bought out both candidates and don't want the outsiders there.

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I have no better looking male friends, maybe I should run for office :P.


sadly in the US you would probably win. when election time comes its never discussion of policy it's what color tie are they wearing, does the suit exude power? they're better looking the women should come out in droves to vote for them (completely sexist), etc. it's become farcical.

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Sadly?! Mike would be a better candidate than any you have now.


That said, that slug on my broccoli would probably win regardless.


What do you mean sadly? I could lead the free world no problem.


Cornish Steve VP and Joe Quince, MJB, Matt, Tonka, Keithb as advisers (sure I've forgotten some), we'd sort the World in no time; might have to nuke NK but collateral damage is inevitable!


PS I hate broccoli so I may have to execute you Matt, sorry.

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What do you mean sadly? I could lead the free world no problem.


Cornish Steve VP and Joe Quince, MJB, Matt, Tonka, Keithb as advisers (sure I've forgotten some), we'd sort the World in no time; might have to nuke NK but collateral damage is inevitable!


PS I hate broccoli so I may have to execute you Matt, sorry.

Quoting the wrong post mate, I was implying you could do it. But since you're trying to kill me, I'm starting a rebellion.

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Just so everyone appreciate just how bad both major candidate really are, here's a little more detail on Clinton's cozy little "pay to play" gig while Secretary of State. From the Associated Press,


"More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million."

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  • 2 weeks later...


But when the rock is a racist, xenophobic, ignorant. egomaniac sexist bigot I'd go with the hard place every time.

I tried to explain to my wife, since she gets to vote, that she has 3 choices:


1. Follow her morals and choose an independent candidate

2. Sacrifice her morals and follow the republicans. Don't forget, Trump is a figure head but there are countless decent people (and a handful of cunts) behind him to operate government if they get into power. So, if she agrees with the Republican policies vote for the party even if their lack of decent humans who ran for candidacy left them with the racist, xenophobic, ignorant, egomaniacal, sexist, bigotted, bankrupcy master with no previous political experience.

3. Sacrifice her morals and follow the democrats, who have chosen a master criminal over a seemingly decent and competent candidate.


I say choose the master criminal, because at least Hilary will be able to play the crooked game of politics and win.

Edited by Matt
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I'm voting independent. I think the 3rd parties will gain more recognition this election, since the two primary party picks are so bad.


Having more exposure to those 3rd parties could be beneficial to the next round of elections. The two-party system has to change.


something to note, you live in a state where it doesn't matter what you will vote, it will go republican and has since the dawn of time (i'm exaggerating) so a third party vote makes sense.


i'm trying to move by the end of the year, if i make it to Ohio (a swing state) i'll vote hillary just to make sure she wins that state, if i'm still in Louisiana by the election I'll vote third party as well since the state goes republican just like Mississippi (Tonks state).

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