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9 minutes ago, Hafnia said:


do you not understand that perceived injustices create ripple effects? Do you not understand the history of the LA riots - what started them and indeed how they impacted OJ Simpson actually avoiding conviction? - I'm not talking to an 8 year old. 

If I need to explain this to you then I'm wasting my time. On two occasions now you've tried to debunk a point based on "what has that got to do with...." either gaslighting me or you just don't get it. 

Most of the people who went to the riots were in the twenties and thirties, they never went because of what’s happened here or anywhere else in the world, they went because they like a good scrap with police and enjoy looting and causing criminal damage and most are racist so even a better excuse to blame there actions on immigration. 
And the elder people who got themselves involved in the riots are now regretting it, none have gone to court and said I did it because of XYZ as an excuse for their actions, they’ve held their hands up admitted their guilt, and apologised for letting themselves and their families down, which is admirable and got them a more lenient sentence, I just hope that they meant it and come out of prison better people. 
Im not gaslighting you Haf I’ve got more better things to do with my time, than waste it gaslighting you or anyone else, sorry to disappoint you but you can’t please all the people all the time, you more than most know that 👍

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12 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Most of the people who went to the riots were in the twenties and thirties, they never went because of what’s happened here or anywhere else in the world, they went because they like a good scrap with police and enjoy looting and causing criminal damage and most are racist so even a better excuse to blame there actions on immigration. 
And the elder people who got themselves involved in the riots are now regretting it, none have gone to court and said I did it because of XYZ as an excuse for their actions, they’ve held their hands up admitted their guilt, and apologised for letting themselves and their families down, which is admirable and got them a more lenient sentence, I just hope that they meant it and come out of prison better people. 
Im not gaslighting you Haf I’ve got more better things to do with my time, than waste it gaslighting you or anyone else, sorry to disappoint you but you can’t please all the people all the time, you more than most know that 👍

Telling me that young people and uneducated older people take part in riots is no different than telling me that when you get food poisoning from the local chippy that you are seeing a lot of shite and vomiting. Yeah.... it's what happens mate - it's called symptoms not cause. 

People who have their heads straight are thinking "we need to get the food standards agency onto this to understand why we are seeing shite and vomit so we can prevent it happening again - cos shite and vomit exists" 

Maybe in your idealistic world you don't think the local chippy has an issue with the consistency in how it stores and handles its food cos you are lucky enough to eat in expensive restaurants.

apologies for potentially confusing you with another comparison - hopefully you understand I'm not trying to in anyway suggest that having the shits is the same as getting a brick to the head. 




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1 hour ago, patto said:

Matt your missing the point I don’t know who gives you your figures are you saying 90k are illegal ?

as far as I can see there is no illegals any more they step off the boats and are rubber stamped and bussed up north. 
they have no ID nobody knows who they are. 

Yes, the government website estimated 90k of "irregular" immigration 

They just aren't rubber stamped and shipped up north. The people you see in the hotels are either here legally or have the followed the process and are awaiting a decision. 

Where are you getting your "bussing then up north" from? If you ask the people in Kent, they're convinced they're all being put there. I imagine every other city is claiming the same which can only mean one of 2 things; either it's all exaggerated to keep the people who have been impacted the most by the Conservatives looking at a problem they created and refused to do anything about rather than direct the anger and energy at the thieving politicians or immigrants are cloning themselves in these processing centres so they can occupy all the cities and finally achieve their objective of destroying the country...

1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

Straight talking isn't anger any more than passive aggression is light hearted banter. 

You are right but on an a forum it is a lot harder to distinguish because you don't have the body language and tone to take into account. So the perception can be aggressive/angry/patronising/passive aggressive/etc but the intention not remotely those things :)


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3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Telling me that young people and uneducated older people take part in riots is no different than telling me that when you get food poisoning from the local chippy that you are seeing a lot of shite and vomiting. Yeah.... it's what happens mate - it's called symptoms not cause. 

People who have their heads straight are thinking "we need to get the food standards agency onto this to understand why we are seeing shite and vomit so we can prevent it happening again - cos shite and vomit exists" 

Maybe in your idealistic world you don't think the local chippy has an issue with the consistency in how it stores and handles its food cos you are lucky enough to eat in expensive restaurants.

apologies for potentially confusing you with another comparison - hopefully you understand I'm not trying to in anyway suggest that having the shits is the same as getting a brick to the head. 




In my idealistic world I don’t condemn someone for his actions and take a zero tolerance stance, to then try and find excuses for what they have done as if to absolve them from blame, they enjoy what they do it’s as plain and simple as that, and they deserve to face the consequences of their actions. Even if you think they aren’t entirely responsible for their own actions, we could look for reasons as to why all day long to try and justify their actions blame migrants, blame immigration, blame the police, blame white supremacist, blame the government, blame the parents, blame religion, blame the past, blame people like you and me, but let’s not dare blame the mindless idiots who are doing it, oh no we can’t do that because if we do all the conspiracy theories go out the fucking window. 
How about you say that they deserve the sentence’s they received for the crimes they committed, just to make it clear to 8 year old like me what side of the the fence you stand on, because I’m very confused, as to what you really mean and believe?

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52 minutes ago, Palfy said:

In my idealistic world I don’t condemn someone for his actions and take a zero tolerance stance, to then try and find excuses for what they have done as if to absolve them from blame, they enjoy what they do it’s as plain and simple as that, and they deserve to face the consequences of their actions. Even if you think they aren’t entirely responsible for their own actions, we could look for reasons as to why all day long to try and justify their actions blame migrants, blame immigration, blame the police, blame white supremacist, blame the government, blame the parents, blame religion, blame the past, blame people like you and me, but let’s not dare blame the mindless idiots who are doing it, oh no we can’t do that because if we do all the conspiracy theories go out the fucking window. 
How about you say that they deserve the sentence’s they received for the crimes they committed, just to make it clear to 8 year old like me what side of the the fence you stand on, because I’m very confused, as to what you really mean and believe?

Who's excusing what they have done? I don't believe at any stage over the past week I've done that.   Again totally misrepresenting what I have said.  Can you at least try and read and understand what I've written? Without an apparent over eagerness to score cheap points - it won't work on me. 
After all I do take time to read your one paragraph ramblings. 
Your inability to apply basic comprehension to what I've written on a very important topic is either intentional or ignorance. I suggest you improve it cos it's unacceptable on this particular topic. 

I have quite clearly stated that when there is civil unrest the dregs of society take a front row seat. They are the symptom of the situation not cause of the situation. I notice you never picked up on my metaphoric use of vomit and shite - I wonder why you never stated with great faux disgust "are you comparing rioters with vomit and shite haf".,,.. well actually on that occasion I was Palf. 

So you want me to say that despite me making it clear that I won't lose a seconds sleep over their sentences that they deserve them? - well I kind of already have haven't I and further added in that I hope this is the start of a zero tolerance justice system "for all" applied consistently and without disproportion.  Its called balance Palf... 

sorry if this comes across as patronising Palfy but I'm afraid your continuing insistence on either not reading or misrepresenting what I've said a complete and utter piss take,


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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

Who's excusing what they have done? I don't believe at any stage over the past week I've done that.   Again totally misrepresenting what I have said.  Can you at least try and read and understand what I've written? Without an apparent over eagerness to score cheap points - it won't work on me. 
After all I do take time to read your one paragraph ramblings. 
Your inability to apply basic comprehension to what I've written on a very important topic is either intentional or ignorance. I suggest you improve it cos it's unacceptable on this particular topic. 

I have quite clearly stated that when there is civil unrest the dregs of society take a front row seat. They are the symptom of the situation not cause of the situation. I notice you never picked up on my metaphoric use of vomit and shite - I wonder why you never stated with great faux disgust "are you comparing rioters with vomit and shite haf".,,.. well actually on that occasion I was Palf. 

So you want me to say that despite me making it clear that I won't lose a seconds sleep over their sentences that they deserve them? - well I kind of already have haven't I and further added in that I hope this is the start of a zero tolerance justice system "for all" applied consistently and without disproportion.  Its called balance Palf... 

sorry if this comes across as patronising Palfy but I'm afraid your continuing insistence on either not reading or misrepresenting what I've said a complete and utter piss take,


Don’t apologise Haf I’m not at all surprised or offended by your response to me or anyone else you’ve disagreed with on this forum, I think it’s fair to say must think you’re cock anyway 👍😂

Anyway less of the niceties, I’m pleased to hear you nearly said that they deserve the punishment they received for their actions with no mitigating reasons for them doing so to justify what they have done 👍 

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18 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Don’t apologise Haf I’m not at all surprised or offended by your response to me or anyone else you’ve disagreed with on this forum, I think it’s fair to say must think you’re cock anyway 👍😂

Anyway less of the niceties, I’m pleased to hear you nearly said that they deserve the punishment they received for their actions with no mitigating reasons for them doing so to justify what they have done 👍 

I suppose once you've tried to misrepresent everything I've said on a very sensitive topic and been called out for it - I  suppose all that's left to do is name call.

my whole stance on this topic has been to express an understanding as to how unintelligent human beings behave when things don't go the way they like.  It's not to condone - it's to understand that humans behave in certain ways in certain situations. 

Quite apt really - and no, I'm not comparing your words to bricks. But yes - people who do throw stones so wildly should expect to be somewhat embarrassed.  You'll get over it...

oops nearly forgot the passive aggressive emojis 🤣👍😀



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3 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

I suppose once you've tried to misrepresent everything I've said on a very sensitive topic and been called out for it - I  suppose all that's left to do is name call.

my whole stance on this topic has been to express an understanding as to how unintelligent human beings behave when things don't go the way they like.  It's not to condone - it's to understand that humans behave in certain ways in certain situations. 

Quite apt really - and no, I'm not comparing your words to bricks. But yes - people who do throw stones do wildly should expect to be somewhat embarrassed.  You'll get over it...

oops nearly forgot the passive aggressive emojis 🤣👍😀



I’m over it already but I appreciate your concern😂

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8 hours ago, patto said:

Whoever transports the immigrants around the country I presume it’s all done by immigration. 
just last week they dropped a bus load in Liverpool the hotels are absolutely full and have been for a couple of years. 
I’ve pointed out just 2 videos by all means have a look. 

No one is just transporting them around the country and dumping them in places. And if they are, so what? Is it stopping you booking a hotel in town? They are only staying in shit hole hotels anyway. 

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8 hours ago, patto said:

Matt your missing the point I don’t know who gives you your figures are you saying 90k are illegal ?

as far as I can see there is no illegals any more they step off the boats and are rubber stamped and bussed up north. 
they have no ID nobody knows who they are. 

This is some nonsense. 
People are in accommodation awaiting a decision whether they can stay or not. 
Nobody knows who they are? Why does anyone need to know who they are? There will be people who live in your area who don’t know who you are. Doesn’t mean you’re a problem. 

You’re either making up garbage because you don’t like foreigners coming into the city, or you’re reading some very questionable sources. 

What I will ask you is this. How has one single immigrant impacted your life? Just once. 

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17 minutes ago, patto said:

That bringing your family over by being a student needed to be stopped. 

Except they're stopping health care families joining, which after Brexit already stretched the limits of the NHS and social care systems past breaking point. If there were 10,000 nurses and carers just hanging around waiting I'd understand a bit but there's already no staff and now we're pushing away any potential candidates. It's shooting yourself in the foot then having even fewer possibilities to get seen to.

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19 minutes ago, patto said:

That bringing your family over by being a student needed to be stopped. 

Then we don’t have intellectual and high level students coming here and then contributing to our society, picking up high paid jobs here and adding to the tax system. Instead other countries will benefit.

So we can’t have the uneducated immigrants, and now we can’t have the educated ones. Great. Equal opportunity discrimination right here. 

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2 minutes ago, StevO said:

Then we don’t have intellectual and high level students coming here and then contributing to our society, picking up high paid jobs here and adding to the tax system. Instead other countries will benefit.

So we can’t have the uneducated immigrants, and now we can’t have the educated ones. Great. Equal opportunity discrimination right here. 

As far as I know nobody is stopping the uneducated coming and nobody is stopping the students coming it’s just a block on the families 

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43 minutes ago, StevO said:

No one is just transporting them around the country and dumping them in places. And if they are, so what? Is it stopping you booking a hotel in town? They are only staying in shit hole hotels anyway. 

Well that statement tell me you know fk all about where they stay. 

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2 minutes ago, patto said:

Well that statement tell me you know fk all about where they stay. 

Then enlighten me. Where are they staying? 
Are they stopping you getting a room in a hotel?

You also know they don’t have anything more than a room when they are in hotels? They don’t get to go and use the spa or have a buffet breakfast. They have microwaves, a kettle and ready meals. 

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5 minutes ago, patto said:

Well that statement tell me you know fk all about where they stay. 

Unless you've interviewed every legal and illegal immigrant about their skill sets and employment status, then you've absolutely no idea who is in whatever place they're staying in.

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

Unless you've interviewed every legal and illegal immigrant about their skill sets and employment status, then you've absolutely no idea who is in whatever place they're staying in.

What’s this about i never brought up educated and uneducated I think you need to look at someone else and I’ve not mentioned anything about work status is this the cabal again

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33 minutes ago, patto said:

What’s this about i never brought up educated and uneducated I think you need to look at someone else and I’ve not mentioned anything about work status is this the cabal again

I mentioned uneducated rioters if that's what you mean? 

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8 hours ago, StevO said:

Still not seen a list of all the fancy hotels in town the immigrants are staying in. 
So I’ll leave this one. 

I’ll give you 1 but there are more The Feathers Hotel on mount pleasant it’s been there for as long as I can remember the owner got an offer he just couldn’t refuse we are talking millions. 

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2 hours ago, patto said:

I’ll give you 1 but there are more The Feathers Hotel on mount pleasant it’s been there for as long as I can remember the owner got an offer he just couldn’t refuse we are talking millions. 

The owner of The Feathers? You mean Best Western Liverpool Inn? Im surprised Best Western we’re happy to share the information with you about what they are charging the government.

Any more hotels we know about? Must be killing tourism in the city if they are taking up all the nice ones.

I can offer one, Devonshire House. Wasn’t offered millions though, offered a flat rate for room only accommodation and use of a function room to use for dropping of food supplies every couple of days. Used this hotel to house Ukrainian refugees. 

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9 minutes ago, StevO said:

The owner of The Feathers? You mean Best Western Liverpool Inn? Im surprised Best Western we’re happy to share the information with you about what they are charging the government.

Any more hotels we know about? Must be killing tourism in the city if they are taking up all the nice ones.

I can offer one, Devonshire House. Wasn’t offered millions though, offered a flat rate for room only accommodation and use of a function room to use for dropping of food supplies every couple of days. Used this hotel to house Ukrainian refugees. 

I haven’t mentioned what they are charging 

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13 hours ago, patto said:

What’s this about i never brought up educated and uneducated I think you need to look at someone else and I’ve not mentioned anything about work status is this the cabal again

My point was you have no idea if the people in all these hotels are unskilled asylum seekers or doctors and nurses waiting for their applications to process or the families of students coming here to improve our workforce. For all we know 95% in these places are coming to contribute to the country and fill the massive gap in many industries created by Brexit and if some of those people feel more comfortable with their immediate family then what's the harm?

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52 minutes ago, patto said:

I haven’t mentioned what they are charging 

😂 you literally said “we are talking millions”

3 hours ago, patto said:

I’ll give you 1 but there are more The Feathers Hotel on mount pleasant it’s been there for as long as I can remember the owner got an offer he just couldn’t refuse we are talking millions. 


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15 minutes ago, Matt said:

My point was you have no idea if the people in all these hotels are unskilled asylum seekers or doctors and nurses waiting for their applications to process or the families of students coming here to improve our workforce. For all we know 95% in these places are coming to contribute to the country and fill the massive gap in many industries created by Brexit and if some of those people feel more comfortable with their immediate family then what's the harm?

It was stevo who brought education into it I never mentioned it or work status. 
there’s plenty of people unemployed both indigenous and migrants let’s get them to work and educate them they have to work for a living. 
we give benefits out too easily and I’m not talking about the sick benefits 

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