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Cenk Tosun

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6 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

“And given his contribution when inside the area, the message to Everton is simple – get the ball in the box for the new boy as often as possible.”

If only he ever had less than three defenders in the box with him to go along with no teammates.

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I wouldn't read into that too much it  sounds more like sour grapes the bloke has slatted Allardyce at every given opportunity, nothing more than a bitter gobshite who wasn't favoured by the man at Newcastle, even moaned about him chewing gum.. 


The imminent arrival of a player like Walcott would suggest otherwise as well 

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19 minutes ago, EFC-Paul said:

I wouldn't read into that too much it  sounds more like sour grapes the bloke has slatted Allardyce at every given opportunity, nothing more than a bitter gobshite who wasn't favoured by the man at Newcastle, even moaned about him chewing gum.. 


The imminent arrival of a player like Walcott would suggest otherwise as well 

I thought that at first when I saw the headline but having read what he has said he is right. Tosun will spend most of the game isolated and its whether or not he can feed on the scraps.

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I won't make any assumptions on that as it's something that hasn't happened "yet" so it's purely his speculative opinion which I think is fuelled by his clear dislike for the man rightfully or wrongly 

I don't think every side Allardyce has managed has had isolated strikers and played hoof ball footie, we've lacked service and with Walcott it looks like something he's trying to address

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13 minutes ago, Matt said:

Brilliant, thanks for that :)

My only real concern about him was his passing, but that could be lack of concentration during his first game, in a massive stadium, away from home, mostly isolated... Is this one of his usual weaknesses?

He's not as good as Mesut Özil in terms of passing but he's decent. In FM terms, I'd score his passing 15/20. 

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Thanks Tanora. Excellent post!

I can’t help but like Tosun, he is the type of character that you ‘will’ to make it. I was happy with his first performance, I think you could see that there is a player there. He was bright and lively, if a little off the pace. But that will come in a few games.

I really can’t wait for his first goal to come in as I can see him being quite emotional... and that will endear him to us Evertonians!

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Hard to judge him in any way from yesterday - he just spent the game running around without the ball, and without much hope of ever receiving it too.
He must be wondering why he's come here so far.

Yeah he had absolutely no service in to him all game , didn’t help that both out full backs had an absolute nightmare and neither offered anything going forward

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28 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Yeah he had absolutely no service in to him all game , didn’t help that both out full backs had an absolute nightmare and neither offered anything going forward


They didn’t offer too much going back either. 

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1 hour ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Totally agree

To be fair they were all crap but the back four in particular were really poor


To be honest Dunc, while we are just falling apart I’d rather see Garbutt, Keane, Holgate and Kenny together for a few weeks. Looks like we are going to get beat every week, so I’d rather we give them a go and see how they get on. 

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To be honest Dunc, while we are just falling apart I’d rather see Garbutt, Keane, Holgate and Kenny together for a few weeks. Looks like we are going to get beat every week, so I’d rather we give them a go and see how they get on. 

Kenny needs a rest IMO, he’s been almost as bad as Coco the last couple of games

Garbutt surely could do any worse than Coco so think he deserves a go, we need to try something
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I have to say I was a bit disappointed with Cenk's & rest of the team's performance in WBA match. 

About Cenk: He was more active with the ball in Turkey and he was sometimes creating positions out of nothing. I was at least expecting him to shoot a couple of balls from outside the box this match. Send them wide, -even outside the stadium- doesn't matter, just show us something to talk about. Home game, average opponent, was a perfect opportunity for a debut. 


About the rest of the team: Defenders - no need to say anything. When the opponent team plays so good, you think that they deserve to score the goal and you don't get too upset when they score. Sometimes your defenders are so bad and you think that you deserve to be scored. It was like the second in WBA game. Our defenders deserved it. 

(In my mind, there are 2 types of midfielders: Brazilian style and Italian style. Brazilians are creative but don't run too much or win balls, Italians win balls and usually run but they are not that creative.)

Midfielders in Everton were defending like Brazilians and attacking like Italians. It should be the opposite! They couldn't hold the ball and carry it to flanks, lost too many balls and couldn't cope with the opponents. 


I hope they play better against Leicester. 


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