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38 minutes ago, patto said:

Who do you class as rich 

I'll clarify a bit further, the rich who avoid tax. Anyone with a wealth, capital and assets, over £100m. I was going to say £10m but list won't bring in the income we need. It needs to be the mega rich and it needs to mean standing up to companies like Amazon and Google.

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11 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

£23billion in benefits is estimated to go unclaimed in this country every year.

Yeah that will be the genuine people the serial claimants know all the moves they could educate you in claiming benefits it’s no use people denying what’s going on. 

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3 hours ago, patto said:

Yeah that will be the genuine people the serial claimants know all the moves they could educate you in claiming benefits it’s no use people denying what’s going on. 

The point is that while you demonise benefit claimants the reality is that people who are entitled to them aren't even claiming for them. For many reasons such as feeling ashamed due to being demonised by people like you and the government simply not telling people what they are entitled to. Therefore the amount paid out by the government isn't really a problem. And, as Mike pointed out, fraudulent claims are so small that they're inconsequential really.

Also, the amount that people get in benefits in this country is actually among the lowest compared to other countries.

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5 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

The point is that while you demonise benefit claimants the reality is that people who are entitled to them aren't even claiming for them. For many reasons such as feeling ashamed due to being demonised by people like you and the government simply not telling people what they are entitled to. Therefore the amount paid out by the government isn't really a problem. And, as Mike pointed out, fraudulent claims are so small that they're inconsequential really.

Also, the amount that people get in benefits in this country is actually among the lowest compared to other countries.

The only people I point the finger at are the work shy I did say not including the people with medical health issues that was from the outset the fact people don't claim the benefits that are due to them is nothing to do with me that's the systems fault 

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38 minutes ago, MikeO said:

According to the government's own figures sickness/disability fraud is virtually nothing...it's too small to measure. Have you gone through a DLA or PIP claim? It's a bloody nightmare, and the private firms employed to run it (by the tories) for the government are incentivised to reject claims whenever possible. It's often a degrading and arduous process, and if you do manage to eventually get what you're entitled to, you get accused of swinging the lead. 

Again im not talking about medical health issues I know what they have to go through.

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4 minutes ago, patto said:

The only people I point the finger at are the work shy I did say not including the people with medical health issues that was from the outset the fact people don't claim the benefits that are due to them is nothing to do with me that's the systems fault 

And again, Mike pointed out the amount of those who claim who shouldn't be is very small. The vast majority of claimants are eligible.

Benefit claimants are not the problem in this country.

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34 minutes ago, MikeO said:

According to the government's own figures sickness/disability fraud is virtually nothing...it's too small to measure. Have you gone through a DLA or PIP claim? It's a bloody nightmare, and the private firms employed to run it (by the tories) for the government are incentivised to reject claims whenever possible. It's often a degrading and arduous process, and if you do manage to eventually get what you're entitled to, you get accused of swinging the lead. 

The truth is billions of pounds set aside for claimants goes unclaimed every year, because of 3 main reasons. 
1) They make it hard for the person who is entitled to understand what they are entitled to claim. 
2) They aren’t helpful in telling people what they are eligible to receive, they seem to think that not helping people who need help is the right thing to do. 
3) People who have an inclination of what they are entitled can be quite easily dissuaded from making the claim due to being pushed from pillar to post. 

There are probably more people fiddling their Tax returns than people fiddling benefits, I personally know plenty of people who fiddle their taxes but I know no one who is fiddling their benefits. 

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13 hours ago, Palfy said:

The truth is billions of pounds set aside for claimants goes unclaimed every year, because of 3 main reasons. 
1) They make it hard for the person who is entitled to understand what they are entitled to claim. 
2) They aren’t helpful in telling people what they are eligible to receive, they seem to think that not helping people who need help is the right thing to do. 
3) People who have an inclination of what they are entitled can be quite easily dissuaded from making the claim due to being pushed from pillar to post. 

There are probably more people fiddling their Tax returns than people fiddling benefits, I personally know plenty of people who fiddle their taxes but I know no one who is fiddling their benefits. 

The benefits fiddling as you call it must be a thing close to me because I know plenty I actually know people who have done it for life and I’m not just making this up this is real. 

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On 14/08/2024 at 18:53, Hafnia said:


not sure why the confused emoji Steve...... 


The confused emoji was because I was confused at the end of the post. I wasn’t sure what direction the post had gone in when I finished reading it. I use this emoji quite often when I don’t understand the view point of the post or if im unsure of what a post means. 

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Just now, StevO said:

The confused emoji was because I was confused at the end of the post. I wasn’t sure what direction the post had gone in when I finished reading it. I use this emoji quite often when I don’t understand the view point of the post or if im unsure of what a post means. 

My point is - politicising / point scoring tragedies and looking at ethnicity of perpetrators is no different to what to the protestors are accused of doing. Yeah It's very easy to do because there are strong demographic correlations with regards certain crimes looking at both perpetrators and victims. These stats are fed to us - well some anyway. 

The reality is that criminals exist in all walks of life and from all backgrounds and cultures or countries - which the balanced amongst us will readily state.   The problem is that it's on the increase - that's what people need to look at. Thats the big issue - forget the details as to who they are or their colour ....... look at the government - what are they doing? £10 a knife amnesty? Crime does pay I guess.... why not use the money to increase police hours and do more stop and searches. 

3 police stations within 25 minutes of my house have been closed - one is now a pub..... so we have increasing population - increasing crime yet less police?

meanwhile people are bickering over the demographic identity of the people committing crimes?  If you have vicious dogs roaming the streets are you really more arsed about the colour of their coat and origin of breed or are you thinking "get the dog catchers out there" 

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34 minutes ago, StevO said:

Fuck around and find out in action. 

Some strong sentences there. Go and have a kick off with your mates at the local riot and get three years inside. 

And yet a mass stabbing suspect is still having their identity kept anonymous. The riots were a disgrace, but the media/government are picking sides and it's clear to see. 

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14 minutes ago, Zoo 2.0 said:

And yet a mass stabbing suspect is still having their identity kept anonymous. The riots were a disgrace, but the media/government are picking sides and it's clear to see. 

That’s due to age so irrelevant - the same law applies to the rioters - any under 18s will be anonymous too.

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There’s all kinds of crime happening especially stabbings and rapes that you aren’t told about they keep it as secret as possible but they broadcast someone getting jail for posting on Facebook it’s a disgrace 

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2 hours ago, patto said:

There’s all kinds of crime happening especially stabbings and rapes that you aren’t told about they keep it as secret as possible but they broadcast someone getting jail for posting on Facebook it’s a disgrace 

What is it you'd like to know about all these stabbings and rapes that are being kept secret?

And, if they're being kept secret, how do even know they exist in the first place?

I was involved in a couple of fairly lengthy court cases last year, and nothing was made public until the verdict...which is how it should be.

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4 hours ago, patto said:

There’s all kinds of crime happening especially stabbings and rapes that you aren’t told about they keep it as secret as possible but they broadcast someone getting jail for posting on Facebook it’s a disgrace 

It’s not a disgrace Patto it’s justice plain and simple they haven’t been harshly punished nearly all have sentences under the maximum they could have received. 
What’s happened is the police and the government have said enough is enough we aren’t going to accept people rioting, and let them walk away Scot free, we are going to punish them for their crimes in the hope others will learn that this sort of behaviour won’t go unpunished in the future like it has done in the past. 

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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

What is it you'd like to know about all these stabbings and rapes that are being kept secret?

And, if they're being kept secret, how do even know they exist in the first place?

I was involved in a couple of fairly lengthy court cases last year, and nothing was made public until the verdict...which is how it should be.

Kept as secret as possible I said you have to search for what’s happening just let people know and the police will deal with it. 
it’s like the Welsh lad as they say there’s more to his history. 
why don’t you just admit this immigration is out of control and them bastards in government don’t give a fk as long as they keep bringing the illegal immigrants in. 
they won’t lose any sleep over people losing their lives 

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4 minutes ago, Palfy said:

It’s not a disgrace Patto it’s justice plain and simple they haven’t been harshly punished nearly all have sentences under the maximum they could have received. 
What’s happened is the police and the government have said enough is enough we aren’t going to accept people rioting, and let them walk away Scot free, we are going to punish them for their crimes in the hope others will learn that this sort of behaviour won’t go unpunished in the future like it has done in the past. 

And face book posters ?

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4 hours ago, patto said:

Kept as secret as possible I said you have to search for what’s happening just let people know and the police will deal with it. 
it’s like the Welsh lad as they say there’s more to his history. 
why don’t you just admit this immigration is out of control and them bastards in government don’t give a fk as long as they keep bringing the illegal immigrants in. 
they won’t lose any sleep over people losing their lives 

First sentence is a word salad to me I'm afraid, don't know how to respond.

Who says there's more to the Welsh lad's history exactly, and how do they know that?

I wouldn't agree that "immigration is out of control" no, because the vast majority of it is legistated and legal; I'd agree that the rules need to change so that those who want to come here, for whatever reason, have safe and legal means of doing so, and have their applications properly and quickly assessed.

Who is "they" in the government not caring, the politicians themselves or somebody else?

Last bit is conjecture, we'll never know.

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6 hours ago, patto said:

And face book posters ?

Facebook and social media in general can be very dangerous when used as a means to influence and radicalise people - it massively needs stamping down on. Look at people like Andrew Tate and Tommy Robinson and many, many, many more on whatever ‘side’ - they are so influential to some - the audience is almost limitless.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

First sentence is a word salad to me I'm afraid, don't know how to respond.

Who says there's more to the Welsh lad's history exactly, and how do they know that?

I wouldn't agree that "immigration is out of control" no, because the vast majority of it is legistated and legal; I'd agree that the rules need to change so that those who want to come here, for whatever reason, have safe and legal means of doing so, and have their applications properly and quickly assessed.

Who is "they" in the government not caring, the politicians themselves or somebody else?

Last bit is conjecture, we'll never know.

Forgot your very educated aren’t you I’ll see can I be arsed to use full stops etc. 

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