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1 minute ago, patto said:

You have miss read it Paul Feather got an offer he couldnā€™t refuse Ā£millionsĀ 

Nothing to misread. I know thatā€™s what you said, thatā€™s why I quoted it. So you have mentioned what they are charging.Ā 
This is madness.Ā 

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4 minutes ago, patto said:

It was stevo who brought education into it I never mentioned it or work status.Ā 
thereā€™s plenty of people unemployed both indigenous and migrants letā€™s get them to work and educate them they have to work for a living.Ā 
we give benefits out too easily and Iā€™m not talking about the sick benefitsĀ 

I didnā€™t bring education into it. There was an article posted about students coming here to go to university. Thatā€™s what brought education into it.Ā 

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3 hours ago, patto said:

Iā€™ll give you 1 but there are more The Feathers Hotel on mount pleasant itā€™s been there for as long as I can remember the owner got an offer he just couldnā€™t refuse we are talking millions.Ā 

Where have I mentioned what they are charging Stev0

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1 hour ago, patto said:

Yeah for fk sake thatā€™s got nothing to do with what Best western are chargingĀ 


The hotel you are talking about is owned by Best Western. šŸ˜‚

Its not The Feathers Hotel anymore, itā€™s now Best Western Liverpool Inn.Ā 

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It's very gratifying to see such large numbers of British people marching peacefully against racism. As is often the case, it would seem that a majority tend to remain silent but, when pushed, will stand up for what's right. Britain's defining characteristic, in the end, is its sense of fair play.

Having traveled to 85 different countries on business, some of them many times, I've found that people are largely the same the world over - decent, understanding, and generous. Some, though, live in appalling circumstances and/or suffer under oppressive forms of government. I'll never blame such people for seeking to escape danger or extreme poverty and putting the future of their children first. Frankly, in their circumstances, we'd probably do the same. My general rule is to remember that "there, but for the grace of God, go I". I was incredibly fortunate to have been born in Britain, obviously through no choice or effort of my own: it was pure dumb good luck. Others are born into suffering or oppression, again through no fault of their own.

I'm sick to death, whether here in the US or back in Britain, hearing that the nation's citizens are inherently better than immigrants: cleaner, smarter, more moral, etc. It's just not true. In fact, history reveals that embracing immigrants is usually a major source of strength for a nation. Yes, I understand that immigration cannot be uncontrolled, but we're at the point where some politicians rail against immigrants in general. I'm a firm believer in the sentiment of the New Colossus (from which come the words engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty): "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me."Ā  In a parallel universe, they probably include you and me.

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1 hour ago, Romey 1878 said:

I wonder what time the riots will be after a white man stabbed a woman and child in London today and was then tackled by an immigrant.

Everyone knows thereā€™s good and bad and Abdullah is good plus it is his job.Ā 
but again the police put out a statement immediately not terrorist related and donā€™t tell you his nationality.Ā 
the problem is this will be a never ending eventĀ 

weekly monthlyĀ 

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2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

I wonder what time the riots will be after a white man stabbed a woman and child in London today and was then tackled by an immigrant.

Yet another knife crime - innocent people slashed in the street. Regardless of colour this is absolutely ridiculous.Ā 

I'm sure Keir will implement some new drastic measures that will deter anyone from so much as carrying a knife - surely there will be a reaction to this. Stop and searches? Instant custodial sentences? what's gonna be the end of it??!

anything about the person caught? What's his history? I'd imagine someone with the propensity to randomly slash people is known?Ā 

Ā this is getting out of hand.Ā 

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58 minutes ago, patto said:

Everyone knows thereā€™s good and bad and Abdullah is good plus it is his job.Ā 
but again the police put out a statement immediately not terrorist related and donā€™t tell you his nationality.Ā 
the problem is this will be a never ending eventĀ 

weekly monthlyĀ 

He worked at a store that sells tea. How is it his job to stop a knife-wielding cunt?

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2 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Yet another knife crime - innocent people slashed in the street. Regardless of colour this is absolutely ridiculous.Ā 

I'm sure Keir will implement some new drastic measures that will deter anyone from so much as carrying a knife - surely there will be a reaction to this. Or is it only when it suits him? Stop and searches? Instant custodial sentences?Ā 

Mate, a far bigger problem than immigration or knife crime is male violence against women. Thatā€™s not just applicable in this country, itā€™s around the whole world. But for some reason thereā€™s absolutely fuck all outrage or an attempt to end it.

Todayā€™s event is just another example of it. Honestly, men need to do better. No matter what race they are.Ā 

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Just now, Romey 1878 said:

Mate, a far bigger problem than immigration or knife crime is male violence against women. Thatā€™s not just applicable in this country, itā€™s around the whole world. But for some reason thereā€™s absolutely fuck all outrage or an attempt to end it.

Todayā€™s event is just another example of it. Honestly, men need to do better. No matter what race they are.Ā 

A man randomly slashing an 11 year old girl and her mum is a beyond that..... it's lunacy. Ā Women tried to protest after Sarah Everards murder - the reaction from the met was a fookin disgrace.

not gonna go into the numbers and compare crimes by gender / on gender, the country is a dump and im deffo lookin to get out. Enough is enough. Ā 

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1 minute ago, Hafnia said:

A man randomly slashing an 11 year old girl and her mum is a beyond that..... it's lunacy. Ā Women tried to protest after Sarah Everards murder - the reaction from the met was a fookin disgrace.

not gonna go into the numbers and compare crimes by gender / on gender, the country is a dump and im deffo lookin to get out. Enough is enough. Ā 

Itā€™s not beyond that, itā€™s part of it.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re not going to go into figures because Iā€™m not wanting to get into a debate.

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13 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

Itā€™s not beyond that, itā€™s part of it.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re not going to go into figures because Iā€™m not wanting to get into a debate.

He stabbed a child mate. Ā A child...... stabbing women is deplorable - this is another child. Ā WTF is going on.Ā 

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