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Sean Dyche


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13 hours ago, Gwlad said:

(Very) well paid athletes should be in top form at the start of the season. Gassed after 80 minutes? Where is that marathon attitude, keep going, not long to go? And surely the mentality should be, we are 2-0 up, let's keep it that way. Players have a lot to answer for.

😂 yeah...... it's not like subs are important is it.  In fact why have them?

 These elite athletes who have run more in 70 minutes in sunbathing temperatures than you have in one week should not get tired. How dare they?

let's ignore the fact that the opposition manager has put 5 players on who had spent 85 minutes sipping branch chain amino acids with the instruction "you've got 20 minutes against tired legs"

but we have have sports scientists on here who reckon players ran their legs off for 85 minutes and thought "nah can't be bothered"

give me a break.... I'm all for calling players out when it's even half warranted but seriously - half the world has woken up to dyche and his substitutions that he programmes into his apples reminders before the match kicks off.  

Fair play though.... he could smell it in the air, well done Shaun - next time do something that isn't counter productive 

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4 hours ago, Gwlad said:

I would have liked more subs used but he didn't so I don't think it is too much to spend 10 minutes defending a precious win. Most of them could look forward to 2 weeks before the next game.

Why couldn't they defend the lead?

Was one of the contributing factors the fact that one of their fresh legged players ran through our midfield and outpaced 2 of our men who were dead on their legs?

do you think that maybe if they were exchanged for players who were fresh then that wouldn't have happened???

cos I do...... and so do most other fans who understand that expecting exhausted players to physically match 5 fresh players after 85 mins in sweltering heat isn't as straight forward as you think. 

they were out on their feet well before the equaliser. Talking nonsense 

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3 hours ago, Sev said:

Funny how all are banging about 85-87 minutes before it all went doom and gloom. As I saw it, issues began around 72-75 minutes without any proper reaction from the sideline that mattered.

Exactly. The midfield players as I said looked dead on their feet at 75 and managed to hold on for 10 minutes more whilst Dyche just "smelled it in the air"..... but it's their fault cos they cant can hold on for an extra 10 minutes further than the 10 they had already held on for. 

absolute idiot of a manager who's arrogance can be smelt by most.


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Think we need to change the rules. Should be able to make 11 changes after 70 mins as it affects players so badly…… after 3 games….. with two weeks break….. at the start of the season.

Joking aside, the truth is somewhere in between. The manager didn’t affect the game in the right way with his use of subs.  

And the players should be able to perform much better than they did for the last ten minutes of that game. There were so many players this weekend that managed a full 90 minutes without completely capitulating. 

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1 hour ago, Shukes said:

Think we need to change the rules. Should be able to make 11 changes after 70 mins as it affects players so badly…… after 3 games….. with two weeks break….. at the start of the season.

Joking aside, the truth is somewhere in between. The manager didn’t affect the game in the right way with his use of subs.  

And the players should be able to perform much better than they did for the last ten minutes of that game. There were so many players this weekend that managed a full 90 minutes without completely capitulating. 

If both teams finished with the same 11 players I would agree to some extent, but when Bournemouth made 5 substitutions all attacking after 70 minutes then that is hugely going to impact against your defensive mids and defenders as we witnessed, Timi and Gana both blowing out of their arses, Coleman and Mykolenko run to walking with fresh legs from Bournemouth running past them for fun. 
Any manager with an ounce of sense would have put Garner Young and O’Brien on or at least 2 of them to give the defence fresh legs to combat the onslaught from Bournemouth’s 5 attacking fresh players. 
Sounds like Dyche you are throwing the players under the bus, tell me of another game this week that saw one team put 5 attacking subs on and the other team never made a sub to there defence or their defensive midfielders? 
You can’t so there is no comparison in your statement that there where so many players that played 90 minutes this weekend and didn’t capitulate, difference was they weren’t playing against 5 sets of fresh legs after 70 minutes, and they didn’t have Dyche as a manager. 

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A lot of those were playing against fresh legs though Palfy. Clubs are allowed five subs max. 

Professional footballers should be 100 times fitter than you and me. Terrible that we are giving them a pass because they played against a team that made more subs than us…. Not 5 by the way… only 3.

No, it was both the players and the manager at fault. 

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4 hours ago, Shukes said:

A lot of those were playing against fresh legs though Palfy. Clubs are allowed five subs max. 

Professional footballers should be 100 times fitter than you and me. Terrible that we are giving them a pass because they played against a team that made more subs than us…. Not 5 by the way… only 3.

No, it was both the players and the manager at fault. 

Bournemouth made 5 subs 3 at 70 minutes and 2 more a few minutes later, 3 of our back 4 never had a full pre-season due to injury, and not all had played in the 3 games before the Bournemouth game due to their injuries. 
So in my opinion they did fantastically well in the first 70 minutes of the game with their lack of match fitness due to the above situation. 
The manager let those players down when it was obvious that they were running out of gas due lack of training and game time, compounded also with 5 sets of fresh legs added to the attack against them, all on Dyche not one substitution out of only 2 of the available 5 was used to support the defence. 

These players maybe 100 times fitter than you but not me mate there only 99 times fitter than me 😆

I don’t need to explain to you that match fitness is a lot different to general fitness which they would have, I remember when I was doing my badges at Lilleshall they played videos of games with no sound, and you had to give your opinion on how you could have changed what was playing out in front of you. 
If I had to give a my views on that game, I would have left the 2 most forward players on, they were still giving the team in red problems and were tying players up in their own half and they were defending from the front. 
I would have replaced one of the 2 central midfielders. I would have replaced the RB. I would have thrown another CB on to help with the cross’s coming in. I would have got the RB and LB to hold and come more in field and got the 2 wide players to drop deeper. 
What would you have done to win or shut this game down before they got their first goal on the 87th minute. 

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14 hours ago, Shukes said:

Think we need to change the rules. Should be able to make 11 changes after 70 mins as it affects players so badly…… after 3 games….. with two weeks break….. at the start of the season.

Joking aside, the truth is somewhere in between. The manager didn’t affect the game in the right way with his use of subs.  

And the players should be able to perform much better than they did for the last ten minutes of that game. There were so many players this weekend that managed a full 90 minutes without completely capitulating. 

"Should"?! - your suggestion of should is that a team that has had 50% of its outfield players exchanged for fresh legs with nothing to lose but to go on all out attack and 100% effort for 20 minutes could be physically negated by an exhausted team that had outworked them?

utter tripe!

perform much better? - are you suggesting that they chose to stop being able to give maximum output rather than just couldn't physically do it?  

I'll point the finger at the players at any given opportunity for lack of effort - I've got a track record for that. This is absolutely miles off, the team was let down by an appalling bad game manager. 


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5 hours ago, Shukes said:

A lot of those were playing against fresh legs though Palfy. Clubs are allowed five subs max. 

Professional footballers should be 100 times fitter than you and me. Terrible that we are giving them a pass because they played against a team that made more subs than us…. Not 5 by the way… only 3.

No, it was both the players and the manager at fault. 

Tell me.....

the greatest race horse of recent times Frankel - no horse was a match for it. 

if frankel ran a Grade A race - won it, and was then asked to run a grade B or C race 20 minutes later - are you saying it should win??

I'll tell you without any doubt he wouldn't - because it's a  fact that basic biology means that his glycogen stores, lactic acid, and general muscle fatigue would make it impossible.


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5 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

I'll tell you without any doubt he wouldn't - because it's a  fact that basic biology means that his glycogen stores, lactic acid, and general muscle fatigue would make it impossible.

Exactly mate I do weight training 3 times a week and I can tell you you don’t finish the session as you started it, as you said glycogen stores are done and muscles 💪🏼 are depleted. 
We needed fresh legs to match in positions to counteract theirs, that didn’t happen so blame the players, but don’t give a valid explanation why the players should be thrown under the bus, when the obvious issue was the managers decision or lack of. 

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3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Tell me.....

the greatest race horse of recent times Frankel - no horse was a match for it. 

if frankel ran a Grade A race - won it, and was then asked to run a grade B or C race 20 minutes later - are you saying it should win??

I'll tell you without any doubt he wouldn't - because it's a  fact that basic biology means that his glycogen stores, lactic acid, and general muscle fatigue would make it impossible.


Poor analogy. Imagine that Frankel is winning as the horses reach the home stretch. Isn't it reasonable to assume it doesn't need replacing to cross the finish line still in front?

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6 minutes ago, Cornish Steve said:

Poor analogy. Imagine that Frankel is winning as the horses reach the home stretch. Isn't it reasonable to assume it doesn't need replacing to cross the finish line still in front?

Considering horses cannot be substituted, it's a very strange analogy indeed :lol:


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4 minutes ago, Matt Tiger said:

My heavens this thread has really taken a turn 🤣

It just had to be before an international break too so we don't have a howler from Pickford or someone else to redirect the conversation :lol:

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35 minutes ago, patto said:

Lads Dyche has got to go I’ve had it on good authority that the whole squad hate him it probably stems from the Patterson incident so the sooner he’s gone the better. 

I don’t know if the whole squad hate him, but I can imagine a large majority have had enough of his tactics and being thrown under the bus when things go wrong. 
A loss to Villa in the same manner as the last 3 league games should be enough to see him gone, I’m quite surprised that he’s still here now to be honest, he should have gone the end of last season, but some take longer to learn than others I guess. 

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5 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Poor analogy. Imagine that Frankel is winning as the horses reach the home stretch. Isn't it reasonable to assume it doesn't need replacing to cross the finish line still in front?

Poor analogy? What are you talking about...... half of their side put their first step on the pitch when most of ours had already run 11km

try again. 

its exactly appropriate. Our players were already exhausted when half of theirs were just starting their first strides. 

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4 hours ago, Matt said:

Considering horses cannot be substituted, it's a very strange analogy indeed :lol:


Its only poor if you are being intentionally vague in your understanding.

lets make it easier -  10 elite athletes that have already covered 11km in 70f heat are gonna get battered by a team that changes half their players for fresh legs 

as we seen....

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3 hours ago, patto said:

Lads Dyche has got to go I’ve had it on good authority that the whole squad hate him it probably stems from the Patterson incident so the sooner he’s gone the better. 

It got to this point at Burnley. 

I said after the slap there was no coming back. No number of suit swaps for tracksuits is gonna change the fact that the players watched him bully a teammate. 

the fact he threw them under the bus shows that he probably knows they can't stand him.  Even if they don't mind him - his interview after the weekend would turn most sides 

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10 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Its only poor if you are being intentionally vague in your understanding.

lets make it easier -  10 elite athletes that have already covered 11km in 70f heat are gonna get battered by a team that changes half their players for fresh legs 

as we seen....

I honestly didn't see it :lol:


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