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Amadou Onana

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Again he played well. 
Our fans problem is they are looking for a different player. 

I have said over and over that he is a defensive midfielder. 
And fans are still expecting lung busting runs forward and goals. 

Last night he did what his manager wants him to do. Protect the back four and be an out ball for them. He did that extremely well. But he didn’t score any goals, he didn’t dribble past players, and he didn’t sit on the edge of the oppositions box and dictate chances. 

But I did see him smile…. Ye sell him.

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1 hour ago, Romey 1878 said:

I thought he played well last night myself :lol:.

Well he played better than most of the games he’s played for us, and hopefully that’s added another 5 million to his value 😆

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I personally believe the hype with Onana - I think he’s got a very high ceiling and could go on to be at a club winning leagues/cups and be an important part. He ticks so many boxes - size, comfortable on the ball, can win it back and put a tackle in and has great vision and final ball. We’ve seen flashes here - so many of those through balls should have been finished and all of a sudden the stats/highlight reel paint a different picture - can definitely see him being a regular fixture next to Rice at Arsenal or doing well for a long time at someone like Bayern.

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1 hour ago, c1982 said:

I personally believe the hype with Onana - I think he’s got a very high ceiling and could go on to be at a club winning leagues/cups and be an important part. He ticks so many boxes - size, comfortable on the ball, can win it back and put a tackle in and has great vision and final ball. We’ve seen flashes here - so many of those through balls should have been finished and all of a sudden the stats/highlight reel paint a different picture - can definitely see him being a regular fixture next to Rice at Arsenal or doing well for a long time at someone like Bayern.

Dont think most are denying his ceiling, it's that we're not going to see it because he needs better players around him for him to be at his best and that's something we can't offer him. He doesn't help himself with the amount of time he's on the floor either :lol:


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2 hours ago, Shukes said:

For 50m I wouldn’t mind selling. That’s about right.

No point in selling for less as you won’t be able to replace him with less. Hope we’ve learnt our lesson from selling Arteta.

We paid 2 million for Arteta and sold him for 10 million, he played for us for 6 years. He was in contact with Arsenal before signing a new contract which meant Arsenal had to pay a decent fee for him, whether that was all down to him I don’t know but it was a fantastic gesture and deal. 
He wanted to leave for Arsenal yet made sure he paid Everton back for resurrecting his career, what more can we learn from that, I would say that was one of our better pieces of business.  

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32 minutes ago, Palfy said:

We paid 2 million for Arteta and sold him for 10 million, he played for us for 6 years. He was in contact with Arsenal before signing a new contract which meant Arsenal had to pay a decent fee for him, whether that was all down to him I don’t know but it was a fantastic gesture and deal. 
He wanted to leave for Arsenal yet made sure he paid Everton back for resurrecting his career, what more can we learn from that, I would say that was one of our better pieces of business.  

Didn't he take a pay cut to ensure the transfer fee for us (wherever that went)?


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42 minutes ago, Palfy said:

We paid 2 million for Arteta and sold him for 10 million, he played for us for 6 years. He was in contact with Arsenal before signing a new contract which meant Arsenal had to pay a decent fee for him, whether that was all down to him I don’t know but it was a fantastic gesture and deal. 
He wanted to leave for Arsenal yet made sure he paid Everton back for resurrecting his career, what more can we learn from that, I would say that was one of our better pieces of business.  

We didn’t replace him because 10m was wasn’t enough to replace a player of that quality. Terrible business mate. We’re trying to build a football team… not line a chairman’s pockets.

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I think I have a completely different outlook to Everton than most on here haha.

It’s ok to sell players, and better for profit. But Barca couldn’t sell Messi for 300m when he was in his prime. It would have set them up as a business for a long time… but he was simply irreplaceable. 

Onana is far from irreplaceable. But for anything around 30m it would be swapping one player for another, unless of course we find that magical gem.

50m gives us power to find a good replacement, or better.

Im hoping the board are more like me than you lot 😉

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8 minutes ago, Shukes said:

I think I have a completely different outlook to Everton than most on here haha.

It’s ok to sell players, and better for profit. But Barca couldn’t sell Messi for 300m when he was in his prime. It would have set them up as a business for a long time… but he was simply irreplaceable. 

Onana is far from irreplaceable. But for anything around 30m it would be swapping one player for another, unless of course we find that magical gem.

50m gives us power to find a good replacement, or better.

Im hoping the board are more like me than you lot 😉

I think those being willing to sell him for £30m are a minority of one tbh :lol: and it simply won't happen anyway.

We'll get good money for him when he goes and we'll all move on.

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1 hour ago, Shukes said:

We didn’t replace him because 10m was wasn’t enough to replace a player of that quality. Terrible business mate. We’re trying to build a football team… not line a chairman’s pockets.

It was 2011 13 years ago when the average player cost in the the league was 3.7 million pounds, and I don’t know what planet you come from mate but when the next rocket comes along get on it 😂, that was a great deal for a player who wanted to leave.                  And nothing to do with anyone selling him to line their own pockets. 

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1 minute ago, Palfy said:

It was 2011 13 years ago when the average player cost in the the league was 3.7 million pounds, and I don’t know what planet you come from mate but when the next rocket comes along get on it 😂, that was a great deal for a player who wanted to leave.                  And nothing to do with anyone selling him to line their own pockets. 

He's talking value to the team I guess rather than money. Arteta was integral for us and finding another player for £10m would've been winning the lottery again.

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5 minutes ago, Matt said:

He's talking value to the team I guess rather than money. Arteta was integral for us and finding another player for £10m would've been winning the lottery again.

But what part don’t you understand about he wanted to leave so had to be sold, between him and the club they made sure that we got good money. Shukes is saying we sold him so the Chairman could line his own pockets that’s complete nonsense. 

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15 minutes ago, Palfy said:

But what part don’t you understand about he wanted to leave so had to be sold, between him and the club they made sure that we got good money. Shukes is saying we sold him so the Chairman could line his own pockets that’s complete nonsense. 

"We didn’t replace him because 10m was wasn’t enough to replace a player of that quality."

Which part do you not understand that we get that he his value to the club was more than 10m because getting a player to fill his boots was gonna cost significantly more. You then implied it was easy because the average transfer fee was less than that 10m but that's just looking at numbers rather than value to the team.

"Where's the Arteta money, Bill?" was something that went around for years, I read it as a reference to that. 

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25 minutes ago, Palfy said:

But what part don’t you understand about he wanted to leave so had to be sold, between him and the club they made sure that we got good money. Shukes is saying we sold him so the Chairman could line his own pockets that’s complete nonsense. 

Was going to reply, but Matt has said exactly what I meant.

In true Haf fashion. I have a Festool plunge saw that is integral to my work. I’m don’t think there is a better saw out there. It’s not new and cost £700 four years ago. 
If I sold it now for £650 it would probably look great on paper. But I would still have to pay £700 for a new one to replace a perfectly good one. I won’t sell it until I feel it’s on its way out and I could do with a better one.

My accountant would love me to. But to me it makes no sense.

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35 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Fuck sake Shukester there’s enough doom and gloom around without hoping for that😂

We would sing songs, drink beer, and talk about what a wonderful club we have. Would be one amazing season.

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41 minutes ago, Matt said:

"We didn’t replace him because 10m was wasn’t enough to replace a player of that quality."

Which part do you not understand that we get that he his value to the club was more than 10m because getting a player to fill his boots was gonna cost significantly more. You then implied it was easy because the average transfer fee was less than that 10m but that's just looking at numbers rather than value to the team.

"Where's the Arteta money, Bill?" was something that went around for years, I read it as a reference to that. 

So we shouldn’t have sold him and let him walk on free and do the same with DCL, just to please the contingent of fans who believe you are not a good supporter if you agree that players who want to leave should not be sold even if they can walk on free in 11 months time, right I’m with you both now apologies for the misunderstanding. 
So if 10 million wasn’t enough to replace him what should we have done in your opinion? Bearing in mind he did want to leave. 

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6 minutes ago, Palfy said:

So we shouldn’t have sold him and let him walk on free and do the same with DCL, just to please the contingent of fans who believe you are not a good supporter if you agree that players who want to leave should not be sold even if they can walk on free in 11 months time, right I’m with you both now apologies for the misunderstanding. 
So if 10 million wasn’t enough to replace him what should we have done in your opinion? Bearing in mind he did want to leave. 

10m did not reflect the value Arteta had in the squad, replacing him for 10m was going to take another miracle. That's all that was said :huh::

Should we have sold him or kept him knowing he wanted to leave? Financially we didn't have a choice and that's what's happened so what's the point in speculation? 

The point is that we should be selling for a decent profit to give us more chance of finding an adequate, ideally better replacement. In Arteta's case 10m wasn't going to do that. In Onana's case it certainly will. That simple. 

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1 minute ago, Matt said:

10m did not reflect the value Arteta had in the squad, replacing him for 10m was going to take another miracle. That's all that was said :huh::

Should we have sold him or kept him knowing he wanted to leave? Financially we didn't have a choice and that's what's happened so what's the point in speculation? 

The point is that we should be selling for a decent profit to give us more chance of finding an adequate, ideally better replacement. In Arteta's case 10m wasn't going to do that. In Onana's case it certainly will. That simple. 

We paid 2 million and sold for 10 million in 2011 that was good money for a player, and getting 500% more than you paid for player when you sell is a great profit margin, the fact that the we didn’t replace him after he left doesn’t make what we got for him not a good deal. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

We paid 2 million and sold for 10 million in 2011 that was good money for a player, and getting 500% more than you paid for player when you sell is a great profit margin, the fact that the we didn’t replace him after he left doesn’t make what we got for him not a good deal. 

I give up :lol:

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

We paid 2 million and sold for 10 million in 2011 that was good money for a player, and getting 500% more than you paid for player when you sell is a great profit margin, the fact that the we didn’t replace him after he left doesn’t make what we got for him not a good deal. 

Really don’t like using % for transfers. You don’t buy a subsequent player in percentage points. We had 8m in profit to buy a player. Even then that wasn’t enough to replace that level of quality, at least not with any level of certainty. 

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2 hours ago, Palfy said:

So we shouldn’t have sold him and let him walk on free and do the same with DCL, just to please the contingent of fans who believe you are not a good supporter if you agree that players who want to leave should not be sold even if they can walk on free in 11 months time, right I’m with you both now apologies for the misunderstanding. 
So if 10 million wasn’t enough to replace him what should we have done in your opinion? Bearing in mind he did want to leave. 

Sold him for more, enough to buy a replacement. You know we’re just using Arteta as an example right? 
It’s pretty known knowledge that we couldn’t replace a player of his ability for £10m mate.

My point is that if we sell Onana for a low price, then there is no point in selling him at all as it’s false economy. Whatever we sell for will be needed to replace him. 

Now if we sold him for £50m for example, then we have money to look for a good replacement, if not better.

Im gonna make a guess here. The board are going to be thinking along the lines of the playing squad when selling Onana and not let him go for £30m as they won’t be able to replace him with that. 

let’s leave it there and watch the space. And I promise if we sell him under value, then I’ll come on here and ask for an egg on face emoji. That fair?

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