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1 minute ago, Hafnia said:

It was outside the shop on the street. His job is to protect the store not be a bodyguard.

have a word ffs

Any man would do what he done its natural instinct if you seen a little child being stabbed there's no way you wouldn't react.

I did say he was a good man not like I dissed him.


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42 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Ioan Pintaru of no fixed address charged with attempted murder.


security guard deserves a knighthood. 


This no fixed address pisses me off about criminals I’m not just talking about immigrant criminals I’m talking about them all. 
why are they attacking women and children 

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1 hour ago, patto said:

This no fixed address pisses me off about criminals I’m not just talking about immigrant criminals I’m talking about them all. 
why are they attacking women and children 

Whay does them being homeless piss you off? I don't understand how it's relevant:huh:

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 the earlier news I posted about the Nottingham attack highlights the inability of the people running our country/holding important positions to keep us safe. 

There are clearly huge risk factors if

1. we don't monitor and detain people who pose a threat. This was the failing in the Nottingham case.


2. We don't actually know who is a threat because we have no history on them. 

The ability to do both is there - it's quite clear the appetite isn't. 

Mr Starmer apparently has a desire to get heavy handed and make drastic changes - let's see what he does. 

Id quite like police to be doing more spot checks on lads on the streets - surely there are devices that can detect metal that don't need to be hovered next to the suspect? Carrying knives is a culture - kids on bikes carrying them to defend themselves from lads who want to steal their bikes. It's absolutely insane that this is the state of affairs.  Indeed - scan girls too - they may get used as mules.  It's quite clear that gangs and youths are a big risk factor. 

its not about colour or nationality - its a real issue that crosses all colours and nationalities. It's a culture that needs eradicating and pointing out "he was from x country" is irrelevant - knife carriers are from all countries. 

zero tolerance!!! 

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38 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Whay does them being homeless piss you off? I don't understand how it's relevant:huh:

That’s it they aren’t homeless it’s more like they are hiding other stuff most drug dealers say no fixed address. 
so you think he’s sleeping on the streets 

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20 minutes ago, patto said:

That’s it they aren’t homeless it’s more like they are hiding other stuff most drug dealers say no fixed address. 
so you think he’s sleeping on the streets 

What about the 16 year old who was arrested carrying a knife fleeing police on an E bike.   His mum had the audacity to complain the police hurt him and he had to go to A&E......

The country has a huge problem with knife crime - a huge problem. It won't get better till people scan their eyes wider than the nationality or status of people they think "are the main problem" - it's like the Wild West. 

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maybe I'm just looking for light at the end of the tunnel but this is the type of thinking I'm looking at.

people may complain about human rights - I don't care. I want people to think "if I take a knife out - I will get caught and I will get done" 

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18 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

What about the 16 year old who was arrested carrying a knife fleeing police on an E bike.   His mum had the audacity to complain the police hurt him and he had to go to A&E......

The country has a huge problem with knife crime - a huge problem. It won't get better till people scan their eyes wider than the nationality or status of people they think "are the main problem" - it's like the Wild West. 

Human rights seems to benefit the wrong people our country is fkd we will have to live with attacks on a regular basis 

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3 minutes ago, patto said:

Human rights seems to benefit the wrong people our country is fkd we will have to live with attacks on a regular basis 

No we won't. We will have to give this government time and patience to find a way of resolving it. But they've got a broken and bankrupt country, it's going to take time and it's not going to be pretty. 

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8 minutes ago, Matt said:

No we won't. We will have to give this government time and patience to find a way of resolving it. But they've got a broken and bankrupt country, it's going to take time and it's not going to be pretty. 

You can’t stop loan wolves

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1 hour ago, patto said:

That’s it they aren’t homeless it’s more like they are hiding other stuff most drug dealers say no fixed address. 
so you think he’s sleeping on the streets 

How does saying you have no fixed address benefit you though? I'm still confused.

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17 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

Mate, a far bigger problem than immigration or knife crime is male violence against women. That’s not just applicable in this country, it’s around the whole world. But for some reason there’s absolutely fuck all outrage or an attempt to end it.

Today’s event is just another example of it. Honestly, men need to do better. No matter what race they are. 

It's now been announced that violence against women and girls is a national emergency, so that's something.

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26 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

It's now been announced that violence against women and girls is a national emergency, so that's something.

the knife crime in London alone has been a long time issue - Khan tried to play it down. Joe Rogan had a knife held to him for his Rolex and got a flight out the country. The reaction to Sarah Everard was just a temporary bit of tokenism - after they manhandled the protesters of course. 

lets see how they do playing whack-a-mole.  All escalations are welcome but I will hold my breathe as to how they deal with them. 

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

How does saying you have no fixed address benefit you though? I'm still confused.

For a start they can’t go and check his home or flat if he has one plus it gives other people time to move stuff out like drugs money laptops 

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16 minutes ago, patto said:

You can’t stop loan wolves

No you can’t they will always exist, whether through diminished responsibility or a deliberate act of violence, people will carry knives and carry out these heinous crimes, the government and police are on a hiding to nothing to stop the type of attacks we have seen in the last couple of weeks. 
But gang violence is a different story they can have a huge impact on solving this problem, it won’t be easy and the police will need to be given more powers which won’t go down well with some, but too bad if that’s the cost of taking knives and the people who use them off our streets then it’s a price worth taking. 
This government needs time to put policy into law to make it harder for these gangs to exist.

To eradicate terrorism is the hardest task every country has around the world, even countries that have tough border policies still suffer terrorist incidents and threats, but what we have witnessed in the last couple of weeks isn’t terrorism, it isn’t racially motivated, and it isn’t religious or political crime’s, nor is it the fault of immigration or migration, personally I think we will find it’s crime’s committed by people who have severe mental health problems. 
As the case posted by Haf of the Nottingham murder who was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and possibly dangerous to society, but who was allowed to roam the streets for 3 years after his diagnosis, without being cured of his illness, that is wrong and 2 deaths could have been easily prevented if better decisions had been made by those who make the decisions. 
Let’s get tough on these people and let’s not get caught up in their rights before the rights of those lives they go out to deliberately destroy. 

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6 minutes ago, Palfy said:

No you can’t they will always exist, whether through diminished responsibility or a deliberate act of violence, people will carry knives and carry out these heinous crimes, the government and police are on a hiding to nothing to stop the type of attacks we have seen in the last couple of weeks. 
But gang violence is a different story they can have a huge impact on solving this problem, it won’t be easy and the police will need to be given more powers which won’t go down well with some, but too bad if that’s the cost of taking knives and the people who use them off our streets then it’s a price worth taking. 
This government needs time to put policy into law to make it harder for these gangs to exist.

To eradicate terrorism is the hardest task every country has around the world, even countries that have tough border policies still suffer terrorist incidents and threats, but what we have witnessed in the last couple of weeks isn’t terrorism, it isn’t racially motivated, and it isn’t religious or political crime’s, nor is it the fault of immigration or migration, personally I think we will find it’s crime’s committed by people who have severe mental health problems. 
As the case posted by Haf of the Nottingham murder who was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and possibly dangerous to society, but who was allowed to roam the streets for 3 years after his diagnosis, without being cured of his illness, that is wrong and 2 deaths could have been easily prevented if better decisions had been made by those who make the decisions. 
Let’s get tough on these people and let’s not get caught up in their rights before the rights of those lives they go out to deliberately destroy. 

I agree with what you say the only thing is who are the gangs. 

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On 13/08/2024 at 13:28, Romey 1878 said:

It's now been announced that violence against women and girls is a national emergency, so that's something.

To add to what you said so far this year 50 women have been killed by men, and we still have 4.5 months to go. 
No one protesting on the streets for them, until I suppose a black, Asian, illegal immigrant, or Muslim kills a white woman, then we might see our streets become battlegrounds again. 

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15 hours ago, Palfy said:

To add to what you said so far this year 50 women have been killed by men, and we still have 4.5 months to go. 
No one protesting on the streets for them, until I suppose a black, Asian, illegal immigrant, or Muslim kills a white woman, then we might see our streets become battlegrounds again. 

In light of recent events it's probably best that you fact check what you've written. The guardian details every single poor victim. At least one of whom was pregnant. 

I think we've already established that there are vile examples of crap sharing the same air as us from every country, colour and background starting with our own indigenous people - as we have seen. 

Turning murders into the new "did they have the vaccine".

get a grip. Country is a mess - knock the divisive point scoring baiting bollocks on the head, it's not going to help. Quite clear protests can't be done respectfully so why try and call for more? 

not sure why the confused emoji Steve...... no one more confused than me as to why some people are so keen to conduct inaccurate whataboutery statements that simply do no good in any way shape or form right now. A small read into the 50 victims established that his statement was wrong - just as it's not necessary. 

The big picture is - our country is a mess with the general public unsafe to even go shopping or take kids to a dance class. Knife crime at an all time high - public confidence at an all time low. 

are we more bothered about the state of the country and the vile crimes or who and what colour and status is committing the crimes? 

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Who’s calling for more protests just pointing out the riots we saw were racially motivated, and that Rom was right in saying that a far bigger problem than immigration was violence against women by males. 

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9.4 million unemployed in the uk it’s no wonder the country is bankrupt we are paying people to stay at home. 
unless they have medical issues they should be made to work for a living. 
49k jobs unfilled in London alone this is a disgrace. 

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41 minutes ago, patto said:

9.4 million unemployed in the uk it’s no wonder the country is bankrupt we are paying people to stay at home. 
unless they have medical issues they should be made to work for a living. 
49k jobs unfilled in London alone this is a disgrace. 

The 9.4 million figure is actually the number of "economically inactive" people, which is different from being unemployed. The latest figures I can find (2020) put the breakdown for these people as...

27% Students
26% Sick or disabled
22% Housewives/husbands/home maker
13% Early retirement
12% Other reason

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30 minutes ago, MikeO said:

The 9.4 million figure is actually the number of "economically inactive" people, which is different from being unemployed. The latest figures I can find (2020) put the breakdown for these people as...

27% Students
26% Sick or disabled
22% Housewives/husbands/home maker
13% Early retirement
12% Other reason

They're also not the reason the country is poor. Thats the rich.

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